Catalysis Database

Green Hydrogen: Path to Decarbonization, New Delhi: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

Ajay, Shankar and Meenu, Saini and Chitranjali, Tiwari (2024) Green Hydrogen: Path to Decarbonization, New Delhi: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). Technical Report. The Energy and Resources Institute.

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This paper, “Green Hydrogen- Path to decarbonization”, lays out policy measures to enable greater integration of green hydrogen into industry. There are specific recommendations for achieving success in hard to abate sectors at least costs. The policies it outlines target needs within specific sectors, ensuring India’s pathway to net zero is both achievable and cost-effective. To achieve this vision, it is essential to prioritize policies that support green hydrogen development across key sectors. This paper emphasizes that by acting decisively now, we can facilitate the transition of Indian industry towards carbon free green manufacturing. TERI is committed to working closely with policymakers, industry leaders, and researchers to make this vision a reality. Let us join hands to build a sustainable, prosperous future for India—one powered by green hydrogen to take the hard to abate sectors to net zero.

Item Type:Monograph (Technical Report)
Subjects:Energy Science
Energy Science
ID Code:4263
Deposited By: Prof Viswanathan B
Deposited On:21 Nov 2024 17:51
Last Modified:21 Nov 2024 17:51

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