Items where Subject is "Energy Science"
Number of items at this level: 99. Timothy J. Wallington, Timothy J. Wallington and Maxwell Woody,, Maxwell Woody, and Geoffrey M. Lewis, Geoffrey M. Lewis and Gregory A. Keoleian,, Gregory A. Keoleian,1, and Eytan J. Adler,, Eytan J. Adler, and Joaquim R.R.A. Martins,, Joaquim R.R.A. Martins, and Matthew D. Collette, Matthew D. Collette (2025) Green hydrogen pathways, energy efficiencies, and intensities for ground, air, and marine transportation. Joule . Hariprasad, Narayanan (2025) Decarbonizing Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis for a Sustainable Energy Transition. NCCR Internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2025) PEROVSKITE BASED SOLAR CELLS- AN INTRODUCTION. NCCR INTERNAL bULLETIN . (Unpublished) Caitlin, Swalec and Eileen, Torres (2025) A matter of transparency 2024 insights on the steel industry’s evolving commitments to reach Net Zero by 2050. Technical Report. Gregor, Clark and Caitlin, Swalec (2025) Forging a sustainable future: Brazil’s opportunity to lead in steel decarbonization. Technical Report. Global Energy Monitor. applications committee, applications committee and Applications Committee, Applications Committee (2025) MYTH: HYDROGEN FUEL IS THE FUTURE. MYTHBUSTERS . Di Zhou, Di Zhou and Tiantian Zhou, Tiantian Zhou and Tiantian Zhou, Tiantian Zhou and Yafang Tu, Yafang Tu (2025) Perovskite-Based Solar Cells: Materials, Methods,and Future Perspectives. Hournal of Nano materials . T. Ntulia, T. Ntulia and Machogo-Phao, Machogo-Phao and M. Xabaa, M. Xabaa and N. Miyaa, N. Miyaa and B. Ntsendwanaa, B. Ntsendwanaa and M.J. Mochaneb, M.J. Mochaneb and T. Mokhenaa, T. Mokhenaa and T.A. Nhlapo, T.A. Nhlapo and T.P. Mokoenad, T.P. Mokoenad (2025) Materials and synthesis of eco-friendly carbon dots for sustainable solutions. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, Volume 108 ISSN 0166-526X, Copyright © 2025 Elsevier B.V. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies . Rajaei K. Sharma, Rajaei K. Sharma and Harriet L. Ogle, Harriet L. Ogle (2025) Twelve tips for students who wish to write and publish. MEDICAL TEACHER 2022, VOL. 44, NO. 4, 360–365 . Margaret Cargill, Margaret Cargill and Patrick O’Connor, Patrick O’Connor (2025) Writing Scientific Research Articles Strategy and Steps. Wiley Blackwell. Essam Eldin, Metwally Ahmed (2025) Gas Chromatography (GC)Fundamentals, Application, Troubleshooting,Method Development & Validation. chwnuar. Matthias Filez, Matthias Filez and Valentijn De Coster, Valentijn De Coster and Hilde Poelman, Hilde Poelman and Valerie Briois4, Valerie Briois4 and Anthony Beauvois, Anthony Beauvois and Jolien Dendooven, Jolien Dendooven and Maarten B. J. Roeffaers, Maarten B. J. Roeffaers and Vladimir Galvita, Vladimir Galvita and Christophe Detavernier, Christophe Detavernier (2025) Selectively monitoring the operando temperature of active metal nanoparticles during catalytic reactions by X-ray absorption nanothermometry. nature catalysis . ANIL SINGH RAJPUROHIT, ANIL SINGH RAJPUROHIT (2025) CATALYTIC HYDROGENATION OF BIO-MASS DERIVED INITIAL PLATFORM CHEMICALS. NCCR Internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) Gemma C. Solomon, Gemma C. Solomon and Jin Zhong Zhang, Jin Zhong Zhang and Tanja Cuk, Tanja Cuk (2025) An Open Letter to Aspiring Authors. ACS Phys. Chem Au 2022, 2, 68−69 . Various authors, Various authors (2025) Hydrogen Report. North East Chamber of Commerce. B, Viswanathan (2025) The prospects of hydrogen as the fuel source. NCCR Internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) Hariprasad, Narayanan and Balasubramanian, Viswanathan (2025) The Physics of Energy Consumption in Cars: Braking vs. Air Resistance. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2025) THE PROSPECTS OF HYDROGEN AS FUEL SOURCE. NCCR Internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) Maher Al-baghdadi, Maher Al-baghdadi (2025) An Overview of Hydrogen as an Alternative Fuel. Encyclopedia . Daniel Cruz, Daniel Cruz and Sonia Żółtowska, Sonia Żółtowska and Oleksandr Savateev, Oleksandr Savateev and Markus Antonietti, Markus Antonietti and PaoloGiusto, PaoloGiusto (2025) Carbon nitride caught in the act of artificial photosynthesis. Nature communications . Lei Guo,, Lei Guo, and Jinchi Tan,, Jinchi Tan, and Junyue Ren, Junyue Ren and Zhancheng Guoa, Zhancheng Guoa (2025) Methane catalytic cracking by solid materials and molten media for hydrogen production: A review. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 16, 022701 (2024); . Thomas C. Erren, Thomas C. Erren and Paul Cullen, Paul Cullen and Michael Erren, Michael Erren and Philip E. Bourne, Philip E. Bourne (2025) Ten Simple Rules for Doing Your Best Research, According to Hamming. PLoS Computational Biology | . R, Prins (2025) Hydrogen Spillover. Facts and Fiction. chemical Society Reviews . Hariprasad, Narayanan (2025) Wavelength-Tailored Photon-Assisted Catalysis: Optimizing Interfacial Dynamics for Solar Fuel Production. In: Postdoctoral Proposal Discussion with Professor Kazunari Dōmen, University Professor, The University of Tokyo. (Unpublished) Sanjeev Gupta, Sanjeev Gupta and Katherine Armstrong, Katherine Armstrong and Emma Richards, Emma Richards and Andrea folli, Andrea folli and Miki Hasegawa, Miki Hasegawa and Shinya Hayami,d,e Haresh Manyar, Shinya Hayami,d,e Haresh Manyar and P, Selvam (2025) Defect-Induced Blue and Black TiO2: Inspiring Next Generation Photocatalysts for Solar Hydrogen Production. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) B., Viswanathan (2025) Perovskites an Unique class of Materials New version. Manual. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) I V, Fernandez (2025) Critically Reviewing literature. Australian Marketing Journal . Friedrich Mendler, Friedrich Mendler and Christopher Voglstatter, Christopher Voglsiatter and Nikolas Müller, Nikolas Müller and Tom Smolinka, Tom Smolinka and Marius Holst, Marius Holst and Christopher Hebling, Christopher Hebling and Barbara Koch, Barbara Koch (2025) A newly developed spatially resolved modelling framework for hydrogen valleys: Methodology and functionality. Advances in Applied Energy . Royal, Society (2025) Sustainable synthetic carbon based fuels for transport: Policy Briefing. Technical Report. Royal Society. Nuria Sánchez-Bastardo, Nuria Sánchez-Bastardo and Robert Schlögl, Robert Schlögl and Holger Ruland, Holger Ruland (2025) Methane Pyrolysis for Zero-Emission Hydrogen Production: A Potential Bridge Technology from Fossil Fuels to a Renewable and Sustainable Hydrogen Economy. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 11855−11881 . W, He and W, Xu and Z, Li and Z, Hu and J, Yung and G, Qin and W, Teng and T, Zhang and W, Zhang and Z, Sun and X, Yu (2025) Structural Design and changes of micron-scale silicon -based Li ion Batteries. Advanced Science News . Heather O. LeClerc, Heather O. LeClerc and and others, and others (2025) The CO2 Tree: The Potential for Carbon Dioxide Utilization Pathways. ACS sustainable chemistry Engineering . unknown, unknown (2025) A guide to fitness for senior citizens. Ministry of family and Health care Governement of India. Binhan Sun, Binhan Sun and Huan Zhao, Zhao and X, Dong and C, Teng and A, Zhang and S, Kong and J, Zhou and X -C, Zhang and S, Tung Tu (2025) Current challenges in the utilization of hydrogen energy-a focused review on the issue of hydrogen-induced damage and embrittlement. Advances in Applied Energy . unjnown, unknown (2025) Global Hydrogen Review 2024(New). INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY. Meiling Yue, Meiling Yue and Hugo Lambert, Hugo Lambert and Elodie Pahon, Elodie Pahon and Robin Roche, Robin Roche and Samir Jemei, Samir Jemei and Daniel Hissel, Daniel Hissel (2025) Hydrogen energy systems: A critical review of technologies, applications, trends and challenges. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews . unknown, unknown (2025) Artificial Intelligence in chemistry Current land scape and future opportunities. American Chemical Society . Kevin Sivula, Kevin Sivula (2025) Do You Really Mean to Call It Highly Efficient? ACS Energy Letters 2023 8 (5), 2385-2386 DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.3c00772 . b, Viswanathan (2025) MONOGRAPH ON OPTIONS FOR SOLID STATE HYDROGEN STORAGE. Working Paper. NCCR Internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) Jan Emblemsvåg, Jan Emblemsvåg (2025) A Study on the Limitations of Green Alternative Fuels in Global Shipping in the Foreseeable Future. first_pagesettingsOrder Article Reprints Open AccessArticle A Study on the Limitations of Green Alternative Fuels in Global Shipping in the Foreseeable Future by Jan EmblemsvågORCID Department of Ocean Operations and Civil Engineering, Norwegian Universit . Hugh, Barlow and Shahrzad, S. M. Shahi and David, T. Kearns (2025) Advancements in CCS Technologies and Costs. Technical Report. Global CCS Institute. Julien, Armijo (2025) Decarbonizing steel production. Is hydrogen the only lever? Technical Report. Zenon Research / The Climate Tech Observatory. B, Viswanathan (2024) Hydrogen storage book in preparation. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) Jennifer X. Wen a, Jennifer X. Wen a and Ethan S. Hech, Ethan S. Hech and Rémy Mével, Rémy Mével (2024) Recent advances in combustion science related to hydrogen safety. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science . Danny, Verboekend (2024) Design of mesoporous USY zeolites for superior hydrocracking performance. In: xeolites. B, Viswanathan (2024) Petroleum Technology. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Honey Mary Joseph,, Honey Mary Joseph, and Hariprasad Narayanan, Hariprasad Narayanan and S. Sugunan, S. Sugunan (2024) HP-CNT/TiO2 binary Nanohybrids as Highly Efficient, Selective and Sustainable Photocatalysts for Organic Transformations under Visible Light Irradiation. Diamond & Related Materials . (In Press) Donald G. Truhlar, Donald G. Truhlar (2024) Potential Energy Surfaces and Dynamics Calculations. Springer Science+ Business Media, LLC. Moriarty, Kristi and Robert, McCormick (2024) Sustainable Aviation Fuel Blending and Logistics. Technical Report. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO. Yuanyuan, Zhou and Xianbaio, Fu and Ib Chorkendorff, Ib Chorkendorff and Jens K. Nørskov*, Jens K. Nørskov* (2024) Electrochemical Ammonia Synthesis: The Energy Efficiency Challenge. ACS Energy Letters . Katherine E. Hurst, Katherine E. Hurst and Martin Springe, Martin Springe and Hope Wikoff, Hope Wikoff and Karlynn Cory, Karlynn Cory and David Garfield, David Garfield and Mark Ruth, Mark Ruth and Samantha Bench Reese, Samantha Bench Reese (2024) Industrial Energy Storage Review. NREL . Heather O. LeClerc, Heather O. LeClerc and Jeffrey R. Page, Jeffrey R. Page and Geoffrey A. Tompsett,, Geoffrey A. Tompsett, and Sydney F. Niles,, Sydney F. Niles, and Amy M. McKenna,, Amy M. McKenna, and Julia A. Valla, Julia A. Valla and Micheal T Timko, Timko and Andrew R. Teixeira, Andrew R. Teixeira (2024) The CO2 Tree: The Potential for Carbon Dioxide Utilization Pathways. ACS sustainanble Chemistry Engineering; ACS sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Perspective . Jason Amiri, Jason Amiri (2024) 16 types of hydrogen storage. . Ruven Fleming, Ruven Flemming (2024) the Cambridge handbook on Hydrogen and the Law. Cambridge. Xinfeng Li, Xinfeng Li and Jin Zhang, Jin Zhang and Yan Cui, Yan Cui and Milos B. Djukic, Milos B. Djukic and Hui Feng, Hui Feng and Yanfei Wang, Yanfei Wang (2024) Review of the hydrogen embrittlement and interactions between hydrogen and microstructural interfaces in metallic alloys: Grain boundary, twin boundary, and nano-precipitate. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy . unknown, unknown (2024) HYDROGEN SHOT: Water Electrolysis Technology Assessment. Technical Report. energy earth shots. The Net-Zero Industries Mission team, The Net-Zero Industries Mission team (2024) Net-Zero Industries Mission © T h y s s e n Kru p p Ste el A G Country Insight Report. Technical Report. The Net-Zero Industries Mission. unknown, unknown (2024) 24/7 CarbonFree Energy Procurement in APAC: Pathways for compamies and countries. Bloomberg NEF . unknown, unknown (2024) Advancing Hydrogen Technologies. Hydrogen Europe Research . unknown, unknown (2024) CLEAN HYDROGEN: DEMAND-SIDE SUPPORT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS. Center for climatic and energy solutions . Michael Gunawan, Michael Gunawan and and others, and others (2024) Ferroelectric materials as photoelectrocatalysts: Photoelectrode design rationale and strategies -. Journal of Materials Chemistry A . B, Viswanathan (2024) Photoelectrochemical cells (to be compliled). In: National Centre for Catalysis Research. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) Benedict S. Probst, Benedict S. Probst and and others, and others (2024) Systematic assessment of the achieved emission reductions of carbon crediting projects. Nature comm8unications . Henna, Khadeeja and Caitlin, Swalec (2024) Why India’s ‘build now, decarbonize later’ approach to achieving a net-zero steel industry will fail. Technical Report. Global Energy Monitor. Braj, N Singh and Tripti, Ratn and Prakash, Jha (2024) INDIA’S GREEN HYDROGEN REVOLUTION - An Ambitious Approach. Technical Report. Ministry of New & Renewable Energy. Global, CCS Institute (2024) The 2024 Global Status of CCS. Technical Report. Global CCS Institute. International Renewable, Energy Agency (2024) A Quality Infrastructure Roadmap for Green Hydrogen. Technical Report. International Renewable Energy Agency. International, Energy Agency (2024) Global Hydrogen Review 2024. Technical Report. International Energy Agency. International, Energy Agency (2024) Renewables 2024 Analysis and forecasts to 2030. Technical Report. International Energy Agency. Fatih, Birol (2024) World Energy Outlook 2024. Technical Report. International Energy Agency. Balasubramanian, Viswanathan and Mangalathu Veetil, Harindranathan Nair and Hariprasad, Narayanan (2024) Correlating Surface Area, Surface Chemistry and Light Absorption in Carbon Nitrides: Development of New Metrics for Comprehensive Characterization. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) MNRE, CEEW. (2024) Green Hydrogen Standards and Approval Systems in India Streamlining the Green Hydrogen Ecosystem for Accelerated Implementation of National Green Hydrogen Mission. Documentation. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.. Ajay, Shankar and Meenu, Saini and Chitranjali, Tiwari (2024) Green Hydrogen: Path to Decarbonization, New Delhi: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). Technical Report. The Energy and Resources Institute. Jan Emblemsvåg, Jan Emblemsvåg (2024) Wind power with permanent magnets is not sustainable withtoday’s modus operandi but a number of changes can improvethis situation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE ENERGY2025, VOL. 44, NO. 1, 2452847 . Hariprasad, Narayanan (2024) CARBON DIOXIDE ACTIVATION AND SUBSEQUENT REDUCTION TO VALUE-ADDED CHEMICALS AND FUELS ON GRAPHITIC CARBON NITRIDE SURFACES. PhD thesis, Cochin University of Science and Technology. Katherine F. Turnbull, Rapporteur (2024) Global Pathways to Net-Zero: Behavioral, Social, and Technological Research and Innovation Strategies for Transportation Decarbonization. Summary of the Seventh EU-U.S. Transportation Research Symposium. Technical Report. The National Academies Press. Bruce, Yound (2024) Green Hydrogen and Industrial Policy. In:, University of the Witwatersrand. (Unpublished) Lifeng, Du and Yanmei, Yang and Luli, Zhou and Min, Liu (2024) Greenhouse Gas Reduction Potential and Economics of Green Hydrogen via Water Electrolysis: A Systematic Review of Value-Chain-Wide Decarbonization. Sustainability, 16 (11). p. 4602. Andrei, Stefancu (2024) Impact of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy in Catalysis. ACS Nano, 18 (43). pp. 29337-29379. Ahmed, I. Osman and Mahmoud, Nasr (2024) Life cycle assessment of hydrogen production, storage, and utilization toward sustainability. WIREs Energy and Environment, 13 (3). pp. 1-35. Hydrogen, Coalition (2024) Total Efficiency of liquid hydrogen. [Image] Kodo, Takahashi (2023) The Potential of Turquoise Hydrogen. Mizuho Short Industry Focus, 219 . Ilissa, B. Ocko and Steven, P. Hamburg (2022) Climate consequences of hydrogen emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22 (14). pp. 9349-9368. Mark, Barrett and Tiziano, Gallo Cassarino (2021) Heating with steam methane reformed hydrogen – a survey of the emissions, security and cost implications of heating with hydrogen produced from natural gas. Technical Report. Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions. Oxford, UK.. Kowtham, Raj and Pranav, Lakhina and Clay, Stranger (2020) Harnessing GREEN HYDROGEN OPPORTUNITIES FOR DEEP DECARBONISATION IN INDIA. Technical Report. NITI Aayog. Geoffrey, Supran and Naomi, Oreskes (2020) Assessing ExxonMobil's climate change communications (1977–2014). Environ. Res. Lett., 15 . p. 119401. ISSN 15 Iain, Staffell and Daniel, Scamman and Anthony, Velazquez Abad and Paul, Balcombe and Paul, E. Dodds and Paul, Ekins and Nilay, Shah and Kate, R. Ward (2019) The role of hydrogen and fuel cells in the global energy system. Energy Environ. Sci., 12 . pp. 463-491. Christos, M. Kalamaras and Angelos, M. Efstathiou (2013) Hydrogen Production Technologies: Current State and Future Developments. M. Efstathiou, 2013 . Balasubramanian, Viswanathan and Aulice, Scibioh (2013) Photoelectrochemistry : Principles and Practices. Alpha Science. Robert, Perret (2011) Solar Thermochemical Hydrogen Production Research (STCH): Thermochemical Cycle Selection and Investment Priority. Technical Report. U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. Brian, D. James and George, N. Baum and Julie, Perez and Kevin, N. Baum (2009) Technoeconomic Analysis of Photoelectrochemical (PEC) Hydrogen Production. Technical Report. Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. David JC, MacKay (2008) Sustainable Energy — without the hot air. UTI Cambridge Ltd., United Kingdom. ISBN 978-0-9544529-3-3 Ulf, Bossel (2006) Does a Hydrogen Economy Make Sense? Proceedings of the IEEE, 94 (10). Ulf, Bossel and Baldur, Eliasson and Gordon, Taylor (2004) THE FUTURE OF THE HYDROGEN ECONOMY: BRIGHT OR BLEAK? Joumal n(KONES Internal Combustion Engines, 11 (1-2). pp. 87-111. George, W. Crabtree and Mildred, S. Dresselhaus and Michelle, V. Buchanan (2004) The Hydrogen Economy. Physics Today, 57 (12). pp. 39-44. M.V.C., Sastri (1989) India's hydrogen energy program—A status report. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 14 (8). pp. 507-513. R.P., DAHIYA (1987) Progress in Hydrogen Energy_ Proceedings of the National Workshop on Hydrogen Energy on Hydrogen Energy, New Delhi, July 4-6, 1985. Technical Report. D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY. M V C, Sastri and T., Ohta (1979) Hydrogen energy research programs in Japan. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 4 . pp. 489-498. Global, CCS Institute State of the Art: CCS Technologies 2024. Technical Report. Global CCS Institute. |