Items where Year is 2009
Number of items: 189. P, Indraneel and B, Viswanathan and T K, Varadarajan (2009) The role of activation agents for the morphology of carbon materials generated from plant sources. Carbon . (Submitted) K R, Krishnamurthy (2009) metallocenes. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan ( compiled ) (2009) A powerpoint presentation on Auger electron spectroscopy. NCCR Internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) ABSTRACT BOOK OF THE THIRD ANNUAL DAY OF NCCR. NCCR Internal document . (Unpublished) P, Indra Neel (2009) ACTIVATED CARBON MATERIALS FROM CALOTROPIS GIGANTEA. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) K R, Krishnamurthy (2009) ACTIVATION OF CATALYSTS. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) Acidic catalysts for the dehydration of glycerol: Activity and deactivation. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) V, Kartik iyer (2009) Adsorptive Separations for Environmental Applications. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) Vamsi, Krishna (2009) Anion exchange induced phase transformation in mesoporous silica. American chemical society. N, THILLAI SIVAKUMAR (2009) Application of Semiconductor Nanomaterials in Catalysis and Medical Sciences. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) Arichitecture of carbon support for Pt anodes for DMFC. Catalysis Today, 141 . pp. 52-55. Santosh , Agrawal (2009) Asymmetric Synthesis of Pharmaceutically important Cyanohydrins through chiral catalytic route using chiral Lewis acid based metal complexes. PhD thesis, Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI). Jude vimal, Michael (2009) Auto exhaust Catalysis. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) K R, Krishnamurthy (2009) Biphasic catalysis. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) paul C J , Kamer and Gadi, Rothenberg (2009) CATALYSIS Theory and Applications Paul C.J. Kamer, Gadi Rothenberg, Ron Wever. unknown. N, NEELAKANDESWARI1 and S, SIVASHUNMUGAM (2009) CATALYSIS IN DAY TODAY LIFE. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) CATALYSIS – AN OVERVIEW. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) K R, Krishnamurthy (2009) CATALYSIS: EMERGING TRENDS. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) P, Indra Neel (2009) Carbon Materials for Catalytic Applications. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) shriver, Shriver and Atkins, Atkins (2009) Catalysis Chapter 17, Shriver and Atkins. unknown. unknown, unknown (2009) Catalysis. unknown. B, Viswanathan (2009) Catalysis an introduction. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) unknown, unknown (2009) Catalysis and some industrial processes. unknown. P, Sangeetha (2009) Catalysis by Gold for PROX reaction. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) Catalysis selected applications. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi. R, Shanmugam (2009) Catalytic Mechanism of Glycerol Oxidation by Galactose Oxidase Mimic – A DFT Study. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) P, Bharali (2009) DESIGN OF NOVEL NANOSIZED CERIA-BASED MULTICOMPONENT COMPOSITE OXIDES FOR CATALYTIC APPLICATIONS. PhD thesis, Osmania University. P, Indra Neel (2009) DEVELOPMENT AND EXPLOITATION OF CARBON MATERIALS FROM PLANT SOURCES a P[h D thesis of Dr P Indraneel. PhD thesis, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. P, Indraneel (2009) DEVELOPMENT AND EXPLOITATION OF CARBON MATERIALS FROM PLANT SOURCES. PhD thesis, Indian Institute of Technology Madras. P, Indra Neel (2009) DEVELOPMENT AND EXPLOITATION OF CARBON MATERIALS FROM PLANT SOURCES the full thesis in pdf format. PhD thesis, Indian Institute of Technology. B, Viswanathan (2009) DISCUSSION MEETING ON ENERGY. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) Chérubin, NOUMISSING , SAO (2009) DYE-SENSITIZED SOLAR CELLS BASED ON PERYLENE DERIVATIVES. PhD thesis, Kassel University. Sumeet Kumar, Sharma (2009) Development of green catalyitic routesfor the synthesis of commercially important chemicals. PhD thesis, S V National Instutte of Technology Surat. M, Helen (2009) Development of hybrid membranes for application in DMFC. PhD thesis, Indian Institute of Technology Madras. B, Viswanathan and P, Indra Neel and T K, Varadarajan (2009) Developmnent of carbon materials for energy and environment applications. Catalysis surveys of asia (Proof). M, Helen (2009) ELECTROCHEMISTRY FOR A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT A power point presentation. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) M, Banu (2009) EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL STUDIES ON GLUCOSE HYDROGENATION TO PRODUCE SORBITOL. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) K Jseph antony, Raj and B, Viswanathan (2009) Effect of surface area, pore volume and particle size of P25 titania on the transformation of anatase to rutile. Indian Journal of Chemistry section A . (Submitted) B, Viswanathan (2009) Electrochemistry for clearner environment and energy conversion devices. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) Electron Energy loss spctroscopy. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) T M, SankaraNarayanan (2009) Esterification and transesterification on tungstated zirconia: Effect of calcination temperature. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) Raghuram, Chetty (2009) Flexible fuel cells. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan and P, Indra Neel (2009) Fractional crystallization for separation of ammonium sulphate and sodium sulphate. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) Fuel cell - challenges ahead. Photo/Electrochemistry & Photobiology in the Environment, Energy and Fuel, 2009: 1-14 . (Submitted) JONATHAN , ADAMS and CHRISTOPHER, KING and VINAY , SINGH (2009) Global Research Report India. unknown . XXXx, XXXx (2009) Gold catalysis. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) unknown, unknown (2009) Graphene. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) Green Chemistry & Catalysis for Sustainable Organic Synthesis. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) R A, Shaldon (2009) Green Chemistry & Catalysis for Sustainable Organic Synthesis. NCCR internal bulletin for reproduction. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) Group photograph of the orientation programme in 2009. [Image] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) HYDROGEN AS ENERGY CARRIER. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) MAHESH, TANNIRU (2009) HYDROGENATION AND DEHYDROGENATION CHARACTERISTICS OF ELECTRODEPOSITED MG-AL ALLOYS. PhD thesis, University of Florida. M, Helen and B, Viswanathan and S, Srinivasa murthy (2009) Heteropoly acid based membranes for DMFC applications. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Submitted) Stian , Svelle (2009) Hetterogeneous cattallysiis – conversiion of metthanoll tto hydrocarbons over aciidiic zeolliittes. from web. James Michael , Blackman (2009) High Pressure Hydrogen Storage on Carbon Materials for Mobile Applications. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. K R, Krishnamurthy (2009) Hydrocarbonylation reaction. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) Sumeet K, Sharma and Parimal A, Parikh and Raksh V, Jasra (2009) Hydroformylation of alkenes using heterogeneous catalyst prepared by intercalation of HRh(CO)(TPPTS)3 complex in hydrotalcite. Journal of Molecular Catalysis . (In Press) B, Viswanathan (2009) Hydrogen storage in carbon materials. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) T M, SankaraNarayanan (2009) Hydroprocessing of diesel and vegetable oil blends. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) P, sangeetha (2009) Hydrotalcite supported Pd catalysts for hydrogenation, dehydrogenation and combination reactions- Catalyst in a new role. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) Impact Factor 1. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) Inorganic Materials as Catalysts for Photochemical Splitting of Water. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) Introduction to Green Chemistry this is a reproduction from web nothing original is claimed. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) N, Sudheesh and Sumeet K, Sharma and Ram S, Shukla and Raksh V, Jasra (2009) Investigations on the kinetics of hydroformylation of 1-hexene using HRh(CO)(PPh3)3 encapsulated hexagonal mesoporous silica as a heterogeneous catalyst. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A Chemical . (In Press) Jude vima, Michael (2009) Kinetic analysis of Temperature Programmed Reduction. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) M Tech catalysis technology course syllabus in the format of IITM. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) M Tech course curriculum and syllabus. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) M Tech syllabus for catalysis technology. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) S, Pushpavanam (2009) MASS TRANSFER EFFECTS IN CHEMICAL REACTIONS. Narosa Publishing House. (Submitted) unknown, unknown (2009) Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions and Characterization of Catalysts. From the web. Joydeb , Manna (2009) Mesoporous Silica How To Architecture Them? NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) Yongde , Xia and Zhuxian , Yang and Robert , Mokya (2009) Mesostructured Hollow Spheres of Graphitic N-Doped Carbon Nanocast from Spherical Mesoporous Silica. J. Phys. Chem. B 2004, 108, 19293- 19298. K R, Krishnamurthy (2009) Metallocene based Polymerization Catalysts. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) K R, Krishnamurthy (2009) Metallocene based Polymerization Catalysts. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) K R, Krishnamurthy (2009) Metallocenes part 1. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) M, Banu (2009) Methods for Plastic Waste Removal. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) P, Indra Neel and B, Viswanathan and T K , Varadarajan (2009) Methods of Activation and Specific Applications of Carbon Materials. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) P, Indra Neel (2009) Methods of activation and specific applications of Carbon materials from natural sources. NCCR Internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) Minutes of the Third MAC meeting for NCCR. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) S, Sabiah and B, Viswanathan (2009) Mo-amino acid complexes as analogs for molybdoenzyme: A DFT approach. Indian Journal of Chemistry section A . (In Press) Valerii I, Bukhtiyarov (2009) NANOSIZED EFFECTS IN CATALYTIC PROCESSES FOR ECOLOGY AND POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM. reproduced from web . B, Viswanathan (2009) NCCR powerpoint presentation. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) NFCL Certificate. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) R, Sumathi (2009) Nuclear Waste Management. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) ON THE CHANGES IN THE CRYSTALLINE NATURE OF SUPPORT AS A RESULT OF METAL LOADING. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan and P, Indra Neel and T K, Varadarajan (2009) ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CARBON MATERIALS FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Submitted) P, Indra Neel (2009) On the Evolution of Carbon Materials for Catalytic Applications. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) Sascha B A, Kersten and Wim P M , van Swaaij, and Leon , Lefferts, and Kulathuiyer , Seshan (2009) Options for Catalysis in the Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass into Fuels. unknown . (In Press) B, Viswanathan (2009) PLA a biodegradable polymer. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) M, Helen (2009) POSSIBILITES AND CHALLENGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MEMBRANES FOR DMFC APPLICATION. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) K R, Krishnamurthy (2009) PPT on hydrocyanation. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) K R, Krishnamurthy (2009) PPT on polymerization. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) K R, Krishnamurthy (2009) PPY for adipic acid. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) K R, Krishnamurthy (2009) Petrochemicals part 2. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) M, Helen (2009) Ph D firs seminar of Ms M Helen. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Submitted) B, Viswanathan (2009) Photo electro chemistry. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) York R, Smith and Vaidyanathan (Ravi) , Subramanian and B, Viswanathan (2009) Photo-electrochemical and Photo-catalytic Conversion of Carbon Dioxide. at present NCCR Internal bulletin . (Submitted) G, Magesh and B, Viswanathan and R P , Viswanath and T K , Varadarajan (2009) Photocatalytic behavior of CeO2-TiO2 system for the degradation of methylene blue. Indian Journal of Chemistry section A, 48A (3). pp. 480-488. Venkata Pradeep, Indrakanthi (2009) Photoinduced activation of carbon dioixde on titania surfaces:Quantum chemcial modeling of ground and excited states and in situ ESR studies. PhD thesis, The Pennsylvannia State University. B, Viswanathan (2009) Pollution Control Strategies - A Chemists perspective. NCCR internal bulletin. (Submitted) B, Viswanathan (2009) Pollution Control Strategies – A Chemists Perspective a PPT presentation. NCCR Internal bulletin. (Unpublished) P, Indra Neel (2009) Pollution Control in Energy Conversion Processes. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) S, Chandravathanam (2009) Pollution control in leather industry (Tannery). NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) K R, Krishnamurthy (2009) Polymerization processes. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) M, Helen (2009) Possibilites and challenges in the development of membranes for DMFC applications. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) P, Indraneel (2009) Power point presentation of the Synopsis of the Ph D thesis of Mr Indraneel. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) Practical Physical Chemistry. [Teaching Resource] B, Viswanathan (2009) Preparation and Exploitation of one dimensional nano materials for energy conversion and storage. NCCR Internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) T M, Sankaranarayanan (2009) Production of biodiesel by esterification of palmitic acid over Al-MCM-41. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) Recent attempts in the development of Biodegradable Polymers based on Polylactic acid (PLA). NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) Reflections on hydrogen storage in carbon materials a ppt presentation to the MNRE on october 14, 2009. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) Report of NCCR for the year 2008-2009. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) Reporting in scince in news papers. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) P, Indra Neel (2009) Revised synopsis of Mr P.Indraneel. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) Ch, Venkateswara Rao and B, Viswanathan (2009) Role of alloying elements on the electrochemical performance of Pd-Co-Au electrocatalysts prepared by water-in-oil microemulsion technique. NCCR internal bulletin . (Submitted) B, Viswanathan (2009) Role of catalysis in sustainable development. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) Rules and the conventions in the use of SI units. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Sumeet Kumar, Sharma and Parimal A, Parikh and Rakesh V, Jasra (2009) Ruthenium containing hydrotalcite as a solid base catalyst for >C=C< double bond isomerization in perfumery chemicals. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical . (In Press) B, Viswanathan (2009) SCIENCE OF RELIGION OR RELIGION OF SCIENCE - Part 1. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) SOME REFECTIONS ON INDIAN MATERIALS SCIENCE RESEARCH. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE ACTIVITY OF GOLD NANOPARTICLES. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE CATALYSIS BY HYDROTALCITES BASED CATALYSTS. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished) K Joseph, Antony (2009) SYNTHESIS OF PHOSPHATE AND SULPHATE MODIFIED HIGH SURFACE AREA TITANIA AND ITS STRUCTURAL STUDIES WITH VARIOUS TECHNIQUES. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) T M , Sankaranarayanan (2009) Selective Catalytic Reduction. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) K R, Krishnamurthy (2009) Selective Oxidation of hydrocarbons- Part-1. NCCR Internal bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) Self evaluation report of NCCR for 2009. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) K Joseph, Antony and B, Viswanathan (2009) Single-Step Synthesis and Structural Study of Mesoporous Sulfated Titania Nanopowder by a Controlled Hydrolysis Process. Applied Materials and interfaces . (In Press) B, Viswanathan (2009) Suggested books for M Tech course. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) M, Ruby Raj and Raghul , Tiwari (2009) Supported metal nano particles and their scope in catalysis. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) R, Mahalakshmy and P, Indra Neel and B, Viswanathan (2009) Surface functionalities of nitric acid treated carbon- A density functional theory based vibrational analysis. Indian Journal of Chemistry A, 48A (3). pp. 352-356. Juan M., Campelo, and Diego Luna,, Luna and Jos M., Marinas and Antonio A., Romero (2009) Sustainable Preparation of Supported Metal Nanoparticlesand Their Applications in Catalysis. ChemSusChem, 2 . pp. 18-45. K, Seshan (2009) Sustainable fuels from biomass - Role for catalysis. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) P, Indraneel (2009) Synopsis of Indra neel. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Submitted) P, Indraneel (2009) Synopsis presentation by Mr Indraneel. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) Sumeet Kumar, Sharma and Parimal A, Parikh and Rakesh V, Jasra (2009) Syntheiss of 2-methypentanol from ethylene in one pot using eco-friendly HRhCO(PPH3)3 supported on activated hydrotalcite as a multi-funcional catalyst. J Molecular Catalysis A Chem, 304 . pp. 33-39. Rajib Ghosh, Chaudhuri (2009) Synthesis and Characterization of S@AgBr core shell nano particles. Masters thesis, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela. K Joseph, Antony Raj and B, Viswanathan (2009) Synthesis of cobalt nanoparticles with vegetable oil as the stabilizing agent. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) James Robert Holst, Holst (2009) Synthesis of inorganic heptazine-based materials. PhD thesis, University of Iowa. S , Navaladian (2009) Synthesis of noble metals (Ag, Au, Pt and Pd) nanoparticles by oxalate-based methods. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) Meghshyam K, Patil (2009) Synthesis of novel zirconia based solid superacids their characterization and application in organic synthesis and transofrmation reactions. PhD thesis, Osmania University. K R, Krishnamurthy (2009) TESTING/PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF CATALYSTS. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) Sumit , Rana (2009) THE PHOTOCATALYTIC DEGRADATION OF PRIORITY POLLUTANTS. Masters thesis, THAPAR UNIVERSITY. B, Viswanathan (2009) THE RELEVANC OF STUDIES ON SALEN COMPLEXES. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) THE RELEVANCE OF SCIENTIFIC TEMPER AMONG INDIANS. one india one people . (Submitted) B, Viswanathan (2009) THE RELEVANCE OF THE SCIENCE OF NANOMATERIALS IN CATALYSIS. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) THE RELEVANCE OF THE SCIENCE OF NANOMATERIALS IN CATALYSIS. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) M, Vijayaraj (2009) TPD-MS for the Quantification of Protein Adsorption Capacity in porous Carbon. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) Brian, D. James and George, N. Baum and Julie, Perez and Kevin, N. Baum (2009) Technoeconomic Analysis of Photoelectrochemical (PEC) Hydrogen Production. Technical Report. Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. CHEAH KIEN , YOO and CHOO YUEN , May (2009) Technologies for Production of Biodiesel with Focus on Heterogeneous Catalysis. unknown. J W, Niemantsverdriet (2009) The Concepts of Heterogeneous Catalysis What is catalysis? from web. Summet Kumar, Sharma and Ram S, Shukla and Parimal A, Parikh and Rakesh V, Jasra (2009) The multi step reactions for the synthesis of C8 aldehydes/alcohol from propene in a single pot using an ecofriendly multifunctional catalyst system. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical . B, Viswanathan (2009) The status of citation of the bulletin of the Catalysis Society of idnai. Bulletin of the Catalysis Society of India . p. 84. N., Dimitratos and others, others (2009) This is a power point presentation of the paper N.Dimitratos, Green Chem., 2009. Green Chem., 2009. B, Viswanathan (2009) This is a power point presentation on acidity from literature. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan ( only compiled) (2009) This is a powerpoint presentation on EXAFS. NCCR Internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) This is a presentation on GREEN CHEMISTRY. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan and P, Indra Neel (2009) This is an industrial problem to separate solvo and sextet in a mixture. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) This is the course content and time table for the NFCL special course. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) This is the final evaluation report for 2009 for NCCR. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) M, Helen (2009) This is the power point presentation of Ms M Helen for her Ph D seminar II. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) T M, SankaraNarayanan (2009) Transesterification Reaction by using Lewis acid based solid catalyst. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) V, Meynen and P, Cool and E F, Vansant (2009) Verified syntheses of mesoporous materials. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 125 (2009) 170–223, 125 . pp. 170-223. X, Li and S. Ouyang, N. Kik, Quyang and N, Kikugawa and J , Ye (2009) Visible light photocatalysis by Ag2ZnGeO4 for dye degradation. Appl. Catal. B, 334 (2008) 51. G, Magesh (2009) Visible light photocatalytic activity of PbSe nanocrystal/TiOx films. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) X ray photoelectron spectroscopy. NCCR Internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) books list for M Tech coure will expand. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) K. Atheeque , Ahmed (2009) chalcogenides as ORR electrode. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) concepts in carbondioxide activation. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) K R, Krishnamurthy (2009) dimers and oligomers a power point presentation. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) for GC calibration procedure is outlined. In: GC analysis Dr Panda thesis pages. NCCR publication. (Unpublished) B M , Reddy and P, Saikia and Pankaj, Bharali and Lakshmi, Katta and G, Thrimuruthulu (2009) highly dispersed ceria and ceria-zirconia nanocomposites over silica surface for catalytic applications. Catalysis Today, 141 . pp. 109-114. Claus Hviid Christensen, Christensen (2009) Nanochemistry and Catalysis. web. B, Viswanathan (2009) list of Ph D thesis in NCCR library. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) K T P Radhika Jinoy, Jinoy (2009) petrochemcials - Cracking the growth code. hemical world . Abhijit P, Deshpande (2009) poly-lactic acid processing. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) some data on the storage of hydrogen by carbon materials. [Dataset] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) some frontiers in chemistry. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) P, Indra Neel (2009) synposis of Indraneel a ppt presentation. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) table of homogeneous catalytic reactions. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) tables on commercialisation of fuel cells and some data. NCCR internal bulletin . (Unpublished) M, Helen (2009) the synopsis of the thesis Development of hybrid membranes for application in DMFC. PhD thesis, Indian Institute of Technology Madras. B, Viswanathan (2009) third annual day programme. NCCR internal Bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) this is a list of books available in NCCR. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) this is a power point presentation on the crystal field theory for teaching to masters students. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) this is a presentation on ibuprofen. NCCR internal publication. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) this is the annual presentation for MAC 2009 a preliminary version. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) V, Chidambaram (2009) this is the appendix of Chidambarams thesis dealing with ibuprufen. NCCR internal bulletin. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan and K R, Krishnamurthy (2009) this is the first chapter of the book on thermal methods in catalysis. In: Thermal methods in catalysis. NCCR internal circulation. (Unpublished) B, Viswanathan (2009) this is the syllabus for the 10th orientation programme. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) |