Synthesis of nanocrystalline zirconia by amorphous citrate route: structural and thermal (HTXRD) studiesMahesh , Bhagwat and Veda , Ramaswamy (2004) Synthesis of nanocrystalline zirconia by amorphous citrate route: structural and thermal (HTXRD) studies. Materials Research Bulletin , 39 . pp. 1627-1640.
AbstractNanocrystalline zirconia powder with a fairly narrow particle size distribution has been synthesized by the amorphous citrate route. The sample obtained has a high BET surface area of 89 m2 g-1. Rietveld refinement of the powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) profile of the zirconia sample confirms stabilization of zirconia in the tetragonal phase with around 8% monoclinic impurity. The data show the presence of both anionic as well as cationic vacancies in the lattice. Crystallite size determined from XRD is 8 nm and is in close agreement with the particle size determined by TEM. The in situ high temperature-X-ray diffraction (HTXRD) study revealed high thermal stability of the mixture till around 1023 K after which the transformation of tetragonal phase into the monoclinic phase has been seen as a function of temperature till 1473 K. This transformation is accompanied by an increase in the crystallite size of the sample from 8 to 55 nm. The thermal expansion coefficients are 9.14x 10-6 K-1 along ‘a’- and 15.8x10-6 K-1 along ‘c’-axis. The lattice thermal expansion coefficient in the temperature range 298–1623 K is 34.6x10-6 K-1.
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