Catalysis Database

Sn-MFI molecular sieves: synthesis methods, 298Sn liquid and solid MAS-NMR, 298Sn static and MAS NMR studies

N K, Mal and Veda , Ramaswamy and P. R , Rajamohanan and A.V., Ramaswamy (1997) Sn-MFI molecular sieves: synthesis methods, 298Sn liquid and solid MAS-NMR, 298Sn static and MAS NMR studies. Microporous Materials, 12 . pp. 331-340.

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Four different methods of the hydrothermal synthesis of Sn-sil-1 (MFI structure) (Si/Sn >15) molecular sieves are described. Three of the methods are in a basic medium (pH= 12.4) and the last is in a fluoride medium (pH=6.4). The procedure in which SnC14.5H20 is dissolved first in Si(OC2Hs) 4 (TEOS) before hydrolysis by tetrapropyl ammonium hydroxide (method A) seems to be the most suitable in terms of the crystallinity of the resulting material and its activity in the hydroxylation of phenol by aqueous H20 _, (72% efficiency for H2Oz). The course of hydrolysis of TEOS and SnCI4 is studied systematically by 29Si liquid NMR spectroscopy. It is inferred that as soon as SnCl 4 is partially hydrolysed, it combines with monomeric Si(OH )4 (QO) species. This combination leads to the formation of QI, Q2 and Q3 species and a clear solution. The liquid NMR data provide direct evidence for the interaction of Sn species with silicate species ill the synthesis mixture. Further, 298i MAS NMR and ll9Sn static and MAS NMR spectral studies of the crystalline product indicate that the Sn 4+ ions are probably attached to the defect silanol groups in a tetrahedral coordination, but tend to assume five- or six-fold coordination very easily due to their large size.

Item Type:Article
Subjects:Science > Chemistry
ID Code:480
Deposited On:27 Mar 2007 19:32
Last Modified:05 Apr 2007 08:25

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