Catalysis Database

Items where Year is 2021

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Number of items: 134.

Gniewomir, Flis and Matthias, Deutsch (2021) 12 Insights on Hydrogen. Documentation. Agora Industry.

B, Viswanathan (2021) 15 years of SMSI. Proceedings of Indian National Academy .

Ralph Freund,[, freund et al (2021) 25 years of Reticular Chemistry. Angewandte Chemie International Edition . (In Press)

B, Viswanathan (2021) A humble request to all those who scan this website. NCCR internal Bulletin.

Preface, Preface (2021) A hundred years of Tafel�s Equation: 1905–2005. A hundred years of Tafel�s Equation: 1905–2005 .

B, Viswanathan (2021) A presentation on LEED. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

FRANK KRUMEICH, FRANK KRUMEICH (2021) A write up on TEM from web nothing original. [Teaching Resource]

Gennady i, Panov and Others, Others (2021) Active and super active oxygen on metals in comp Alison with metal oxides. Catalysis reviews science and engineering .

Vandana, Verma (2021) Active phase in catalysts for hydrodesulphurization. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

Vandana, Verma (2021) Active phases in catalyst for desuophurization PPT. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

Jayashree, Ethiraj (2021) Adsorption in Porous Materials. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

S C, Bhatia (2021) Advanced Renewable Energy Systems. Woodhead publishing India in Energy.

K, Aika et al (2021) Ammonia Catalysis and Manufacture A BOOK. Springer.

Prof. Dr. R. Schlögl, Prof. Dr. R. Schlögl (2021) Ammonia synthesis. AG FHI .

Ramanathan, Srinivasan and Fathima, Fasmin (2021) An Introduction to electrochemical Impedance spectroscopy. CRC Press.

B, Viswanathan (2021) An overview of thermo-chemical processes for hydrogen production. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

Ragul, Bagdi (2021) Application of XPS technique in studying the Chemical state of species, Surface composition, deactivation and reactivation of active surface. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) BNH model calculation for class work. [Teaching Resource]

A, Ariharan and M, Subbiah and M, sekar and A, Piriya and B, Viswanathan and S, Ramaprabhu (2021) Biomass derived hierarchically porous carbon inherentstructure as an effective metal free cathode for Li-O/airbattery. Electrochemical Science Advances .


G. Leofanti, Leofanti and G. Tozzola, Toxxola and M. Padovan, Padovan and G. Petrini, Petrini and S. Bordiga, Bordiga and A, Zecchina (2021) Catalyst characterization: characterization techniques. Catalysis Today 34 (1997) 307-327 Chapter 4 .

R, Vinayagamurthi and B., Viswanathan and K R, Krishnamurthi (2021) Catalytic Conversion of Alcohols into Value-Added Products. In: Catalysis for Clean Energy and Environmental. Springer.

Rahul Bagdi, Rahul Bagdi (2021) Cell designing for the study of catalyst surfaces using UV- Vis and IR spectroscopy. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) Chapter 1 of Photocatalysis book. In: Photocatalysis. NCCR, IITM, pp. 1-12. (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) Chapter 11 of the book on photocatalysis. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) Chapter 5 of the book on photocatalysis. In: Photocatalysis. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) Chapter 6 of the book on Photocatalysis. In: Photocatalysis. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) Chapter 7 of the book on photocatalysis. In: Photocatalysis. NCCR Internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

unknown, unknown (2021) Chapter 9 Battery. In: unknown. CRC Press LLB.

Changseok, Han and and others, and others (2021) Chapter Green Nanotechnology: Development of Nanomaterials for Environmental and Energy Applications. In: In Sustainable Nanotechnology and the Environment: Advances and Achievements; Shamim, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society:. ACS.

Adam Pockett, Adam Pockett (2021) Characterization of Perovskite Solar Cells. PhD thesis, University of Bath Department of Chemistry.

Kim, Jeffs (2021) Computer simulation of porous Materials. Royal Society of Chemistry.

Harsha, Vaswani and Jessica, Watkins (2021) Cyclic Voltammetry a tutorial. from web.

Karuppannan Rokesh, Rokesh and , Alagarsamy, Pandikumar and Kandasamy Jothiv, Jothivenkatachalam (2021) Dye Sensitized Solar Cell: A Summary. Documentation. Materials Science Forum Vol. 771 (2014.

helen, Cuiyun zhao (2021) Dye sensitized Solar cells. [Teaching Resource]


John, NEWMAN and Nitash, P.Balasara (2021) Electrochemical Systems. Wiley.

John, NEWMAN and Nitash P, Balsara (2021) Electrochemical Systems. wiley.

Shachi S. Gosavi, Gosavi (2021) Electron Transfer at Metal Surfaces. PhD thesis, California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California.

T, Wolkenstein (2021) Electronic Processes on semiconductor during chemisorption. Consultant Bureau.

JNTU, World (2021) Engineering Chemistry. JNTU World. (Unpublished)

JNTU, JNTU (2021) Engineering Chemistry First semester. JNTU World.

Vinayagamoorthi, R and Krishnamurthi, K R and Viswanathan, B and Shanthi, K (2021) Ethanol condensation to butanol and higher alcohols over nickel and cobalt decorated Ce-Al mixed oxide catalysts 1. Indian Journal of Chemistry Section A .

R, Vinayagamurthi and K R, Krishnamurthy and B, Viswanathan and K, Shanthi (2021) Ethanol condensation to butanol and higher alcohols over nickel and cobalt decorated CeO2-Al2O3 mixed oxide catalysts. Indian Journal of Chemistry section A, 60A . pp. 386-396.

Peng Baia,, Bala and Ubong Jerome, Jerome Etima and Zifeng Yana,, yana and Svetlana Mintova,, Mintova and Z, Zhang and Z, Zhong and X, Gao (2021) Fluid catalytic cracking technology: current status and recent discoveries on catalyst contamination. Catalysis Reviews, 21 . pp. 333-405.

William J. Nuttall, Nuttall and Adetokunboh T. Bakenne, Bakenne (2021) Fossil Fuel Hydrogen. Springer.

Gemma de la Flor,, Gemma de la Flor, and Mois I. Aroyo,, Mois I. Aroyo, and Ilaria Gimondi,, Ilaria Gimondi, and anna C. Ward,, anna C. Ward, and Kochi, Momma and Robert M. Hanson, Robert M. Hanson and Leopoldo Suescun, Leopoldo Suescun (2021) Free tools for crystallographic symmetry handling and visualization. Journal of Applied Crystallography .

Slobodan, Perovic (2021) From Data to Quanta. The university of Chicago Press.

B, Viswanathan (2021) Fuel cell technology. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Jens K, Norskov and Felix, Studt and Frank, Abild-Pedersen and Thomas, Bhigaard (2021) Fundamental concepts in Heterogeneous Catalysis. Wiley.

Cary T, Chou (2021) Fundamentals of Adsorption Theory. In: Partition and adsorption of organic contaminants in environmental systems. John Wiley and Sons.

Aldo, V Da Rosa, ed. (2021) Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes. Elsevier.

B, Viswanathan (2021) HMC ! [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) HMC 2. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) HMC chapters 3,4 and 5. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Mark, Barrett and Tiziano, Gallo Cassarino (2021) Heating with steam methane reformed hydrogen – a survey of the emissions, security and cost implications of heating with hydrogen produced from natural gas. Technical Report. Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions. Oxford, UK..

Jennifer, Strunk (2021) Heterogeneous Photocatalysis book. Wiley VCH.

B, Viswanathan (2021) Heterogeneous catalysis presentation for the on line class. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Piet W.N.M., Leeuwen (2021) Homogeneous Catalysis. Kluwer Scientific Publishers.

B, Viswanathan (2021) Homogeneous catalysis lecture 1 for teaching in the year 2021. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Robert, W. Howarth and Mark, Z. Jacobson (2021) How green is blue hydrogen? Energy Science and Engineering, 9 . pp. 1676-1687.

Hiroyuki, Fujiwara (2021) Hybrid perovskites solar cells. Wiley VCH.

Hariprasad, Narayanan and B, Viswanathan and K R, Krishnamurthy and Harindranathan, Nair (2021) Hydrogen from photo-electrocatalytic water splitting new. In: Solar Hydrogen Production. Elsevier.


Safia, Mohtar and B, Ohtani and Others, Others (2021) Impact of doping and additives application on photocatalyst…….. Ca talysts .

Pascal Van Der Voort, Voort and Karen Leus, Leus and Els De Canck, Canck (2021) Introduction to Porous Materials. Wiley.

Pascal van der, Voort and Karen, Leus and Els De, Canck (2021) Introduction to Porous Materials. Wiley.

Omar M. Yaghi, Yaghi and Markus J., Kalmutzki and Christian S. Diercks, Diercks (2021) Introduction to Reticular Chemistry. Wiley VCH.

Peter, Harris (2021) Introduction to transmission electron microscopy. [Teaching Resource]

B, Viswanathan (2021) Ion scattering spectroscopy. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Jaana, Kanervo (2021) KINETIC ANALYSIS OF TEMPERATURE-PROGRAMMED REACTIONS. PhD thesis, Helsinki University of Technology.

Viswanathan, B (2021) Lecture 1 catalysis Development. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

tAPAS, Tapas Mahanand (2021) Magnetic Ordering effects as revealed from XPS. NCCR Internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

Stanley E., Manahan (2021) Manahan, Stanley E. "Frontmatter" Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC,2001. CRC Press LLC,2001.

B, Viswanathan (2021) Mesoporous solids presentation for class purpose. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Shuai, Zhao (2021) Metal Oxides as Electrocatalysts at Oxygen Electrodes in Electrochemical Systems. University of Connecticut.

B, Viswanathan (2021) Nanomaterials book first three chapters. In: Nanomaterials. Naraosa Publishing house.

Victoria, Porley (2021) Nanomaterials for photocatalytic water purification. [Teaching Resource]

V, Vishwanathan and B, Viswanathan (2021) Nanostructured Materials as Harbinger for Newer Innovation and Cleaner Technologies. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

Vitaly, Gurylev (2021) Nanostructuredphotocatalyst via defect engineering. Springer.

B, Viswanathan (2021) Nitrogen Incorporation in Carbon Matrix a new class of materials. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) On the selection Criteria of Semiconductors for Water Decomposition. In: Photocatalysis. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)


B, Viswanathan (2021) PROPERTIES OF PEROVSKites. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) Perovskites an introduction. In: PEROVSKITES AN INTRODUCTION. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) Photo-catalytic Reduction of Carbon dioxide to Value Added Chemicals in chemical Industry digest. chemical Industry Digest . pp. 40-45.

B, Viswanathan (2021) Photo-catalytic Reduction of Carbon dioxide to Value Added Chemicals. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) Photocatalysis - lecture notes for the class. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Jamal Abdul, Nasser and Otherso, Others (2021) Photocatalyst Z scheme. In. Water splitting. Advanced Materials .

Shubham, Das (2021) Physical adsorption forces. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

K S, HARISH KUMAR K S (2021) Physical adsorption forces M Tech assignment. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) Platinum based Anode Catalyst Systems for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell write up. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) Platinum based Anode Catalyst Systems for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells in a book to be published. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Paul, Breeze (2021) Power Generation Technology. Elsevier.

D, Briggs and M P, Seah (2021) Practical Surface Analysis. John Wiley and Sons.

B, Viswanathan (2021) Preparation Methods of Perovskites. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

R, Vinayagamoorthi (2021) RVGM synopsis. NCCT internal Bulletin. (Submitted)

C, Schlumberger and Others, Others (2021) Reliable surface area determination of powders……. Mesoporous and microporous materials .

unknown, unknown (2021) Religion of Nobel Prize Winners 1901-2000. unknown.

B, Viswanathan (2021) Role of Carbon Nanotubes in Energy Conversion and Storage. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) Ru based catalysts for ammonia synthesis. Chemical industry Digest .



Netula surgasankara, varaprasad (2021) SURFACE CONCENRATION AND SURFACE SEGREGATION EFFECTS IN CATALYSTS BY XPS. NCCR Internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

unknown, unknown (2021) SURFACE CONCENRATION AND SURFACE SEGREGATION EFFECTS IN CATALYSTS BY XPS M tech assignment. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Harish, Kumar (2021) Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Submitted)

M G, Prakash and R, Mahalakshmy and K R, Krishnamurthy and B, Viswanathan (2021) Selective hydrogenation of 1-heptyne on nickel based catalysts. Catalytica .

A, Saranya and G, Vivekanadan and K R, Krishnamurthy and B, Viswanathan (2021) Selective hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde using palladium based bimetallic catalysts Pd-M/TiO2 (M=Cu, Ag and Au). Indian Journal of chemistry, 60A . pp. 1296-1302.

R, Vinayagamoorthi (2021) Synthesis of higher carbon number alcohols from ethanol Ph D viva presentation. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

R, Vinayagamoorthi (2021) Synthesis of higher number of alcohols from ethanol. PhD thesis, Anna University.

Rajiv, Kumar (2021) Synthesis of porous solids. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Schoegl, Schoegl (2021) Temperature-programmed Methods in Catalysis Research Procedures and pitfalls of a very commonly used tool New. [Teaching Resource]

CH, Nagalakshmi (2021) The Oxidation states of metal ions as revealed by XPS. NCCR Internal bulletin . (Unpublished)

Nikhil, Kumar (2021) The identification of species responsible for catalysis different from input components. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) Thermal Methods an e-book by NCCR. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

K, Hasimoto and H, Irie and A, Fujishima (2021) TiO2 photocatalysis a historical overview and future prospects. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics .

REN Jian, Jian (2021) Understanding the structure–performance relationship of carbon-based photocatalysts by soft X-ray spectroscopy new. PhD thesis, Frie Universitat.

ndebet Gedamu, Tamirat and John, Rick and Amare Aregahegn, Dubale and Wei-nien, su and Bing-Joe, Hwang (2021) Using hematite for photoelectrochemical water splitting: a review of current progress and challenges. Nanoscale Horizons .

Michael, Haschke and Jory, Flock and Michael, Haller (2021) X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy for Laboratory Applications. Wiley VCH.

B, Viswanathan (2021) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy book chapter 7. In: Characterization techniques. Naraosa Publishing house.

unknown, unknown (2021) XPS slides for class work. [Teaching Resource]

Various authors, various authors (2021) books from web on catalysis. In: CATALYSIS: INTRODUCTION AND FUNDAMENTAL CATALYTIC PHENOMENA. From web nothing original.

B, Viswanathan (2021) chapter 10. In: Photocatalysis. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) chapter 2 and 3 of the book on photocatalysis. In: Photocatalysis. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) chapter 2 of the book on Photocatalysis. In: Photocatalysis. NCCR, IITM. (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) chapter 3 of the book on photocatalysis. In: Photocatalysis. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) chapter 4 of the book on photocatalysis. In: Photocatalysis. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) chapter 8 of the book on photocatalysis. In: Photocatalysis. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) chapter 9 of the book on photocatalysis. In: Photocatalysis. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

S, Bhaduri and M, Doble (2021) homogeneous catalysis. WILEY Interscience.

B, Viswanathan (2021) homogeneous catalysis HMC 5. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) metal surface area for class. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) photocatalysis lecture slides. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2021) the thermal analysis book part. In: Thermal Methods. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Sat Mar 8 22:58:08 2025 IST.