Catalysis Database

Items where Year is 2016

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Number of items: 56.

Miquel Costa Ferrando, Miquel Costa Ferrando (2016) : Utilització de processos de fotocatàlisi i plasma de descàrregues a la destrucció de contaminants i altres aplicacions. PhD thesis, IQS School of Engineering.

Prabhukhot, Prachi R and Wagh, Mahesh M and Gangal, Aneesh C (2016) A Review on Solid State Hydrogen Storage Material. Advances in Energy and Power 4(2): 11-22, 2016, 4 . pp. 11-22.

B, Viswanathan (2016) A power point presentation on solar cells. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

R, Shanmugam (2016) ACTIVATION OF CARBON DIOXIDE ON CATALYTIC SURFACES (Activation of CO2 on metal based catalytic surfaces under different oxidative and coordinative environments – A study by density functional theory). PhD thesis, M K University.

Matthew, Beckner and Anne, Dailly (2016) Adsorption Enthalpy Calculations of Hydrogen Adsorption at Ambient Temperature and Pressures Exceeding 300 bar. American Journal of Analytical Chemistry .

Matthew Beckner, Beckner and Anne, Daily (2016) Adsorption Enthalpy Calculations of Hydrogen Adsorption at Ambient Temperature and Pressures Exceeding 300 bar another one. American journal of analytical chemistry .

B, Viswanathan (2016) Analysis of Cyclic Voltammetric Traces- Part 1. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished)

M, Aulice Scibioh (2016) Biochemical Reduction of CO2. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

Ramasamy, Shanmugam and Arunachalam, Thamaraichelvan and Tharumeya Kuppusamy, Ganesan and B, Viswanathan (2016) Carbon dioxide activation and transformation to HCOOH on metal clusters (M ¼ Ni, Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag & Au) anchored on a polyaniline conducting polymer surface – an evaluation study by hybrid density functional theory. R S C Advances, 6 . pp. 100829-100840.

M, Aulice Scibioh (2016) Chapter - 5 Heterogeneous Hydrogenation of CO2. NCCR Internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2016) Chapter 4 and 5. In: Surfaces and catalysts. NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE.

Xin, Guo and Clemens, Burda (2016) Coordination engineering toward high performance organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 320 . pp. 53-65.

B, Viswanathan (2016) Fundamentals of adsorption and catalysis. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

A, Ariharan and B, Viswanathan and V, Nandhakumar (2016) Heteroatom doped graphene material for hydrogen sorption application. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

A, Ariharan and B, Viswanathan and V, Nandhakumar (2016) Heteroatom doped multilayered graphene material for hydrogen storage application. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

E, Rafiee and S, . Eavani (2016) Heterogenization of heteropoly compounds: a review of their structure and synthesis. RSC Advances, 63 . p. 46433.

B, Viswanathan (2016) Hybrid Organic Inorganic Perovskites (HOIP) – How far these materials useful for water decomposition (new). Bulletin of the Catalysis Society of India, 15 (3-4). 14--21.

David A, Egger and Andrew M., Rappe and Leeor, Kronik (2016) Hybrid Organic − Inorganic Perovskites on the Move. Accounts Chemical Research, 49 . pp. 573-581.

V, Jeyalakshmi (2016) Jeyalakshmi thesis first chapter. PhD thesis, MK University.

K T, Ranjit (2016) Latest Trends in Renewable Energy: An Online Lesson on Solar Fuel. [Teaching Resource]

M, Aresta (2016) My Journey in the CO2-chemistry wonderland. Coordination Chemistry Reviews .

B, Viswanathan (2016) NCCR Presentation. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2016) NCCR REPORT for 14-5. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2016) NCCR future plans. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2016) NCCR roadmap. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

Makarand R, Gogate (2016) New Perspectives in Heterogeneous Catalysis: Bench-Scale Reactivity Studies, Physicochemical Characterization, and Future Research Directions. Bulletin of the catalysis society of India .

Hariprasad, Narayanan (2016) On the Role of Competitive Reactions in the Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)


B, Viswanathan (2016) Photo-Catalytic or Photo-synthetic Routes for the Decomposition of Water – Are They Realizable Dreams? (New). Bulletin of the Catalysis Society of India, 15 (3-4). pp. 9-13.

Hariprasad, Narayanan and Viswanathan, B and Sugana, Y (2016) Photo-catalytic Reduction of carbon dioxide:Issues and prospects. Current catalysis, 5 . pp. 79-107.

Pierre, Pichat (2016) Photocatalysis: Fundamentals, Materials and Potential. MDPI AG.

unknown, unknown (2016) Photosynthesis. sourceunknown .

B, Viswanathan (2016) Physical Chemistry. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished)

P, Vinutha (2016) STUDIES ON PEROVSKITE BASED SOLAR CELLS(Literature Study). [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

P, Vinutha (2016) Solar cells. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

P, Vinutha (2016) Solar cells. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

MGR. MANOJ B. GAWANDE, Gawande (2016) Synthesis of Advanced Nanomaterials: Catalytic and Sustainable Applications. Other thesis, PALACKY UNIVERSITY, OLOMOUC.

B, Viswanathan (2016) The relevance of catalytic pyrolysis for the production of bio-fuel. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished)

B, Viswanathan (2016) Thermal methods. In: Surfaces and catalysts. NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE.

V, Jeyalakshmi (2016) V Jeyalakshmi synopsis. PhD thesis, MK University.

V, Jeyalakshmi (2016) VJ thesis 4 th chapter. PhD thesis, MK University.

V, Jeyalakshmi (2016) VJ thesis chapter 3 references. PhD thesis, MK University.

V, Jeyalakshmi (2016) VJ thesis chapter 3.2. PhD thesis, MK University.

V, Jeyalakshmi (2016) VJ thesis chapter 5. PhD thesis, MK University.

V, Jeyalakshmi (2016) VJ's thesis. PhD thesis, MK University.

Hyun Ki (Key), Shim (2016) WATER SORPTION PROPERTIES OF SUB-MICRON THIN IONOMER FILMS. Masters thesis, Queen’s University.

UNSPECIFIED (2016) chapter 1. In: B, Viswanathan, (ed.) Surfaces and catalysts. NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE.

V, Jeyalakshmi (2016) chapter 1 Jeyalakshmi thesis. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Submitted)

V, Jeyalakshmi (2016) chapter 1 of Jeyalakshmi thesis. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished)

S, Jeyalakshmi (2016) chapter 1 of jeyalakshmi thesis. PhD thesis, MK University.

B, Viswanathan (2016) chapter 2. In: Surfaces and catalysts. NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE.

V, Jeyalakshmi (2016) chapter 2 of jeylakshmi thesis. PhD thesis, MK University.

V, Jeyalakshmi (2016) chapter 3 of VJ thesis. PhD thesis, MK University.

M, Aulice Scibioh (2016) chapter 5. In: CO2 to fuels and chemicals. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished)

Sarah, Bouhadoun (2016) thesis from web TIO2 preparation and photocatalytic activity. PhD thesis, Universit´e Paris-Saclay,.

Fan, yang and Dehui, Deng and Xiulian, Pan and Qiang, Fu and Xinhe, Bao (2016) understanding nano effects in catalysis. [Teaching Resource]

This list was generated on Sat Mar 8 23:01:16 2025 IST.