Items where Year is 2018
Number of items: 156. various authors, Various authors (2018) 100 years of physical chemistry. R S C. Catsymp23, catsymp23 (2018) 23rd National symposium on catalysis abstracts book. The catalysis society of India. various authors, various authors (2018) 2D nanomaterials: beyond graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides. [Teaching Resource] B, Viswanathan (2018) 6th chapter on supercapacitor. In: Supercapacitors. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) Hariprasad, Narayanan and K R, Krishnamurthy and Harindranathan, Nair and B, Viswanathan (2018) A Retrospective on Hydrogen from Photo-electrochemical Water Splitting. In: Solar Hydrogen Production. Elsevier. (Unpublished) Vera, Katic and Pãmyla L., dos Santos, and Joyce G. ,, Gabriel and Acacia, Adriana Salomão and Juliano Alves, Bonacin (2018) ASSEMBLY OF LOW-COST LAB-MADE PHOTOREACTOR FOR PREPARATION OF NANOMATERIALS. Quim. Nova, Vol. 41, No. 1, 105-109, 2018, 41 . pp. 105-109. K R, Krishnamurthy (2018) Acidity and Basicity lecture presentation. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) Active Materials for Photo-catalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide. In: Active materials for Environmental applications. Not yet known. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) Advances in Catalysis in Recent Times. Chemical Industry Digest . Vivek, Polshettiwar (2018) Advances in catalysis for energy and environment. Tata Institute of fundamental Research. Dr. Jayashree, Ethiraj (2018) Amino acid-based Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) for Gas Adsorption (CO2, SO2 and H2) and MOFs in Catalysis. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) S, Arrhenius (2018) Arrhenius1896_tcm18-On the Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air upon the Temperature of the Ground. Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science Series 5, Volume 41, April 1896, pages 237-276., 41 . pp. 237-276. K, SHIVARAJ KUMAR (2018) Auger electron spectroscopy. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) Band alignments and Charge Transfer Possibilities in Hetero-Junctions. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) Band alignments and charge transfer possibilities in hetero-Junctions a seminar presentation. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) Band bending teaching resource. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) M, Aulice Scibioh (2018) Biochemical Reduction of CO2. NCCR internal Bulletin . Preeti, Pandey (2018) CO2 hydrogenation to Methanol and other value added chemicals. NCCR Internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) CO2 to chemicals and fuels book chapter 1. In: CO2 to chemicals and fuels. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) Somwan, Chumphongphan (2018) CaNi5-Based Alloys and Nanoconfined NaAlH4 for Solid-State Hydrogen Storage. PhD thesis, Curtin University. B, Viswanathan (2018) Catalysis by nanomaterials class. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) Catalysis overview Presentation. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Eric, Rideal and H S, Taylor (2018) Catalysis theory and practice. Macmillan publishers. B, Viswanathan (2018) Catalysis today and tomorrow. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Xiao Zhou,, Zhou and Chen, Wang and Yangliang, Zhang and Wen, Fang and Yuzhi, Hou and Chen, Zhang and Xiaodong, Wang and Sining, Yun (2018) Cell Efficiency Table of DSSCs with Various Counter Electrode Electrocatalysts. [Teaching Resource] Perkin, Elmer (2018) Clarus 500/580 GC User's Guide - PerkinElmer. Perkin Elmer. K R, Krishnamurthy (2018) Class notes of the course experimental methods in catalysis. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) Class on 20th March 2018. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) IEA, IEA (2018) Coal information. [Teaching Resource] J., Ran and M., Jaroniec and S. -Z, Qiao (2018) Cocatalyst in Photon-Assisted Reduction of Carbon Dioxide. [Teaching Resource] B, Viswanathan (2018) Current status of carbon dioxide reduction. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Alessandro, Senocrate (2018) Defect chemistry of methylammonium lead iodide. PhD thesis, ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FÉDÉRALE DE LAUSANNE. Bo, Wen and Wen-Jin, Yin and Annbella, Selloni and Li-Min, Liu (2018) Defects, Adsorbates and Photoactivity of Rutile TiO2 (110): Insight by First-Principles Calculations. J Phys Chem Letters . (In Press) Bo,, Wen and Wen-Jin, Yin and Ambella, Selloni and Li-Min, Liu (2018) Defects, Adsorbates and Photoactivity of Rutile TiO2 (110): Insight by First-Principles Calculations. [Teaching Resource] Jayaram, Molleti (2018) Design and Synthesis of Safer Chemicals by Benign Green Routes. PhD thesis, ICT Mumbai. A H, Pinto (2018) Designing and Teaching a Course about Characterization Techniques for Solid State Materials in an Undergraduate Institution. Journal of chemical Education, 95 . pp. 1717-1723. BINGHAM, LAURA, Maria (2018) Development of nanoparticle catalysts and total internal re�ection (TIR) Raman spectroscopy for improved understanding of heterogeneous catalysis. PhD thesis, Durham University. Dong, Liu (2018) Effects of metal modification on titanium dioxide for photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. Artur, Braun (2018) Electrochemical Energy Systems Foundations, energy storage and conversion. De Gruyter. Giri sachin, D (2018) Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 on Copper, Copper Oxide and Mixed Metal Oxides of Lanthanum, Calcium, and Copper. [Teaching Resource] Giri sachin, D (2018) Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 on Copper, Copper Oxide and Mixed Metal Oxides of Lanthanum, Calcium, and Copper. PhD thesis, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Aulice, Scibioh (2018) Electrochemical sensors chapter 1. In: Electrochemical sensors. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan and S, Sundaram and R, Venkataraman and K, Rengarajan and P S, Raghavan (2018) Electrochemistry Principles and applications. S.Viswanathan and co. XXXX, XXXX (2018) Electrochemistry Training Modules For A Practical Beginner’s Guide to Cyclic Voltammetry. [Teaching Resource] C R, Brundle and A D, Baker (2018) Electron Spectroscopy: Theory, Techniques and Applications. [Teaching Resource] T, Wolkenstein (2018) Electronic Processes on Semiconductor Surfaces during Chemisorption. CONSULTANTS BUREAU. Chiun-Yan, Lin and Rong-Bin, Chen and Yen Hung, Ho and Ming-Fa, Lin (2018) Electronic and Optical Properties of Graphite- Related Systems. CRC Press. unknown, unknown (2018) Enzyme catalysis. unknown. Muthu, Madhan and Subbiah, Gunasekaran and Subbiah, Arunachalam (2018) Evaluation of research in India – are we doing it right? Indian Journal of Medical Ethics Online First Published March 23, 2018 . Muthu, Madhan and Subbiah, Gunasekaran and Subbiah, Arunachalam (2018) Evaluation of research in India – are we doing it right? Indian Journal of Medical Ethics Online First Published March 23, 2018 . John T. Yates Jr, Yates (2018) Experimental Innovations in Surface Science A Guide to Practical Laboratory Methods and Instruments. Springer. Nicolas, Broduschrs and Hendrix, Demers and Raynald, Gauvin (2018) Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy. Springer. variosus, various (2018) Four books on Homogeneous catalysis. various publishers. Walid, Hetaba (2018) Fritz Haber Institute lecture on electron microscopy. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) unknown, unknown (2018) Fritz Haber Institute lecture on general heterogeneous catalysis. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Andrey, Tarasov (2018) Fritz Haber Institute lectures. [Teaching Resource] various, authors (2018) Fritz Haber institute lectures series. [Teaching Resource] Fred, Basalo (2018) From coello to inorganic chemistry Frd Basallo life. Kluwier. IEA, IEA (2018) Gas outlook. [Teaching Resource] XXXc, XXXc (2018) Gold carbon nanomaterial catalysis. [Teaching Resource] N, Hariprasad (2018) Good Introductory Books in Catalysis and Related Fields. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Pandian, Manjunathan (2018) Heterogeneous catalysis Introduction and its present day importance in present day research. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Surya kumar, Vatti (2018) Highly Efficient and �Selective Hydrogenation of� Nitroaromatics on�Photoactivated Rutile Titanium Dioxide. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Umberto, Eco (2018) How to write a ph d thesis. [Teaching Resource] Juan, Bisquert and Emilio J, Juarez-Perez and Prashant V, Kamat (2018) Hybrid perovskite solar cells. In: Hyrbid perovskite solar cells Early developments. Fundacio Scito, pp. 1-6. (In Press) Jeffrey B. (Jeffrey Brian), Whalen (2018) Hydrogen Storage and Electronic Characterization of Magnesium-Based Intermetallics: Exploratory Flux Synthesis for Advanced Materials. PhD thesis, FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY. Mehmet, Sankir and Mehmet, Sankir (2018) Hydrogen storage technologies. Wiley. Serguei n., Lvov (2018) I n t r o d u c t i o n t o ElEctrochEmical SciEncE and EnginEEring. CRC Press. FRANK KRUMEICH, FRANK KRUMEICH (2018) INTRODUCTION INTO TRANSMISSION AND SCANNING TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY. S J, Green (2018) Industrial catalysis. Ernest Benn Limited. George, SOCRATES (2018) Infrared and Raman Characteristic Group Frequencies. Wiley. Helmholtz, Zentrum (2018) Introduction into X-ray and UV Photoelectron Spectroscopy. [Teaching Resource] Manj, M (2018) Investigations on carbonaceous materials as electrodes for the next generation electrochemical energy storage device applications -1. PhD thesis, Cochin University of Science and Technology. Manoj, M (2018) Investigations on carbonaceous materials as electrodes for the next generation electrochemical energy storage device applications. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan and M, Helen (2018) Is Nafion the only choice the final version in the bulletin. [Teaching Resource] B, Viswanathan (2018) Jamuary 1 presentations in NCCR. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) N, Aparna (2018) Laser Synthesis of Nano Particles –in view of promising potentials. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) V, Surya kumar (2018) Layered Silicate as an Excellent Partner of a TiO2�Photocatalyst for�Efficient and Selective Green Fine-Chemical Synthesis. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) Lecture 1 on the course nanomaterials in catalysis. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) M Tech revised syllabus. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) K R, Krishnamurthi (2018) Metal Surface area 2017. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Xin-bo, Zhang (2018) Metal air batteries fundamentals and applications. Wilwey VCH. B, Viswanathan (2018) Metal support interaction. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) Metal support interaction a presentation. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) XXX, XXX (2018) Method of preparation of nanomaterials. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) P, Selvam (2018) NCCR a profile. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) XXX, XXX (2018) Nano material preparation methods. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) Nano materials an introduction. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) XXXc, XXXc (2018) Nanomaterial course slides. [Teaching Resource] IEA, IEA (2018) Natural gas information. [Teaching Resource] Oleg V., Krylov and Boris R., Shub (2018) Nonequilibrium processes in catalysis. CRC Press. Hari prasad, N and K R, Krishnamurthy and B, Viswanathan and Harindranathan, Nair (2018) On the Role of Surface Functionalities in the Photon-Assisted Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Over Graphitic Carbon Nitride (g-C3N4) Surface. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) KUNAL, Mondal and Ashutosh, Sharma (2018) Photocatalytic Oxidation of Pollutant Dyes in Wastewater by TiO2 and ZnO nano-materials – A Mini-review. a chapter from a book . B, Viswanathan (2018) Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide with Water. In: to be named. to be identified. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide with Water on 2nd may 2018. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) Photocatalytic degradation of dyes an overview published article. Current catalysis, 7 . B, Viswanathan (2018) Photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide an abstract. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) A, Ariharan and B, Viswanathan (2018) Porous activated carbon material derived from sustainable bio-resource of peanut shell for H2 and CO2 storage applications. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) A, Ariharan and B, Viswanathan (2018) Porous activated carbon material derived from sustainable biosource of peanut shell for hydrogen and carbon dioxide storage. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 25 . pp. 140-149. Marvin Druger, Marvin Druger (2018) Practical Perspectives on Science Education. American Society of Agronomy, Inc. V, Surya kumar (2018) Preparation of Ordered Mesoporous TiO2 (TMP-123) and their applications in pollutant degradation. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) V, Surya kumar (2018) Preparation of ordered mesoporous TiO2 (OMT) using non-ionic surfactant, Anionic surfactant, Cationic surfactant , Solvotheramal-EISA, Nanocasting-EISA methods. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) V, Surya kumar (2018) Preparation of ordered mesoporous TiO2 (OMT) using non-ionic surfactant, Anionic surfactant, Cationic surfactant , Solvotheramal-EISA, Nanocasting-EISA methods seminar presentation. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Unknown, Unknown (2018) Proceedings of XANES. SLAC. N, Aparna (2018) Quantem sized carbon dots for bright and colourful photoluminesence. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) N, Aparna (2018) Quantum-sized carbon dots for bright and colourful photoluminescence. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) K S W, Sing and D H, Everett and R A W, Haul and L, Moscou and R A, Pierotti and J, Riuquerol and T, Siemieniewska (2018) REPORTING PHYSISORPTION DATA FOR GAS/SOLID SYSTEMS with Special Reference to the Determination of Surface Area and Porosity. [Teaching Resource] International energy agecny, International energy agency (2018) Renewables. [Teaching Resource] John, Gribbin and Mary, Gribbin (2018) Richard Feynman a life in Science. ICON. V, Surya kumar (2018) Rutile Crystallites Isolated from Degussa (Evonik) P25 TiO2 : Highly�Efficient Photocatalyst for Chemoselective Hydrogenation of�Nitroaromatics. [Teaching Resource] A, Alagarasi (2018) Seminar presentations in NCCR. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) M, MDomingo and M, Shahrokh and I.N., Remediakis and N, Lopez (2018) Shape Control in Gold Nanoparticles by N-Containing Ligands: Insights from Density Functional Theory and Wulff Constructions. Topics in Catalysis . Martin A., Green and Yoshihiro, Hishikawa and Ewan D., Dunlop and Dean H., Levi and Jochen, Hohl‐Ebinger and Anita W.Y., Ho‐Baillie (2018) Solar cell efficiency tables (version 51). Prog Photovolt Res Appl. 2018;26:3–12, 26 . pp. 3-12. B, Viswanathan (2018) Some Observations on container effect on preparation of nano-porous metal oxides. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) Satyajit, Ratha and Aneeya Kumar, Samantara (2018) Supercapacitor: Instrumentation, Measurement and Performance Evaluation techniques. Springer. Aulice, Scibioh and B, Viswanathan (2018) Supercapacitors. In: Supercapacitors. to be identified. (Submitted) Yifu, Yu and Yanmei, Shi and Bin, Zhang (2018) Synergetic Transformation of Solid Inorganic-Organic Hybrids into Advanced Nanomaterials for Catalytic Water Splitting. [Teaching Resource] S, Navaladian (2018) Synthesis by Solid State Decomposition. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Montoya, Anthony Tristan (2018) Synthesis of carbon nitrides and composite photocatalyst material. PhD thesis, The University of Iowa. Gupta, Sanjeev (2018) Synthesis, Characterisation and Photocatalytic Properties of Ordered Mesoporous Titania. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Varun, Sivaramam (2018) Taming the sun. The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts. Nicolas P., Rougier and Michael, Droettboom and Philip E., Bourne (2018) Ten Simple Rules for Better Figures. PLOS Computational Biology . Yao, Sha (2018) The Mechanisms o f the Fuel Cell Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Pt and Other 8 – 11 column metal surfaces. PhD thesis, CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. A n d r e w E, Dressler and E dwa r d A, Parson (2018) The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change. Cambridge university press. S, Brunauer (2018) The adsorption of gases and vapours. Oxford University Press. B, Viswanathan (2018) The catalysis society accounts for the years 14-15;15-16 and 16-17. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) J H, de Boer (2018) The dynamic character of adsorption. Clarendon Press. J M, Thomas (2018) The enduring relevance and academic fascination of catalysis. Nature Catalysis, 1 (1). B, Viswanathan (2018) The field of catalysis today a January 1 presentation. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) The relevance of nanomaterials in catalysis. [Teaching Resource] Y, Gandhi and others (2018) These are presentations in a class nothing original. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) XXX, XXXX (2018) This is NMR teaching resource from web nothing original. [Teaching Resource] B, Viswanathan (2018) This is a chapter of a proposed book on hydrogen storage. In: Solid state hydrogen storage. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) This is a chapter of the proposed book on solid state hydrogen storage. In: Solid state hydrogen storage. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) K R, Krishnamurthy (2018) This is a course material for experimental methods in catalysis. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) This is a presentation at IIP. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) This is a seminar presentation on 2.11.2018. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) This is a seminar presentation on 3 11 2018. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) XX, YY (2018) Top ten Trends driving science. [Teaching Resource] unknown, unknown (2018) Top ten list of errors in thermodynamics. [Teaching Resource] Lucy A., Taylor (2018) Twenty things I wish I’d known when I started my PhD. [Teaching Resource] Louis Scudiero, Louis Scudiero (2018) Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy (UPS)-1 teaching resource. [Teaching Resource] N, Hariprasad (2018) Views across borders. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Ramlal, Ramlal (2018) X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) �: XANES and EXAFS. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Roger, Smart and Stewart, Mcintype and Mike, Bancroft and Igor, Bello (2018) X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. [Teaching Resource] Rick Haasc, Haasch (2018) X‐ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES). [Teaching Resource] B, Viswanathan (2018) advances in catalysis. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) web, website (2018) history of catalysis from web nothing original. [Teaching Resource] B, Viswanathan (2018) hydrogen storage proposed book first chapter and part of chapter 2. In: Solid state hydrogen storage - current trends. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) M, Hari prasad (2018) moving across borders. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Walter J, Moore (2018) seven solid state. W A Benjamin Co. V, Jeyalakshmi (2018) this is a collection of the seminar presentations in the centre. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Krishna, Vamsi (2018) this is a collection presentation in NCCR. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) this is a power point presentation on nanomaterials. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2018) this is one of the presentation. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) IEA, IEA (2018) world energy statistics. [Teaching Resource] |