Catalysis Database

Items where Year is 2019

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Number of items: 113.

B, Viswanathan (2019) 13th annual day book release by Professor Dr K R Krishnamurthy. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

Aderemi T, adeleye and Hitler, Louis and Ozioma U, Akakuru and Innocent, Joseph and Obieze C, Enudi and Dass P, Michael (2019) A Review on the conversion of levulinic acid and its esters to various useful chemicals. AIMS Energy, 7(2): 165–185, 7(2) . pp. 165-185.

Canan, Acar (2019) A comprehensive evaluation of energy storage options for better sustainability. Int J Energy Res. 2018;42:3732–3746 .

V, Surya kumar (2019) A direct charger transfer from interface to surface for the highly efficient spatial separation of electrons and holes: The construction of Ti–C bonded interfaces in TiO2-C composite as a touchstone for photocatalytic water splitting. [Teaching Resource]

Craig J., Hawker (2019) A generosity of spirit. Nature Reviews .



P V, Kamat (2019) Absolute, Arbitrary, Relative, or Normalized Scale? How to Get the Scale Right. ACS Energy Letters, 4 . pp. 2005-2006.

B, Viswanathan (2019) Active Materials for Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2019) Active materials for photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide a book chapter. In: Photo-catalytic Functional Materials for Environmental Remediation. John Wiley and Sons, pp. 343-372.

S C, Bhatia (2019) Advanced Renewable energy Systems. Woodhead Publishing India Private Limited.

Pandian, Manjunathan and Ganapati V., Shanbhag (2019) Application of tin oxide-based materials in catalysis. In: Application of tin oxide-based 18 materials in catalysis. Elsevier, pp. 519-550.

Abderrazzak Douhal, Douhal and Masakazu, Anpo (2019) CHEMISTRY OF SILICA AND ZEOLITE-BASED MATERIALS new. Elsevier.

NARESH KUMAR, NARESH KUMAR (2019) CO2 Reduction by Semiconductor TiO2. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

unknown, unknown (2019) Can the Nobel committee screw up? NCCR internal bulletin .

Mariano M., Bruno and Federico A., Viva (2019) Carbon Materials for Fuel Cells. In: Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells: Materials, Performance Durability and Applications. Springer Science+Business.

B, Viswanathan and P, Sangeetha (2019) Catalysis by hydrotalcite materials. Indian Journal of Chemistry, 58A . pp. 733-752.

B, Viswanathan and P, Sangeetha (2019) Catalysis by hydrotalcites in preparation. NCCR Internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

Gadi, Rothenberg (2019) Catalysis concepts and green applications. Wiley VCH verlag.

B, Viswanathan (2019) Catalysisby Hydrotalcite mateirials. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2019) Chapter 1 of Perovskite book. In: Perovskites. NCCR. (Unpublished)

Oluw atosin J erry, Oginni (2019) Characteristics of Activated Carbons Produced from Herbaceous biomass feedstock. PhD thesis, Wesr virginia University.

Vasile-Dan, Hodoroaba and W E S, Unger and A G, Shard (2019) Characterization of nano-particles. Elsevier.

B, Viswanathan (2019) Cold fusion. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

M, Baerns (2019) Combinatorial Methods in Catalyst Development By High-Throughput Experimentation. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Morris D, Argyle, ed. (2019) Commemorative issue in honor of Professor Emeritus Calvin H Bartholomew in anticipation of his 75th Birth day. MPDI.

B, Viswanathan (2019) Comparison of CO2 Photoreduction Systems: A Review. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Shanti Maria, Liga (2019) Components-bandgap relationships in hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites. In: Components-bandgap relationships in hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites. Universitiet van amserdam.

B, Viswanathan (2019) Coupled semiconductor- where is the Fermi Levels or do they have different redox properties. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished)

Theo, A.M. Suter (2019) Crystalline Carbon Nitrides Characterisation, Intercalation and Exfoliation. PhD thesis, University College London.



Abhishek, Sharma (2019) DUAL FUNCTIONAL PHOTO CATALYSIS. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2019) Diffusion in porous solids. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Vivek, Rawat (2019) Direct Synthesis of Syn gas to DME(Dimethyl Ether). [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Ramesh chandra, Deka and Gaurangi, Maitra and Ranjit Kumar Dev, Goswami (2019) Dr. Radhikaram Dhekial Phookan: A Chemist from Assam. Indian Journal of History of Science, 54.1 (2019) 93-103 . pp. 93-103.

Matthias, M. May and Kira, Rehfeld (2019) ESD Ideas: Photoelectrochemical carbon removal as negative emission technology. Earth System Dynamics (ESD), 10 (1). pp. 1-7.

Richard G., Compton (2019) Electroanalysis in USSR. Imperial College Press.

B., Viswanathan (2019) Electrocatalytic Reduction of Dinitrogen to Ammonia under Ambient Conditions. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

M R, Anil Kumar (2019) Engineering Chemistry Notes For vtu students. East west institute of Technology. (Unpublished)

V, Surya kumar (2019) Enhancement of the ETS-10 Titanosilicate Activity in the Shape-Selective Photocatalytic Degradation of Large Aromatic Molecules by Controlled Defect Production. [Teaching Resource]

Divya, Unny (2019) Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Metal-free Organic Dyes for DSSC Applications. [Teaching Resource]

Harish, Kumar (2019) Forces of Physical adsorption. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2019) Fundamentals of Catalyst Preparation B. Viswanathan. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

C H, Bartholomew and R J, Farrauto (2019) Fundamentals of Industrial catalytic processes. Wiley interscience.

Sehaj Singh, Gulati (2019) Greener synthesis of silver nanoparticles using waste of onion (Allium cepa) and quercetin. A comparative study. Masters thesis, DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS JAYPEE UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY WAKNAGHAT (H.P.).

James Michael Blackman, Blackman (2019) High Pressure Hydrogen Storage on Carbon Materials for Mobile Applications. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.

Viswanathan, B (2019) Hybrid organic inorganic perovskite. In: Perovskites an Introduction. NCCR. (Unpublished)

Kikita, Sharma (2019) Hydroalkylation & Transalkylation Reaction. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

G, G. Sdanghi and G, G. Maranzana and A, A. Celzard and V, V. Fierro (2019) Hydrogen Adsorption on Nanotextured Carbon Materials. In: Hydrogen Storage Technologies. Scrivener Publishing LLC.

Hariprasad, Narayanan and B, Viswanathan and K R, Krishnamurthy and M V, Harindranathan Nair (2019) Hydrogen from photo-electrocatalytic water splitting. In: Solar hydrogen production. Elsevier, pp. 419-486.

Naresh, Kumar (2019) Hydrogenation of Benzonitrile over Supported Pd Catalysts: Kinetic�and Mechanistic Insight. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2019) Impedance spectroscopy. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

C. J. Gilmore,, Gilmore and J. A. Kaduk, Kaduk and H. Schenk, Schenk (2019) International Tables for Crystallography Volume H: Powder diffraction. International Tables for Crystallography Volume H: Powder diffraction, H .

Various authors, Various authors (2019) International Tables for Crystallography (2019). International table of crystallography .

KEITH SCOTT, SCOTT (2019) Introduction to Electrolysis, Electrolysers and Hydrogen Production. In: Electrochemical methods for hydrogen production. Royal scociety of Chemistry.

MAI, Bui and NIALL MAC, Dowell (2019) Introduction – Carbon Capture and Storage. In: Carbon Capture and Storage. Royal society of Chemistry.

Hussin Jose, Hejase (2019) Job Characteristic Model: An Overview. Al Maaref University.

Vikas Kumar, Chandravanshi (2019) Kinetic Study of Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2019) Li ion battery evolution. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2019) Materials Science May Be The Most Important Technology Of The Next Decade. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

M Aulice, Scibioh and B, Viswanathan (2019) Materials for Supercapacitor Applications. NCCR Internal Bulletin. (Submitted)

Muhammad Haris, Mahyuddin and Yoshihito, Shiota and Kazunari, Yoshizaw (2019) Methane selective oxidation to methanol by metal-exchanged zeolites: a review of active sites and their reactivity. Catalysis Science & Technology, 9 . p. 1744.

Abishek, Sharma (2019) Microwave assisted fast pyrolysis for fuels. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Merck, Merck (2019) Molecular Geometry VSEPR Chart. [Teaching Resource]

B, Viswanathan (2019) NCCR photo on the departure of Professor K R K. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2019) New catalytic materials for energy and chemistry in transition. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2019) Nitrogen Incorporation in Carbon Matrix. NCCR Internal publication . (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2019) Nitrogen incorporated carbon. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2019) Number of important books. Various publishers.

Michael, Ioelovich (2019) ON REACTIVITY OF CHEMICAL ELEMENTS. unknown .

Michael, Janus Bojdys (2019) On new allotropes and nanostructures of carbon nitrides. PhD thesis, University of Potsdam.

Claude, Gabrielli (2019) Once upon a time there was EIS Claude GABRIELLI. Electrochimica Acta . (In Press)

B, Viswanathan (2019) Perovskite book release by Professor K R Krishnamurthy. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan and V, Surya kumar and B, Venugopal and N, Hariprasad and S H, Roshna (2019) Perovskite materials an introduction. In: Perovskites an Introduction. NCCR Internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

Alagarsamy, Pandikumar and Kandasamy, Jothivenkatachalam (2019) Photo-catalytic Functional Materials for Environmental Remediation. John Wiley and Sons.

Keerthiga, G (2019) Photoelectrochemical water splitting Photoelectrochemical water splitting towards cell design and materials design. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

S, Kenmoe and E, Spohr (2019) Photooxidation of water on Pristine, S- and N-doped TiO2 (001) nanotube surfaces. [Teaching Resource]

Vladimir, Ryabchuk (2019) Photophysical processes related to photoadsorption and photocatalysis on wide band gap solids: A review. International Journal of Photoenergy, 6 (3). pp. 95-113.

B, Viswanathan (2019) Platinum based anode catalyst systems for Direct methanol fuel cells. the book is yet to be published . (Submitted)

D, Briggs and M P, Seah (2019) Practical surface analysis. John Wiley and sons.

B, Viswanathan (2019) Preparation methods for perovskites not yet completed. In: Perovskites an Introduction. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2019) Recent Developments in Energy Conversion. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Jennifer, Strunk (2019) Requirements for efficient metal oxide photocatalysts for CO2 reduction. In: Metal Oxides in Energy Technologies. A volume in Metal Oxides . Elsevier, Elsevier, pp. 275-301. ISBN 978-0-12-811167-3

Ying Sun,, Sun and Jian Lv,, Lv and Yu Xie,, Xie and Hanyu Liu,, Liu and Yanming, Ma (2019) Route to a Superconducting Phase above Room Temperature in Electron-Doped Hydride Compounds under High Pressure. [Teaching Resource]

B, Viswanathan (2019) SUPERCAPACITORS: PROSPECTS AND FUTURE DIRECTION. In: super capacitors. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

unknown, unknown (2019) Solar cell efficiency modern results. [Teaching Resource]

David L, Goodstein (2019) States of matter. Dover publications Inc, NY 1975.

Christopher J. Cramer, Cramer (2019) Statistical Molecular Thermodynamics. [Teaching Resource]

A, Saranya and G, Vivekanandan and K, Thirunaukkarasu and K R, krishnamurthy and B, Viswanathan (2019) Studies on palladium based bimetallic catalysts Pd-M/TiO2 (M = Cu, Ag & Au): I-Selective hydrogenation of 1-heptyne. Indian Journal of Chemistry section A . (In Press)

Bikash, Sharma (2019) Surface plasmon Resonance. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

unknown, unknown (2019) Temperature Programmed Desorption – a Typical Study. [Teaching Resource]

Vesna, Rakic and Ljiljana, Damjanovi´ (2019) Temperature-Programmed Desorption (TPD) Methods. [Teaching Resource]

Eric, Scerri (2019) The Periodic Table its story and its significance. Oxford University Press.

A, Ariharan (2019) The Ph D thesis of Dr A Ariharan. PhD thesis, Bharathidasan University.

Joseph Ben, David (2019) The Scientist's Role in Society, a Comparative Study. Foundations of modern sociology series . Prentice Hall; First Printing edition. ISBN 978-0137965403

Iain, Staffell and Daniel, Scamman and Anthony, Velazquez Abad and Paul, Balcombe and Paul, E. Dodds and Paul, Ekins and Nilay, Shah and Kate, R. Ward (2019) The role of hydrogen and fuel cells in the global energy system. Energy Environ. Sci., 12 . pp. 463-491.

B, Viswanathan (2019) The year 2019 and the Problems to face with. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

Balasubramanian, Viswanathan (2019) Theoretical Insights into Heterogeneous (Photo)electrochemical CO2 Reduction. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Howard DeVoe, DeVoe (2019) Thermodynamics and Chemistry. y Pearson Education, Inc.

Klaus Christmann, Klaus Christmann (2019) Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Adsorption. [Teaching Resource]

K R, Krishnamurthy (2019) This is a Saturday seminar abstract of a paper in the web. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2019) This is a presentation made on January 1, 2018. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

REN Jian, REN Jian (2019) Understanding the structure–performance relationship of carbon-based photocatalysts by soft X-ray spectroscopy. PhD thesis, Freien Universität Berlin.

unknown, unknown (2019) Uoltra violet photo-electron spectrosocpy. [Teaching Resource]

Anwar, SHAIK (2019) Why Muslims Destroy Hindu Temples? Hindu Writers Forum.

Various authors, Various authors (2019) Work function values. [Dataset]

Viswanathan, B and sangeetha, P (2019) catalysis by hydrotalcites. NCCR Internal Publication . (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan and P, Sangeetha (2019) catalysis by hydrotalcites a review. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2019) first chapter of the proposed monograph on perovskites. In: Perovskites an Introduction. NCCR. (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2019) perovskites properties. In: Perovskites an Introduction. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2019) thermal methods in catalysis. In: Thermal methods in catalysis. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

B, Venugopal (2019) this is a presentation in NCCR titled Direct conversion of methane to methanol by iron exchanged MFI Zeolite. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Tue Feb 18 18:29:49 2025 IST.