Chemical vapour deposition of diamond on stainless steel: the effect of Ni-diamond composite coated buffer layerA K, Sikder and T, Sharda and D S, Misra and D, Chandrasekaram and P, Selvam (1998) Chemical vapour deposition of diamond on stainless steel: the effect of Ni-diamond composite coated buffer layer. Diamond and Related Materials, 7 . pp. 1010-1013.
AbstractDiamond films were grown on nickel and nickel-diamond composite coated stainless steel substrates using microwave plasma chemical vapour deposition (MPCVD). X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy studies give clear evidence for the growth of diamond on buffer layered substrates. XRD results further suggest that after CVD treatment the interface nickel (a = 3.522 ,~) shows an increase in the lattice constant (a = 3.563 A). The unit cell expansion can be attributed to the formation of the Ni-C solid solution phase. The new unit cell parameter of Ni match closely with diamond (a = 3.566 *). In addition, the embedded diamond particles assist in faster nucleation and growth of the diamond crystatlites on composite coated substrates.
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