Items where Year is 2012
Number of items: 87. B, Viswanathan (2012) 6th annual day of NCCR. In: 6th annual day of NCCR. (Unpublished) Klaus, capelle (2012) A bird's eyeview of Density functional theory. Technical Report. Scott C, Warren and Mathew R, Perkins and Ashley M, Adams and Marleen, Kamperman and Andrew A, Burns and Hitesh, Arora and Erik, Herz and Teeraporn, Suteewong and Hiroaki, Sai and Zihui, Li and Jorg, Werner and Juho, Song and Ulrike Werner, Zwanziger and Joseph w, Zwanziger and Michael, Gratzel and Francis J, Disalvo and Ulrich, Wies (2012) A silica sol–gel design strategy for nano-structured metallic materials. Nature Materials, 11 . pp. 460-467. James L, Young (2012) Amorphous mixed metal oxide for PEC water splitting. NREL . N M, Harrison (2012) An introduction to density functional theory. Documentation. . V, Jeyalakshmi and K, Rajalakshmi and R, Mahalakshmy and K R, Krishnamurthy and B, Viswanathan (2012) Application of photocatalysis for mitigation of Carbon dioxide. NCCR internal bulletin . (Submitted) Zhen , Zhang and John T., Yates, Jr (2012) Band Bending in Semiconductors: Chemical and Physical Consequences at Surfaces and Interfaces. Chem. Rev., Article ASAP ;DOI: 10.1021/cr3000626. V , Surya kumar (2012) Bio-Catalysis. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2012) CHEMICAL & ELECTROCHEMICAL SENSORS TODAY. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) Vivek K , Srivastava (2012) Clays: Types and Applications. Bulletin of the catalysis society of India, 11 (2). pp. 56-77. Vivek , Srivastava (2012) Clays: Types and Applications. Bulletin of the Catalysis Society of India, 11 (2-3). G, Keerthiga and B, Viswanathan and Alex C, Pulikottil and Raghuram, Chetty (2012) Comparison of Cu and Zn electrodes for the electrochemical conversion of CO2. NCCR internal bulletin . (Submitted) Yanpei , Sun, and Chaodong , Hou and Xinzhe , Tian and Guihua , Liu and Mengjie , Yan (2012) Copper-catalyzed direct conversion of iodobenzene to diphenyl ether in the absence of Phenol. Bulletin of the Catalysis Society of India . (In Press) B, Viswanathan (2012) Cover pages of some of the books written by B.Viswanathan. Narosa and other publishers. H L, Janardhan (2012) Determination of acidity in porous aluminosilicate:A short review. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) Deepak B, NaleB and B M, Bhanage (2012) Diazonium Salts as Substrates in Palladium-Catalyzed Carbonylative Coupling Reactions. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2012) ELECTRO-CATALYTIC/ELECTROCHEMICAL APPLICATIONS OF POLYOXOMETALATES. NCCR internal bulletin . (Submitted) B, Viswanathan (2012) Electro-catalytic reduction of carbon dioxide unfinished. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) G, Keerthiga and B, Viswanathan and Alex C, Pulikottil and Raghuram, Chetty (2012) Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide at Surface Oxidized Copper Electrodes. Bonfring . (Submitted) B, Viswanathan (2012) Electrode electrolyte interface. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Raja , Ganesan (2012) Experiments in Education special issue. Experiments in Educatrion . Abhilash , Sugunan (2012) Fabrication and Photoelectrochemical Applications of II-VI Semiconductor Nanomaterials. PhD thesis, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm. B, Viswanathan (2012) For Conceptual Understanding of Microwave Heating. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) B. , Viswanathan (2012) General safety Manual. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) S, Kaviya and J, Santhanalakshmi and B, Viswanathan (2012) Green synthesis of silver nanoparticels using Polyalthia longiifolia leaf extract along with D-sorbitol: Study of antibacterial activity. Journal of Nanotechnology, 2011 (ID 152970). D , Sushil Kumar (2012) HYDROTALCITES AS PHOTO CATALYSTS FOR REDUCTION OF CARBON DIOXIDE. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) D, SUSHIL KUMAR (2012) HYDROTALCITES AS PHOTOCATLAYSTS FOR REDUCTION OF CARBON DIOXIDE. Masters thesis, Indian Institute of Technology Madras. Debajeet K, Bora (2012) Hematite and its hybrid nanostructures for photoelectrochemical water splitting: how do properties affect functionality? PhD thesis, University of Basel, . Hitesh Suresh, Pawar (2012) Heterogeneous catalysis for organic transformations I. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) T, Maiyalagan and T O, Alaje and Keith, Scott (2012) Highly Stable PtRu Nanoparticles Supported on Three-Dimensional 2 Cubic Ordered Mesoporous Carbon (PtRu/CMK-8) as Promising 3 Electrocatalysts for Methanol Oxidation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C . B, Viswanathan (2012) Hydrogen Economy – Where Do We Stand? consulting ahead . (Submitted) R, Arundhathi (2012) Hydrogen Spillover. Facts and Fiction. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) M P , Suh and H J , Park and T K , Prasad and D W , Lim (2012) Hydrogen storage in MOFs. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) D, Sushil Kumar (2012) Hydrotalcites as photocatalysts for reduction of carbon dioxide - modified. Masters thesis, Indian Institute of Technology Madras. Hemaprobha , Saikia and Nabajit , Sarmah and Jatindra Nath , Ganguli (2012) INTERCALATION OF [Fe (C2O4)3]3- AND [Cr (C2O4)3]3- IN NICKEL ALUMINIUM CARBONATE LDH. Bulletin of the Catalysis Society of India . Juan , Matos and Karina , Quintana, and Andreina , García (2012) Influence of H-Type and L-Type Activated Carbon in the Photodegradation of Methylene Blue and Phenol under UV and Visible Light Irradiated TiO2. Modern Research in Catalysis, , 1 . pp. 1-9. S, sharma (2012) Introduction to Density Functional Theory. [Teaching Resource] Aditya V, Ajgaonkar (2012) Investigation of NiMo/SBA15 as hydrotreating catalyst - comparison with NiMo/Alumina catalyst. Masters thesis, Indian Institute of Technology Madras. B, Viswanathan (2012) Kinetics of solid state reactions. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) K Joseph, Antony and M G , Prakash and T, Elangovan and B, Viswanathan (2012) Liquid phase hydrogenation of p-chloronitrobenzene on cobalt supported on various phases of titania. Bulletin of the Catalysis Society of India . (In Press) Brian A, Rosen (2012) Low temperature electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide utilizing room temperature ionic liquids. Masters thesis, University of Illinois. Anand , Burange (2012) Modern organic synthesis. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) wooyul , Kim and others, others (2012) Nafion layer-enhanced photosynthetic conversion of CO2 into Hydrocarbons on TiO2 nanoparticles. RSC Energy Environ. Sci., 5, 2012, 6066. B, Viswanathan (2012) Nitrogen Substitution in TiO2 ¬ - Does it make a visible light photo-active material? NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan and K R, Krishnamurthy (2012) Nitrogen incorporation in TiO2: Does it make a visible light photo-active material? International journal of Photoenergy, 2012 (doi:10.1155/2012/269654). B, Viswanathan (2012) Nitrogen substituted carbon nano-tubes as supports for fuel cell electrodes. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) Manohar A, Bhosale (2012) Olefination of sp2 C-H Bonds by using Pd[II] / Pd[0] Catalysis. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan and J, Rajeswari and P S, Kishore (2012) One Dimensional Compounds of Mo/W for Electrochemical Applications. ACS. E P, Trust (2012) One man went to worker a catalytic converter. EPT website . Brain D, James and George M, Brown and Julie, Perez and Kevin N, Baum (2012) PEC Technoeconomic analysis of PEC hydrogen production. Technical Report. DOE. B, Viswanathan (2012) PEC kinetics some questions. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2012) PHOTO-ELECTROCHEMICAL PROCESSES - PRINCIPLES AND POSSIBILITIES. In: PHOTO-ELECTROCHEMICAL PROCESSES - PRINCIPLES AND POSSIBILITIES. Narosa Publishing house. (Unpublished) K R, Krishnamurthy and B, Viswanathan (2012) PHOTOCATALYTIC REDUCTION OF CARBON DIOXIDE BY WATER: A STEP TOWARDS FORMATION OF FUELS AND CHEMICALS. In: Photoelectrochemistry. Narosa Publishing House. (Submitted) K, SIVAGAMI (2012) Photo catalytic Degradation of Monocrotophos in an Immobilized Bead Photo catalyst Using Factorial Design of Experiments. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) York R, Smith and Vaidyanathan (Ravi) , Subramanian and B, Viswanathan (2012) Photo-electrochemical and photocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide. In: photoelectrochemistry and photobiology for sustainability I. Bentham science publishers, pp. 217-242. Xiukai , Ki and others, others (2012) Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 over noble metal-loaded and nitrogen-doped mesoporous TiO2. Applied Catalysis A: General . K, Rajalakshmi and V, Jeyalakshmi and K R, Krishnamurthy and B, Viswanathan (2012) Photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide by water on titania - Role of photo physical and structural properties. Indian Journal of Chemistry A, 51A . pp. 411-419. K, Rajalakshmi and V, Jeyalakshmi and K R, Krishnamurthy and B, Viswanathan (2012) Photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide by water on titania:Role of photophysical and structural properties. Indian Journal of Chemistry section A, 51 (3). pp. 411-419. Roel van de Krol l, Krol and Michael, Gratzel, eds. (2012) Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production. Springer. B, Viswanathan (2012) REFLECTIONS ON THE DESIGN OF MATERIALS FOR PEC APPLICATIONS. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2012) REFLECTIONS ON THE ELECTROCHEMICAL REDUCTION OF CARBON DIOXIDE ON METALLIC ELECTRODES. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) Anand S, Burange (2012) Reagents in Organic synthesis. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) Haibo, Wang and T, Maiyalagan and Xin , wang (2012) Review on recent progressin nitrogen doped graphene: synthesis, characterizations and its potential applications. ACS Catalysis . S, .Pitchaimuthu and P, Velusamy (2012) SEMICONDUCTORS AND THEIR MODIFICATION FOR THE EFFECTIVE PHOTODEGRADATION OF POLLUTANTS FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTION. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) Roel van de, Krol (2012) School of Information and Communication Technology. In: Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012, pp. 13-67. K Joseph, Antony and T, Elangovan and B, Viswanathan (2012) Single-step synthesis and structural study of phosphate modified titania through seeding method. Indian Journal of Chemistry section A, 51A . (In Press) S, Chandravathanam and B, Kavitha and B, Viswanathan and Y Yesu, Thangam (2012) Study of sulphonic acid functionalization of Vulcan XC-72 carbon black support of Pt/Vulcan XC-72 catalyst for methanol electrooxidation. Indian Journal of Chemistry A . (Submitted) K, Premalatha and P S, Raghavan and B, Viswanathan (2012) Sulpholane – A better co-solvent for the oxidation of benzyl alcohol. Bulletin of the Catalysis Society of India . (In Press) Sunil, Mehla (2012) Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of zeolites for hydro isomerization of model feed N-Hexadecane. Masters thesis, Indian Institute of Technology Madras. Francesco, Branda (2012) The sol gel route to nanocomposites. In: Advances in Nanocomposites - Synthesis, Characterization and Industrial Applications, ISBN: 978-953-307-165-7. INTECH. B, Viswanathan (2012) This is a presentation on NCCR. NCCR. (Unpublished) T, Maiyalagan and Ab u Bakkr A, Nassr and T O, Alaje and M , Bron and K, Scott (2012) Three dimensional cubic ordered mesoporous carbon (CMK8)as highly efficient stable pd electro-catalyst support for formic acid oxidation. Journal of power sources . V, Jeyalakshmi and R, Mahalakshmy and K R, Krishnamurthy and B, Viswanathan (2012) Titania based catalysts for photo-reduction of carbon dioxide: Role of modifiers. Indian Journal of Chemistry section A . (Submitted) K R, Krishnamurthy and B, Viswanathan (2012) Titania based catalysts for photoreduction of carbon dioxide: Role of modifiers. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) K R, Krishnamurthy and B, Viswanathan (2012) Utilization of Carbon dioxide- A global endeavour. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2012) What is the relevance of solvation in electrode-electrolyte interface? NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2012) What would have been India if this reversal were to have taken place? NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) J, Maiti and N, Kakati and S H , Lee and S H , Jeq and B, Viswanathan and Y S, Yoon (2012) Where do polyvinyl alcohol based membranes stand in relation to Nafion for direct methanol fuel cell applications? Journal of power sources . B, Viswanathan (2012) Where does innovation in India fail to transform into a viable process? NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) J J, Wang and J S , Hu and Y G , Guo and L-J, Wan (2012) Wurtzite Cu2ZnSnSe4 nanocrystal for high performance organic-inorganic hybrid photodetectors. NPG Asia Materials, 4 . pp. 1-6. not known, nont known (2012) an electrochemistry slides. from the web. B, Viswanathan (2012) catalysis for alternative energy generation. Springer. Charles, Delacourt (2012) electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide and water to syngas at room temperature. PhD thesis, University of California, Berkeley. B, Viswanathan (2012) hydrogen Economy - Where do we stand. Consulting Ahead . B, Viswanathan (2012) hydrogen economy where do we stand? NCCR internal bulletin . (Submitted) K Joseph, Antony and T, Elangovan and B, Viswanathan (2012) single step synthesis and structural study of phosphate modified titania through seeding method. Indian Journal of Chemistry section A, 51A (may). pp. 676-680. B, Viswanathan (2012) some cover pages of some books by B.Viswanathan. Narosa and other publishers. |