Negative thermal expansion in silicalite-1 and zirconium silicalite-1 having MFI structureD S, Bhange and Veda , Ramaswamy (2006) Negative thermal expansion in silicalite-1 and zirconium silicalite-1 having MFI structure. Materials Research Bulletin , 41 . pp. 1392-1402.
AbstractIn situ high temperature X-ray diffraction (HTXRD) studies on monoclinic silicalite-1 (S-1, silica polymorph of ZSM-5) and an orthorhombic metallosilicate molecular sieve, zirconium silicalite-1 (ZrS-1) with MFI structure (Si/Zr = 50) have been carried out using a laboratory X-ray diffractometer with an Anton Parr HTK 1600 attachment. While the structure of the S-1 collapsed at 1123 K forming a-cristobalite. S-1 and ZrS-1 showed a complex thermal expansion behavior in the temperature range 298–1023 K, ZrS-1 was stable. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) data taken in this region have shown strong negative lattice thermal expansion coefficient, aV = 6.75 106 and 17.92 106 K1 in the temperature range 298–1023 K1 for S-1 and ZrS-1 samples, respectively. The thermal expansion behavior of S-1 and ZrS-1 is anisotropic, with the relative strength of contraction along a axis is more than that along b and c axes. Three different thermal expansion regions could be identified in the overall temperature range (298–1023 K) studied, corroborating with the three steps of weight loss in the TG curve of ZrS-1 sample. While the region between 298 and 423 K, displays positive thermal expansion coefficient with aV = 2.647x10-6 and 4.24x10-6 K-1, the second region between 423 and 873 K shows strong negative thermal expansion (NTE) coefficient aV = -7.602x10-6 and -15.04x10-6K-1, respectively, for S-1 and ZrS-1 samples. The region between 873 and 1023 K, shows a very strong NTE coefficient with aV = -12.08x10-6 and -45.622x10-6 K-1 for S-1 and ZrS-1, respectively, which is the highest in the whole temperature range studied. NTE seen over a temperature range 298–1023 K could be associated with transverse vibrations of bridging oxygen atoms in the structure which results in an apparent shortening of the Si–O distances.
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