| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Important, Sent only to me, HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN, (no subject), 10:50 PM, Electron Delocalization and Electrochemical Potential Distribution Phenomena in Faradaic Electrode Materials for Understanding Electrochemical Behavior https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/aenm.. HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN | (no subject) - Electron Delocalization and Electrochemical Potential Distribution Phenomena in Faradaic Electrode Materials for Understanding Electrochemical Behavior https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/aenm. | | | 10:50 PM | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Important, Sent only to me, HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN, NCCR Photo, has attachment, Apr 11, Dear Sir Please find the attached. Warm Regards Hariprasad Hariprasad Narayanan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai-600036. HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN | NCCR Photo - Dear Sir Please find the attached. Warm Regards Hariprasad Hariprasad Narayanan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai-600036 | |  | Apr 11 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | IITM Email Admin Ju., Summary of junk emails blocked - 3 Junk Emails Blocked, Apr 11, Junk Box Summary for bviswanathan@gmail.com Junk Emails Blocked: 3 The emails listed below have been placed in your personal Junk Box since your last Junk Box Summary and will be deleted after 15 days.. IITM Email Admin Ju. | Summary of junk emails blocked - 3 Junk Emails Blocked - Junk Box Summary for bviswanathan@gmail.com Junk Emails Blocked: 3 The emails listed below have been placed in your personal Junk Box since your last Junk Box Summary and will be deleted after 15 days. | | | Apr 11 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN, \'Chennai garbage can generate 12 crore litre of aviation fuel\', Apr 11, https://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/chennai/2013/Nov/05/chennai-garbage-can-generate-12-crore-litre-of-aviation-fuel-533904.html. HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN | \'Chennai garbage can generate 12 crore litre of aviation fuel\' - https://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/chennai/2013/Nov/05/chennai-garbage-can-generate-12-crore-litre-of-aviation-fuel-533904.html | | | Apr 11 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | ponyo.li, A Heartfelt Thank You for reviewing for Advanced Materials Science and Technology and An Invitation to Submit, Apr 11, Dear Prof. Viswanathan, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your invaluable comments to Advanced Materials Science and Technology (AMST) as a peer. ponyo.li | A Heartfelt Thank You for reviewing for Advanced Materials Science and Technology and An Invitation to Submit - Dear Prof. Viswanathan, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your invaluable comments to Advanced Materials Science and Technology (AMST) as a peer | | | Apr 11 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Mechanics200PieceDE., WelcomeAceHardware anniversary with an DEWALT 200Piece MechanicsToolSet zbuv, Apr 11, . Mechanics200PieceDE. | WelcomeAceHardware anniversary with an DEWALT 200Piece MechanicsToolSet zbuv | | | Apr 11 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | IITM Email Admin Ju., Summary of junk emails blocked - 4 Junk Emails Blocked, Apr 10, Junk Box Summary for bviswanathan@gmail.com Junk Emails Blocked: 4 The emails listed below have been placed in your personal Junk Box since your last Junk Box S. IITM Email Admin Ju. | Summary of junk emails blocked - 4 Junk Emails Blocked - Junk Box Summary for bviswanathan@gmail.com Junk Emails Blocked: 4 The emails listed below have been placed in your personal Junk Box since your last Junk Box S | | | Apr 10 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN, Two more topics, Apr 10, These are the other two possible topics that need to be discussed. 1. Intersection of Battery-Powered Electric Aviation and CO2 to Jet Fuels 2. Integrating Batt. HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN | Two more topics - These are the other two possible topics that need to be discussed. 1. Intersection of Battery-Powered Electric Aviation and CO2 to Jet Fuels 2. Integrating Batt | | | Apr 10 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN, Mixed Oxygenate Conversion to Sustainable Aviation Fuel via Ketones Intermediate, Apr 9, https://www.pnnl.gov/main/publications/external/technical_reports/PNNL-34857.pdf Warm Regards Hariprasad. HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN | Mixed Oxygenate Conversion to Sustainable Aviation Fuel via Ketones Intermediate - https://www.pnnl.gov/main/publications/external/technical_reports/PNNL-34857.pdf Warm Regards Hariprasad | | | Apr 9 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN, Engineered Ru on HY zeolite catalyst for continuous and selective hydrodeoxygenation, Apr 9, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926860X24000930 Warm Regards Hariprasad. HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN | Engineered Ru on HY zeolite catalyst for continuous and selective hydrodeoxygenation - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926860X24000930 Warm Regards Hariprasad | | | Apr 9 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN, Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), Apr 9, https://skynrg.com/sustainable-aviation-fuel/ Warm Regards Hariprasad Hariprasad Narayanan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai-600036. HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN | Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) - https://skynrg.com/sustainable-aviation-fuel/ Warm Regards Hariprasad Hariprasad Narayanan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai-600036 | | | Apr 9 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN, Application for Senior Scientist, Air Company at Catalysis, Apr 9, Dear Sir I have applied for the following post. Job Application for Senior Scientist, Catalysis at AIR COMPANY (greenhouse.io) Warm Regards Hariprasad Hariprasad Narayanan National Centre for Catalysis. HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN | Application for Senior Scientist, Air Company at Catalysis - Dear Sir I have applied for the following post. Job Application for Senior Scientist, Catalysis at AIR COMPANY (greenhouse.io) Warm Regards Hariprasad Hariprasad Narayanan National Centre for Catalysis | | | Apr 9 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because you often read messages with this label. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Editor-39, me, Trina 3, Ms_AJR2P_115911: Invitation to Review Manuscript for Asian Journal of Research and Reviews in Physics, Apr 8, Dear Dr. Balasubramanian Viswanathan, Thank you for your mail. With Best Regards Ms. Ruma Bag Journal editorial office Reg. Offices: India: Guest House Road, Street no - 1/6, Hooghly, West Bengal,. Editor-39, me, Trina 3 | Ms_AJR2P_115911: Invitation to Review Manuscript for Asian Journal of Research and Reviews in Physics - Dear Dr. Balasubramanian Viswanathan, Thank you for your mail. With Best Regards Ms. Ruma Bag Journal editorial office Reg. Offices: India: Guest House Road, Street no - 1/6, Hooghly, West Bengal, | | | Apr 8 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | IITM Email Admin Ju., Summary of junk emails blocked - 4 Junk Emails Blocked, Apr 8, Junk Box Summary for bviswanathan@gmail.com Junk Emails Blocked: 4 The emails listed below have been placed in your personal Junk Box since your last Junk Box Summary and will be deleted after 15 days.. IITM Email Admin Ju. | Summary of junk emails blocked - 4 Junk Emails Blocked - Junk Box Summary for bviswanathan@gmail.com Junk Emails Blocked: 4 The emails listed below have been placed in your personal Junk Box since your last Junk Box Summary and will be deleted after 15 days. | | | Apr 8 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN, fuels-power-and-chemical-periodicity, has attachment, Apr 6, yao-et-al-2020-fuels-power-and-chemical-periodicity Warm Regards Hariprasad Hariprasad Narayanan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai-600036. HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN | fuels-power-and-chemical-periodicity - yao-et-al-2020-fuels-power-and-chemical-periodicity Warm Regards Hariprasad Hariprasad Narayanan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai-600036 | |  | Apr 6 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN, Transforming carbon dioxide into jet fuel using Fe-Mn-K catalyst, has attachment, Apr 6, Transforming carbon dioxide into jet fuel using an organic combustion-synthesized Fe-Mn-K catalyst Warm Regards Hariprasad Hariprasad Narayanan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute. HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN | Transforming carbon dioxide into jet fuel using Fe-Mn-K catalyst - Transforming carbon dioxide into jet fuel using an organic combustion-synthesized Fe-Mn-K catalyst Warm Regards Hariprasad Hariprasad Narayanan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute | |  | Apr 6 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | HarBorFreIght-Winne., Welcome-to DewaltPower-Station Reward-Panel uhta, Apr 6, . HarBorFreIght-Winne. | Welcome-to DewaltPower-Station Reward-Panel uhta | | | Apr 6 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Stephanie Sang, [Batteries] Manuscript ID: batteries-2943408 - Paper has been published, Apr 5, Dear Professor Viswanathan, The following paper: Maisuradze, M.; Li, M.; Carlomagno, I.; Gaboardi, M.; Aquilanti, G.; Plaisier, JR; Giorgetti, M. Aging Mechanism of Mn-Based Prussian Blue Cathode. Stephanie Sang | [Batteries] Manuscript ID: batteries-2943408 - Paper has been published - Dear Professor Viswanathan, The following paper: Maisuradze, M.; Li, M.; Carlomagno, I.; Gaboardi, M.; Aquilanti, G.; Plaisier, JR; Giorgetti, M. Aging Mechanism of Mn-Based Prussian Blue Cathode | | | Apr 5 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Subbiah Arunachalam, Too Bright: Dr Anandibai Joshee, India’s First Woman Medical Doctor, Apr 4, https://www.wisarchive.com/post/too-bright-dr-anandibai-joshee-india-s-first-woman-medical-doctor. Subbiah Arunachalam | Too Bright: Dr Anandibai Joshee, India’s First Woman Medical Doctor - https://www.wisarchive.com/post/too-bright-dr-anandibai-joshee-india-s-first-woman-medical-doctor | | | Apr 4 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Acad. Mat. Sci., Results from the 2024 Editorial Board Member Survey | "Academia Materials Science", has attachment, Apr 4, Dear Prof. Balasubramanian Viswanathan, Thank you, once again, for your participation in the 2024 Online Editorial Board Meeting in Academia Materials Science. We are glad to share with you the results. Acad. Mat. Sci. | Results from the 2024 Editorial Board Member Survey | "Academia Materials Science" - Dear Prof. Balasubramanian Viswanathan, Thank you, once again, for your participation in the 2024 Online Editorial Board Meeting in Academia Materials Science. We are glad to share with you the results | |  | Apr 4 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN 2, Bias-free solar NH3 production by perovskite-based photocathode coupled to valorization of glycerol, has attachment, Apr 4, https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41929-024-01133-4/MediaObjects/41929_2024_1133_MOESM1_ESM.pdf Warm Regards Hariprasad Hariprasad Narayanan National Centre for Catalysis. HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN 2 | Bias-free solar NH3 production by perovskite-based photocathode coupled to valorization of glycerol - https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41929-024-01133-4/MediaObjects/41929_2024_1133_MOESM1_ESM.pdf Warm Regards Hariprasad Hariprasad Narayanan National Centre for Catalysis | |  | Apr 4 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN 2, CO2 to Jetfuel Proposal, has attachment, Apr 4, Additionally added some reactor details. Warm Regards Hariprasad Hariprasad Narayanan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai-600036 On Thu, Apr 4, 2024 at. HARIPRASAD NARAYANAN 2 | CO2 to Jetfuel Proposal - Additionally added some reactor details. Warm Regards Hariprasad Hariprasad Narayanan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai-600036 On Thu, Apr 4, 2024 at | |  | Apr 4 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | HARIPRASAD, me 3, IPDF application, has attachment, Apr 3, Received. Here is the LaTex version for the same. Warm Regards Hariprasad Hariprasad Narayanan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai-600036 On Wed, Apr 3,. HARIPRASAD, me 3 | IPDF application - Received. Here is the LaTex version for the same. Warm Regards Hariprasad Hariprasad Narayanan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai-600036 On Wed, Apr 3, | |  | Apr 3 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Adonis Tao / MDPI, [Hydrogen] (ISSN 2673-4141) Hydrogen accepted into ESCI (Web of Science)!, Apr 3, Dear Dr. Viswanathan, We are excited to share the good news that Hydrogen has just been accepted for inclusion within ESCI (Web of Science) https://www.mdpi.com/journal/hydrogen/indexing. It is another. Adonis Tao / MDPI | [Hydrogen] (ISSN 2673-4141) Hydrogen accepted into ESCI (Web of Science)! - Dear Dr. Viswanathan, We are excited to share the good news that Hydrogen has just been accepted for inclusion within ESCI (Web of Science) https://www.mdpi.com/journal/hydrogen/indexing. It is another | | | Apr 3 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because you often read messages with this label. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Subbiah, me 3, Gates Foundation recommends preprints, Apr 1, Thanks very much. I am now in B'lore. Will return on the 8th. Will come and collect it on the morning of the 9th. Regards. Arun On Mon, Apr 1, 2024 at 10:23 AM Prof. B. Viswanathan <bviswanathan. Subbiah, me 3 | Gates Foundation recommends preprints - Thanks very much. I am now in B'lore. Will return on the 8th. Will come and collect it on the morning of the 9th. Regards. Arun On Mon, Apr 1, 2024 at 10:23 AM Prof. B. Viswanathan <bviswanathan | | | Apr 1 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | shreya, me, me 6, paper for gravimeteric quantification of CO2, Mar 29, Ok sorry thanks regards With respectful Regards Yours truly B. Viswanathan B. Viswanathan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai 600 036 Phone:044-22574241. shreya, me, me 6 | paper for gravimeteric quantification of CO2 - Ok sorry thanks regards With respectful Regards Yours truly B. Viswanathan B. Viswanathan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai 600 036 Phone:044-22574241 | | | Mar 29 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Subbiah Arunachalam, I left my laptop bag in the Chem Dept office this morning, Mar 28, Dear Mangal, After I spoke to you in the morning I went to the Chemistry Dept office to call MV Sangaranarayanan. I think I had left my laptop bag [black, rectangular and having a few pouches outside]. Subbiah Arunachalam | I left my laptop bag in the Chem Dept office this morning - Dear Mangal, After I spoke to you in the morning I went to the Chemistry Dept office to call MV Sangaranarayanan. I think I had left my laptop bag [black, rectangular and having a few pouches outside] | | | Mar 28 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because you often read messages with this label. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Subbiah, me 3, (no subject), Mar 28, Thanks very much. I must have left it in the chemistry Dept office. I will write to Mangalasundar and request him to check when he comes to the Dept next. Regards. Arun On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 2:23 PM. Subbiah, me 3 | (no subject) - Thanks very much. I must have left it in the chemistry Dept office. I will write to Mangalasundar and request him to check when he comes to the Dept next. Regards. Arun On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 2:23 PM | | | Mar 28 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because you often read messages with this label. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | starred, shreya, me 6, Carbon Nitride Manuscript, has attachment, Mar 25, sure sir. On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 7:34 PM Prof. B. Viswanathan <bviswanathan@gmail.com> wrote: Dear respected madam Thanks take your time I will re read and come back to you In the abstract the. shreya, me 6 | Carbon Nitride Manuscript - sure sir. On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 7:34 PM Prof. B. Viswanathan <bviswanathan@gmail.com> wrote: Dear respected madam Thanks take your time I will re read and come back to you In the abstract the | |  | Mar 25 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | me, (no subject), Mar 25, https://slideplayer.com/slide/9442066/ -- With respectful Regards Yours truly B. Viswanathan B. Viswanathan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai 600 036. me | (no subject) - https://slideplayer.com/slide/9442066/ -- With respectful Regards Yours truly B. Viswanathan B. Viswanathan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai 600 036 | | | Mar 25 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | me, (no subject), has attachment, Mar 25, -- With respectful Regards Yours truly B. Viswanathan B. Viswanathan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai 600 036 Phone:044-22574241 Orcid No.0000-0002-. me | (no subject) - -- With respectful Regards Yours truly B. Viswanathan B. Viswanathan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai 600 036 Phone:044-22574241 Orcid No.0000-0002- | |  | Mar 25 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | me, (no subject), has attachment, Mar 22, -- With respectful Regards Yours truly B. Viswanathan B. Viswanathan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai 600 036 Phone:044-22574241 Orcid No.0000-0002-. me | (no subject) - -- With respectful Regards Yours truly B. Viswanathan B. Viswanathan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai 600 036 Phone:044-22574241 Orcid No.0000-0002- | |  | Mar 22 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Caroline Lane, Invoice #254280926 Payment Transaction Successfully Completed ! pDSWZyekrG, has attachment, Mar 21, Balasubramaniam Viswanathan! We're excited to notify you that invoice 254280926 has been processed and fully paid. Your prompt action is valued and appreciated!. Caroline Lane | Invoice #254280926 Payment Transaction Successfully Completed ! pDSWZyekrG - Balasubramaniam Viswanathan! We're excited to notify you that invoice 254280926 has been processed and fully paid. Your prompt action is valued and appreciated! | |  | Mar 21 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | me, (no subject), has attachment, Mar 21, -- With respectful Regards Yours truly B. Viswanathan B. Viswanathan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai 600 036 Phone:044-22574241 Orcid No.0000-0002-. me | (no subject) - -- With respectful Regards Yours truly B. Viswanathan B. Viswanathan National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai 600 036 Phone:044-22574241 Orcid No.0000-0002- | |  | Mar 21 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | hydrogen, Reminder: Hydrogen has been Accepted for Coverage in Scopus!, Mar 20, Dear Dr. Viswanathan, We contacted you some time ago, regarding future cooperation with journal /Hydrogen/ (ISSN 2673-4141, https://www.mdpi.com/journal/hydrogen). Could you please confirm that you. hydrogen | Reminder: Hydrogen has been Accepted for Coverage in Scopus! - Dear Dr. Viswanathan, We contacted you some time ago, regarding future cooperation with journal /Hydrogen/ (ISSN 2673-4141, https://www.mdpi.com/journal/hydrogen). Could you please confirm that you | | | Mar 20 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Subbiah, me 2, Why is plagiarism apparently more common in research funded by the NSF than the NIH?, Mar 16, Sent from my iPad Begin forwarded message: From: Subbiah Arunachalam <subbiah.arunachalam@gmail.com> Date: 16 March 2024 at 2:27:24 PM IST To: "Gunasekaran, S" <Guna1970@gmail.com. Subbiah, me 2 | Why is plagiarism apparently more common in research funded by the NSF than the NIH? - Sent from my iPad Begin forwarded message: From: Subbiah Arunachalam <subbiah.arunachalam@gmail.com> Date: 16 March 2024 at 2:27:24 PM IST To: "Gunasekaran, S" <Guna1970@gmail.com | | | Mar 16 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | ram, me, me 4, Advance Tax Challan, has attachment, Mar 14, Dear sir Thanks I will pay before 15 of this month Regards to all On Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 3:45 PM ram chandran <ram.chn@gmail.com> wrote: Dear Chithappa, PFA the challan for payment of advance. ram, me, me 4 | Advance Tax Challan - Dear sir Thanks I will pay before 15 of this month Regards to all On Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 3:45 PM ram chandran <ram.chn@gmail.com> wrote: Dear Chithappa, PFA the challan for payment of advance | |  | Mar 14 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Magesh Banu, Fwd: Formatting Revision Requested for Manuscript ID ef-2023-05087m.R1, Mar 14, Dear Respected Sir Congratulations to all of us. This paper is accepted. As always, thank you very much for your support and guidance. Thanks Regards Banu ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: onbehalfof. Magesh Banu | Fwd: Formatting Revision Requested for Manuscript ID ef-2023-05087m.R1 - Dear Respected Sir Congratulations to all of us. This paper is accepted. As always, thank you very much for your support and guidance. Thanks Regards Banu ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: onbehalfof | | | Mar 14 | | |
| |  | Click to teach Gmail this conversation is important. | Research Journal, Publish your Articles in Chemical Journals, Mar 13, Dear Author, You can consider your next publication in following Chemical Journals International Journal of Mechanical and Thermal Engineering International Journal of Chemical Research and Development. Research Journal | Publish your Articles in Chemical Journals - Dear Author, You can consider your next publication in following Chemical Journals International Journal of Mechanical and Thermal Engineering International Journal of Chemical Research and Development | | | Mar 13 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because you often read messages with this label. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Academia .. Academia 3, Invitation to Contribute to Academia Green Energy, Mar 6, Dear Dr. Viswanathan, Thank you for your reply. We are glad to hear you are interested in renewable energy sources and carriers. Once your manuscript is ready, please visit https://www.academia.edu/. Academia .. Academia 3 | Invitation to Contribute to Academia Green Energy - Dear Dr. Viswanathan, Thank you for your reply. We are glad to hear you are interested in renewable energy sources and carriers. Once your manuscript is ready, please visit https://www.academia.edu/Unsubscribe | | | Mar 6 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because you often read messages with this label. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | RAKESH, me 8, Re: NEED YOUR REFERENCE FOR Faculty POSITION, has attachment, Mar 5, Respected Sir, Thanks for your wishes and I always follow sir, your reference books for my scientific basic knowledge and videos for research purpose. I never forget and you are a huge scientific asset. RAKESH, me 8 | Re: NEED YOUR REFERENCE FOR Faculty POSITION - Respected Sir, Thanks for your wishes and I always follow sir, your reference books for my scientific basic knowledge and videos for research purpose. I never forget and you are a huge scientific asset | |  | Mar 5 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Subbiah Arunachalam, The value of OA and FOSS - Comments by a former President of MIT, Mar 4, Dear Fred/Guna, I thought you would like this excerpt from one of my postings to American Scientist Open Access Forum, more than 15 years ago. Addressing the graduates at MIT's 136th commencement. Subbiah Arunachalam | The value of OA and FOSS - Comments by a former President of MIT - Dear Fred/Guna, I thought you would like this excerpt from one of my postings to American Scientist Open Access Forum, more than 15 years ago. Addressing the graduates at MIT's 136th commencement | | | Mar 4 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Subbiah Arunachalam, Archives of school books at APU, Feb 29, Gautam Menon (@MenonBioPhysics) posted at 11:20 am on Sat, Feb 03, 2024: Such a nice idea. We need more archives. (https://x.com/MenonBioPhysics/status/1753657225812283426?s=03) **** Will some. Subbiah Arunachalam | Archives of school books at APU - Gautam Menon (@MenonBioPhysics) posted at 11:20 am on Sat, Feb 03, 2024: Such a nice idea. We need more archives. (https://x.com/MenonBioPhysics/status/1753657225812283426?s=03) **** Will some | | | Feb 29 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | vaishnavi, me 2, Re: Gratitude for Your Tremendous Support during my Ph.D., Feb 26, Dear respected madam Glad to note your new assignment and wish you all success Best regards to your man and you Regards Sent from my iPad On 26-Feb-2024, at 1:37 PM, vaishnavi vasista <. vaishnavi, me 2 | Re: Gratitude for Your Tremendous Support during my Ph.D. - Dear respected madam Glad to note your new assignment and wish you all success Best regards to your man and you Regards Sent from my iPad On 26-Feb-2024, at 1:37 PM, vaishnavi vasista < | | | Feb 26 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | PolyU Academy for I., [Reminder – Online] PAIR Distinguished Lecture Series – Battery Fast Charging for Sustainable Electrification, Feb 26, Dear Prof. B Viswanathan, Thank you very much for your registration! The PAIR Distinguished Lecture “Battery Fast Charging for Sustainable Electrification” by Professor Chaoyang Wang, William E.. PolyU Academy for I. | [Reminder – Online] PAIR Distinguished Lecture Series – Battery Fast Charging for Sustainable Electrification - Dear Prof. B Viswanathan, Thank you very much for your registration! The PAIR Distinguished Lecture “Battery Fast Charging for Sustainable Electrification” by Professor Chaoyang Wang, William E. | | | Feb 26 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Editor SSRG - IJAC, International Journal - Submissions Invited 2024, Feb 23, SSRG-IJAC International Journal of Applied Chemistry FEBRUARY ISSUE https://www.internationaljournalssrg.org/IJAC/index.html Dear Authors, SSRG International Journal of Applied Chemistry - IJAC is a. Editor SSRG - IJAC | International Journal - Submissions Invited 2024 - SSRG-IJAC International Journal of Applied Chemistry FEBRUARY ISSUE https://www.internationaljournalssrg.org/IJAC/index.html Dear Authors, SSRG International Journal of Applied Chemistry - IJAC is a | | | Feb 23 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Subbiah Arunachalam, Instances of APC standing in the way of publishing, Feb 22, Friends, I received this letter from a well-meaning friend. Please let me know of instances where having to pay APC (article publishing charge) prevented an author (in your institution or any other. Subbiah Arunachalam | Instances of APC standing in the way of publishing - Friends, I received this letter from a well-meaning friend. Please let me know of instances where having to pay APC (article publishing charge) prevented an author (in your institution or any other | | | Feb 22 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because it was sent directly to you. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | me, Manthan 2, Assignment, has attachment, Feb 21, Respected sir, Dear sir, Sir due to family emergency I need to go to hometown, due to which I am not able to give assignment on monday, I will surely submit it After 6 March 2024 Thank and regards. me, Manthan 2 | Assignment - Respected sir, Dear sir, Sir due to family emergency I need to go to hometown, due to which I am not able to give assignment on monday, I will surely submit it After 6 March 2024 Thank and regards | |  | Feb 21 | | |
| |  | Important mainly because you often read messages with this label. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Davis, me, me 5, [ESC] Invitation to join the Editorial Board as Section Editor & Paper Submission for “Energy Storage and Conversion”, has attachment, Feb 21, Dear Prof. B. Viswanathan, Thanks for the information you provided. I have updated the website with your information, please check it out:https://ojs.acad-pub.com/s.php/index/detail?id=272 Should you. Davis, me, me 5 | [ESC] Invitation to join the Editorial Board as Section Editor & Paper Submission for “Energy Storage and Conversion” - Dear Prof. B. Viswanathan, Thanks for the information you provided. I have updated the website with your information, please check it out:https://ojs.acad-pub.com/s.php/index/detail?id=272 Should you | |  | Feb 21 | | |
| |  | Important according to Google magic. Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important. | Bala, me 2, Advice please, Feb 21, Dear brother Thanks Yes alternatively if you feel you can stay in Chennai in the house where I live now Anyway decide and tell me I will do the best Sent from my iPad On 21-Feb-2024, at 1:17 AM, Bala. Bala, me 2 | Advice please - Dear brother Thanks Yes alternatively if you feel you can stay in Chennai in the house where I live now Anyway decide and tell me I will do the best Sent from my iPad On 21-Feb-2024, at 1:17 AM, Bala | | | Feb 21 | | |