Items where Year is 2022
Number of items: 107. Various, Various authors (2022) 7 books on Pt group metals. various publishers. Sapna, Yadav and Kirthi, Shakya and Aarushi, Gupta and Divya, Singh and Anjana R, Chandran and Anjali Varayil, Annapalli and Kanika, Goyal and Nutan, Rani and Kalawati, Saini (2022) A review on degradation of organic dyes by using metal oxide semiconductors. Environmental Science and Pollution Research . B, Viswanathan (2022) Active Materials for Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide. John Wiley and Sons. R, Schlogl (2022) Ammonia Synthesis a chapter 2.1. Max Planck gesellschaft . R. M., Mironenkoa and A. V., Lavrenov (2022) An Essay on the History of Catalytic Hydrogenation of Organic Compounds. From P. Sabatier and V. N. Ipatieff to the Present Days. Catalysis in Industry, 14 . pp. 131-144. Anjana, Sa and Aditya Choudhury,, Choudhury (2022) Analysis of various components in DSSC. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) S C, Bhatia (2022) Asvanced renewables energy systems. Woodhead Publishing India. Prof. Guido, Busca (2022) CATALYSTS AND ADSORBENTS. Elsevier. unknown, unknown (2022) CV of professor Dr Weckhuysen. unknown. B, Viswanathan (2022) Carbon dioxide reduction article in the making. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) A, Arjunan and M, Manikandan and B, Viswanathan and P, Sankeetha (2022) Ceria based mixed oxides. NCCTR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) Harold H, Schobert (2022) Chemistry of fission fuels and biofuels. Cambridge university press. Ilissa, B. Ocko and Steven, P. Hamburg (2022) Climate consequences of hydrogen emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22 (14). pp. 9349-9368. Shibin, Liu (2022) Conceptural Density Functional Thoery. Wiley VCHv. A.A, Khassin and T.P., Minyukova (2022) Contemporary trends in methanol processing. catalysis in Industry, 14 . pp. 31-41. R.V, Brovko and M G, Sulman and N.V., Lakina and V.Yu., Doluda (2022) Conversion of methanol to olefins: State of art and prospects for development. Catalysis in industry, 44 . pp. 42-55. unknown, unknown (2022) Crystal structures. NCCR internal Bulletin . Wataru, Udea (2022) Crystalline metal oxide catalysts. Springer. HONGYU, Wu (2022) DENSITY FUNCTIONAL THEORY STUDY OF HYDROGEN STORAGE BY SPILLOVER ON GRAPHENE AND BORON NITRIDE SHEET: DOPING EFFECT AND THE KINETIC ISSUES. PhD thesis, Nanyang Technological University. unknown, unknown (2022) Desorption techiniques. [Teaching Resource] Mariyamuthu, Mariyaselvakumar and Tamilmani, Selvaraj and B, Viswanathan and S, Kannan (2022) Direct synthesis of dimethyl carbonate from methanol and carbon dioxide over nickel loaded ceria as improved catalysts. Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis . H C, Zhao (2022) Dye Sensitized Solar cells. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Sunita, Sharma and Bulgesh, Siwach and SK, Ghoshal and Devendkra, Mohan (2022) Dye sensitised solar cells from genesis to dripts. Renewable and sustaunableenergy rkeviews . Nazira Mukhanbetova, Nazira Mukhanbetova (2022) EXPERIMENTAL LABORATORY MANUAL by discipline GENERAL CHEMISTRY for students of technical specialties. Astana 2015. O D, Adeniyi, and others, others (2022) Electrical Power Generation from Direct Carbon Duel Fuel Using Biochar from Eucalyptus, Neem and Mast Leaves. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9, Issue 4, April-2018, 9 (4). pp. 406-411. Ernest, Pastor and Michael, Sachs and Shababa, Selim and James R, Durrant and Artem A., Bakulin and Aron, Walsh (2022) Electronic defects in metal oxide photocatalysts. Nature Reviews Materials . Daniel, Shoder (2022) Energy Futures. Springer. B, Viswanathan (2022) Energy and environment innovations and current status. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Rajagopalan, Thiruvengadathan and Poonam, Sundriyal and Somnath C, Roy and Shantanu, Bhattacharya (2022) FROM FUNDAMENTALS TO APPLICATIONS OF CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES: AN OVERVIEW. In: Carbon Nanostructures: Fundamentals to Applications [AIP Publishing (online), Melville, New York, 2021. [AIP Publishing (online), Melville, New York, 2021. Supramaniam, Srunivasan (2022) FUEL CELLS From Fundamentals to Applications. Springer. Hai-Yan, Su and Keju, Gun and Xiang-Kui, Gu and Sha-Sha, Wang and Jing, Zhu and Wei-Xue, Li and Chunghua, Sun and Federico, Calle-Vallejo (2022) Finding Key Factors for Efficient Water and Methanol Activation at Metals, Oxides, MXenes, and Metal/Oxide Interfaces. ACS Catalysis, 22 . p. 1237. R A, Sheldon and H, van Bekkum (2022) Fine chemicals through heterogeneous catalysis. Wiley VCH. Zhiling, Wang and Rijia, Lin and Yuning, Hua and Hexing, Li and Lianzhau, Wang (2022) Formation,detection and function of oxygen vacancyinmixed oxides for solar energy conversion. Advanced functional materials . T DINAdaylane, Dinadaylane and J, Leszczynski (2022) Fundamental Structural, Electronic, and Chemical Properties of Carbon Nanostructures: Graphene, Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes, and Their Derivatives. Handbook of computation chemistry . Shigeo, Nishmura (2022) HANDBOOK OF HETEROGENEOUS CATALYTIC HYDROGENATION FOR ORGANIC SYNTHESIS. John Wiley and Sons. OLAF DEUTSCHMANN, OLAF DEUTSCHMANN and HELMUT KN€OZINGER, HELMUT KN€OZINGER and KARL KOCHLOEFL, KARL KOCHLOEFL and THOMAS TUREK, THOMAS TUREK (2022) Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts. Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts . Takashi Takei, Takei and Others, others and Masatake, Haruta (2022) Heterogeneous Catalysis by Gold. In: Advances in catalysis volume 55. Elsevier Inc. Putla Sudarsanam, Sudarsanam and Yusuke Yamauchi, Yamauchi and Pankaj Bharali, Bharali (2022) Heterogeneous Nanocatalysis for Energy and Environmental Sustainability. WILEY. Bastian Timo Mei, aus Hagen (2022) Heterogeneous Photoelectrochemistry and Photocatalysis of TiO2-based Nanomaterials. Rohr Universitat Bochum. MOISES� ROMOLOS CESARIO, MOISES� ROMOLOS CESARIO and DANIEL ARAU´ JO DE MACEDO, DANIEL ARAU´ JO DE MACEDO (2022) Heterogeneous catalysis Materials and applications. Elsevier. OLAF, Deutschmann and HELMUT, Knozinger and KARL, Kochloefl and THOMAS, Turek (2022) Heterogeneous catalysis and solid catalysts. Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts . OLAF DEUTSCHMANN, Dwutschmann and HELMUT, KNOZINGER and KARL, KOCHLOEFL and THOMAS, TUREK (2022) Heterogeneous catalysis and solid catalysts. Wiley VCH. B, Viswanathan (2022) Hindusthan Platinum presentation. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2022) Homogeneous catalysis class ppt presentations. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2022) Hydrogen storage by carbon materials a chapter for the book. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) David, Jackson (2022) Hydrogenation. DE GRUYTER. B, Viswanathan (2022) I(ntermetallics an article on making. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2022) IR spectroscopy for M Tech class. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Jens Hagen, Hagen (2022) Industrial catalysis A practical approach. Wiley VCHv, erag GmbH and Co. B, Viswanathan (2022) Intermetallics a new generation catalysts. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) Anish, Das gupta and Robert M, Rioux (2022) Intermetallics in Catalysis.An exciting subsect of multimetallic c,atalysts. Catalysis Today . Haohao Wang, Wang and Ripon, Bhattacharjee and I-Ming, Hung and Langkai, Li and Renjie, Zeng (2022) Material characteristics and electrochemical performance of Sn-doped ZnO spherical-particle photoanode for dye-sensitized solar cells. Electrochimica Acta . Serhiy, Luzan (2022) Materials for Hydrogen Storage and Synthesis of New Materials by Hydrogenation. PhD thesis, Umea University. AMARAJOTHI DHAKSHINAMOORTHY, DHAKSHINAMOORTHY and ABDULLAH M, Asiri and HERMENEGILDO, Garcia (2022) Metal-organic frameworks as heterogeneous catalysts in liquid phase reactions: why are they so exceptional? - Chemistry Today - vol. 33(1) January/February 2015, 33 . (In Press) unknown, unknown (2022) Microscopy presentation for class work. [Teaching Resource] L,G, Pinaeva and A.S., Noskov (2022) Modern level of catalysts and technologies for the conversion of natural gas into syngas. Catalysis in industry, 14 . pp. 66-85. B, Viswanathan (2022) NCCR final report copy for reference. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) Zhaohui Wang, Wabg and Hongqi Sun, Sun (2022) Nanoscale in Photocatalysis. anomaterials, 7 . p. 86. G.S. SAWHNEY, G.S. SAWHNEY (2022) Non-Conventional Energy Resources. PHI Learning private Limited. unknown, unknown (2022) Part 1 Fundamental Aspects of Photocatalysis. NCCR internal Bulletin . Sebastien Royer, Sebastien Royer and Daniel Duprez, Daniel Duprez and Fabien Can, Fabien Can and Xavier Courtois, Xavier Courtois and Catherine Batiot-Dupeyrat, Catherine Batiot-Dupeyrat and Said Laassiri, Said Laassiri and Houshang Alamdari, Houshang Alamdari (2022) Perovskites as Substitutes of Noble Metals for Heterogeneous Catalysis: Dream or Reality. Chemical Reviews, 114 . pp. 10292-10368. Kieron Burke, Kieron Burke (2022) Perspective on density functional theory. J. Chem. Phys. 136, 150901 (2012 . R, Vinayagamurthi (2022) Ph D defense presentation of Dr Vinayagamurthy. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) C Alberti, Bignozzi (2022) Photocatalysis. Springer. B, Viswanathan (2022) Photocatalysis book of NCCR. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2022) Photocatalysis complete book 2022. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2022) Photocatalysis text in the making. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) ALIREZA BAZARGAN, ALIREZA BAZARGAN (2022) Photocatalytic Water and Wastewater Treatment. IWA publishing. A, Bazarkhan (2022) Photocatalytic water and waste water treatment. Open source. Matthias Thommes, Matthias Thommes (2022) Physical adsorption characterization of nanoporous solids. Chemie Ingineur technik . ��� � �� ����E, Richard Cohen and Tomislav, Cvitas and others, others (2022) Quantitiesm Units. and Symbols in Physical Chemistry. RSC Publishing. B, Viswanathan (2022) Raman spectroscopy for class. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) M M, Heravi and S, Sadjodi (2022) Recent developments in use of heteropolyacids, their salts and polyoxometalates in organic synthesis. Journal of Iranian Chemical Society, 6 (1). pp. 1-54. Wenbin Niu, Niu and Others, Others (2022) Review Applications of atomic layer deposition insolar cells. Nanotechnology, 15 . Pankaj Chowdhury, Pankaj Chowdhury (2022) SOLAR AND VISIBLE LIGHT DRIVEN PHOTOCATALYSIS FOR SACRIFICIAL HYDROGEN GENERATION AND WATER DETOXIFICATION WITH CHEMICALLY MODIFIED TiO2. PhD thesis, The University of Western Ontario. ANTHONY R, WEST (2022) SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. WILEY. B, Viswanathan (2022) SOLID STATE HYDROGEN STORAGE OPTIONS. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2022) SOLID STATE HYDROGEN STORAGE OPTIONS. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) D H, Everett and R . H., Otttewill (2022) SURFACE AREA DETERMINATION. BUTTERWORTHS. B, Viswanathan (2022) Solid State Hydrogen storage book in the making. Other. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) A R, West (2022) Solid state chemistry and its applications second edition. Wiley. O.S., Travkina and M.R., Agliullin and B.I., Kutepov (2022) State-of-the-Art in the Industrial Production and Use of Zeolite-Containing Adsorbents and Catalysts in Russia. Catalysis in industry, 14 . pp. 56-65. Evgenii V., Kondratenko, and Guido, Mul and Jonas, Baltrusaitis, and Gaston O., Larraz ´ abal ´ and Javier, Perez-Ram ´ ´ırez (2022) Status and perspectives of CO2 conversion into fuels and chemicals by catalytic, photocatalytic and electrocatalytic processes. Energy & Environmental Science . Juan M., Campelo and Diego, Luna and Rafael ,, Lurque and Jos M., Marinas and Antonio A, Romero (2022) Sustainable Preparation of Supported Metal Nanoparticles and Their Applications in Catalysis. Chemsuschem . pp. 18-45. T E, PEEL (2022) THE HAMMETT ACIDITY FUNCTION FOR SOME SUPERACID MEDIA. PhD thesis, McMaster university. Various authors, Various authors (2022) The 6th Research Symposium on Petrochemical and Materials Technology and The 21st PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymers. Cantre of Excellence on petroleum and Materials Technology. B, Viswanathan (2022) The Relevance of Photocatalysis for Energy Conversion and Storage. Chemical Industry Digest . Charlotte, Vogt and Bert M. Weckhuysen, Weckhuysen (2022) The concept of active site in heterogeneous catalysis. NATURe ReVIeWS | Chemistry . Linus, Pauling (2022) The nature of the chemical bond. Cornell University Press. Aamir Hassan Shah, Shab and Zisheng Zhang, Zhang and Zhihong Huang, Huang and , Sibo Wang, wang and Guangyan Zhong, Zhong and Chengzhang Wan, Wan and Anastassia N. Alexandrova, Anastassia N. Alexandrova and Yu Huang, Yu Huang and Xiangfeng Duan, Duan (2022) The role of alkali metal cations and platinum-surface hydroxyl in the alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction. nature catalysis . GEOFFREY A. OZIN, OZIN and MIREILLE F. GHOUSSOUB, Ghoussoub (2022) The story of CO2 Big ideas for a small molecule. ZEVO UTP. B, Viswanathan (2022) Thermal Methods booj in short form. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2022) Thermal methods. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Junchuan Sun,, Sun and Wei Sun,*, Sun and Lu Wang,*, Wang and Geoffrey A. Ozin, OZIN (2022) Uniting Heat and Light in Heterogeneous CO2 Photocatalysis: Optochemical Materials and Reactor Engineering. Accounts of Materials Research . Kailyn Y. Cohen,, Cohen and Rebecca Evan, Evans and Stephanie Dulovic,, Dulovic and Andrew B, Bocarsly (2022) Using Light and Electrons to Bend Carbon Dioxide: Developing and Understanding Catalysts for CO2 Conversion to Fuels and Feedstocks. Accounts of chemical Research, 55 . pp. 944-954. Andebet Gedamu, Andebet Gedamu and Tamirat,John Rick,, Tamirat,John Rick,a Amare Aregahegn Dubale,a We and Amare Aregahegn, Amare Aregahegn and Dubale,, Dubale, and Bing-Joe Hwang, Bing-Joe Hwang (2022) Using hematite for photoelectrochemical water splitting: a review of current progress and challenges. Nanoscale Horizons, 1 . p. 243. Harry, Robson (2022) Verified syntheses of zeolitic Materials. Elsevier. Marian, Chatenet and many others, Many others (2022) Water electrolysis: from textbook knowledge to the latest scientific strategies and industrial developments. Chemical Society Reviews . Many authors, Many. aurhors (2022) World Enrgy Model and three other documents. International Energy Agency. Michel, Guisnet and Jean-Pierre, Gilson (2022) Zeolites for cleaner technologies. Imperial college Press. unknown, unknown (2022) catalysis and catalysts. [Teaching Resource] John, Regalbuto (2022) catalyst preparation science and engineering. CRC Press. B, Viswanathan (2022) homogeneous catalysis class notes. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2022) lecture for Hindusthan Platinum. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2022) photocatalysis Book compilation. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2022) presentations for Hindusthan Platinum. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Many authors, Many. aurhors (2022) various books. many publishers. |