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Applied Catalysis A, General 652 (2023) 119040
Available online 15 January 2023
0926-860X/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Acidity-activity relationships in the solvent-free tert-butylation of phenol
over sulfated metal oxides
Adam Zuber , George Tsilomelekis *
Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA
Sulfated metal oxides
tert-butylation of phenol
Lewis/Brønsted acidity
Sulfated metal oxides have long been reported to exhibit enhanced acidity properties, which in turn affect
reactivity. In this study, sulfated SnO2, TiO2 and ZrO2 of varying acidic properties were synthesized and utilized
for the solvent-free alkylation of phenol with tert-butyl alcohol. Herein, it was observed that tert-butylation of
phenol could be carried out at 120 C with significant yield towards alkylated products; the majority was
accounted for by the mono-alkylated products. Among the catalysts studied, SnO2 with high content of sulfation
was found to be the more active. In-situ DRIFTS in the range of 25500 C was used to investigate the tem-
perature evolution of sulfate species and differentiate between bidentate and tridentate configurations. By
combining temperature-programmed desorption, in-situ DRIFTS and catalytic performance measurements a
correlation between the ratio of Lewis to Brønsted acids and overall reactivity was observed.
1. Introduction
Modern catalysis research has seen tremendous interest from
academia and industry for the transition from classical homogeneous
catalysis to environmentally-friendly, heterogeneous alternatives. Ho-
mogeneous catalysis is often unfavorable, both economically and envi-
ronmentally, due to difficulty in downstream separation, high capital
costs, containment and management of hazardous acid waste, instru-
ment corrosion, and the danger present to plant operators [1]. Amongst
variegated alkylation reactions, tert-butylation of phenol is one of
particular importance to industry [25] and is classically carried out in
the presence of a homogeneous acid catalyst such as sulfuric acid, hy-
drofluoric acid, phosphoric acid, aluminum chloride, or boron tri-
fluoride [14,68]. Current industrial processes for the alkylation of
phenol with tert-butyl alcohol (TBA) require high temperature and
pressure (e.g. up to 325 C and 15 atm [9]), incurring significant eco-
nomic burden [914].
It has been reported that 450,000 tons per year of tert-butyl phenols
(TBPs) are manufactured industrially for production of innumerable
chemical commodities [2,3,6,15]. The reaction of tert-butyl alcohol with
phenol ideally results in the following carbon-alkylated products:
2-tert-butylphenol (2-TBP), 4-tert-butylphenol (4-TBP), 2,4-tert-butyl-
phenol (2,4-TBP), 2,6-tert-butylphenol (2,6-TBP), and 2,4,6-tert-butyl-
phenol (2,4,6-TBP). 2-TBP is utilized in production of pesticides and
fragrances; 4-TBP functions as a flavoring agent and petroleum additive
and is further used to manufacture oil field chemicals, plastic and rubber
products, paint and coating additives, adhesives and sealants, fra-
grances, and phosphate esters. Amongst the di-alkylated products, ul-
traviolet absorbers in polyolefins and PVC stabilizers are synthesized
from 2,4-TBP, while 2,6-TBP finds uses in antioxidants and pharma-
ceutical industry [17,1522].
Traditionally catalyzed by Brønsted acidity, alkylation of phenol
with tert-butyl alcohol can occur at either the oxygen of the phenolic
hydroxyl group or directly to the aromatic carbon ring. Unpaired elec-
trons from the oxygen on phenol stimulate an electron-releasing reso-
nance effect, thereby activating the ring for alkylation. Delocalization of
these unpaired electrons grants the ring stability such that preference is
given to ortho and para substitution; selectivity towards meta substitu-
tion is limited at best [8,23]. The presence of the hydroxyl group in
phenol kinetically favors the formation of the ortho-substituted product,
in spite of steric hindrance effects; the para-substituted product is
however thermodynamically favored in the presence of moderately
acidic media. Stronger acids and higher temperatures tend to favor the
production of di- and tri-alkylated products; weak acids lead to forma-
tion of oxygen-alkylated products, i.e. tert-butylphenol ether (TBPE)
[1618,2426]. Although carbon-alkylation is thermodynamically
favored due to the relative stability of resulting ortho- and
para-alkylated products, oxygen-alkylation may be given precedence
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (G. Tsilomelekis).
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Applied Catalysis A, General
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Received 15 August 2022; Received in revised form 1 December 2022; Accepted 14 January 2023
Applied Catalysis A, General 652 (2023) 119040
2due to kinetics [25,27].
In light of what has preceded in the literature, Scheme 1 illustrates a
generalized reaction pathway for the tert-butylation of phenol. The
carbocation, formed from either TBA or isobutylene (IBE) [6], initially
alkylates at the oxygen to form TBPE; the ether then undergoes trans-
alkylation to produce 2-TBP, which further isomerizes to form 4-TBP
[15,17,25,27]. Generation of water from the dehydration of TBA may
foment stabilization of the charged alkylated intermediate and promote
transalkylation of ether to carbon-alkylated product [25]. Higher tem-
peratures and highly acidic conditions can promote dealkylation and
side reactions resulting from IBE formation, such as oligomerization and
cracking [16,2830].
Numerous research groups have carried out this reaction in both
vapor [1618,21,31], liquid [15,26,29,3236], and mixed [6] phases
and in batch [15,26,29,3236] and continuous flow [1618,21,31]
systems, though few have managed to perform tert-butylation of phenol
under conditions relevant to industrial applications, i.e. low tempera-
ture and pressure and under solvent-free conditions. Tert-butylation of
phenol via heterogeneous catalysis has seen applications of several
mesoporous materials [18,21,37], rice husk ash derivatives [2,15,38],
metal chlorides on silica gel [1], cation exchange resin Amberlyst ® 15
[6,32,37], supported heteropolyacids (HPAs) [19,20], ionic liquids [3,
29,35,3941], and zeolites [5,30,36,37,42,43]. Metal oxides have been
reported in literature for decades to exhibit enhanced acidic properties
and high activity for an array of reactions [44]. Sulfated metal oxides
tin oxide, titania, and zirconia in particular are known to display
enhanced acidic properties and thus hold great potential for alkylation
reactions. The latent acidity of these materials can differ significantly
with varying synthesis procedures and reaction conditions, thereby
substantially affecting the inherent activities of these catalysts. As such,
comparison of the intrinsic reactivities of metal oxides and sulfated
metal oxides across variant studies in the literature is an arduous task.
The preeminent objective of this work was thus to, firstly, characterize
and, secondly, investigate the efficacy of such catalysts at solvent-free,
low temperature and pressure conditions. Promising reactivity was
noted in our preliminary screening [33] of a series of sulfated metal and
mixed metal oxides (SO4
2-/SnO2, SO4
2-/ZrO2, and SO4
2-/SnO2/ZrO2) that
set the foundation of the present study. Given that the effect of acidity on
catalytic behavior remains elusive [6,30,34,42,43,45], efforts have been
placed to investigate potential acidity-activity relationships for this
2. Experimental
2.1. Materials
Titanium butoxide (TBOT) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (re-
agent grade, 97%) as the precursor for TiO2 and SO4
2-/TiO2. Synthesis of
ZrO2 and SO4
2-/ZrO2 was carried out using Zirconyl chloride octahydrate
(ZrOCl2 8 H2O, Sigma-Aldrich, reagent grade, 98%). Tin (IV) chloride
pentahydrate (SnCl4 8 H2O, Sigma-Aldrich, 98%) was used as the
precursor for SnO2 and SO4
2-/SnO2. Aqueous ammonia solution (Supelco,
2830%) was utilized in the synthesis of both zirconia and tin oxide.
Sulfuric acid solution (Fluka, 5 M H2SO4) was used in the sulfation of the
metal oxide materials. Pyridine (Fisher chemical, certified ACS, 99%)
and 2,6-dimethylpyridine (Sigma-Aldrich, 99%) were used for the
temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) experiments. All chemicals
were used as received from the supplier without further purification.
2.2. Synthesis of the supports
Titania was prepared via a sol gel method reported elsewhere [46].
In a typical synthesis, TBOT was precipitated in ethanol (95%) and
deionized water in a 7:20:10 ratio, respectively, by volume with
vigorous mixing for 1 h. The resulting precipitant was then left to age for
6 h, filtered under vacuum and washed with deionized water, and then
left to dry overnight at 110 C. Thereafter, the dried powder was
calcined at 500 C for 6 h to produce titania (TiO2).
A 0.1 M solution of either Zirconyl chloride octahydrate or Tin (IV)
chloride pentahydrate in deionized water was prepared. Precipitation
was then carried out by dropwise addition of 2830% aqueous ammonia
solution under vigorous stirring until reaching pH 8 [47]. The solution
was then left to age for 1 h, filtered under vacuum and washed with
deionized water, and then left to dry overnight at 110 C. Thereafter, the
dried powder was calcined at 500 C for 6 h to produce either zirconia
(ZrO2) or tin oxide (SnO2).
2.3. Synthesis of sulfated metal oxide catalysts
To produce the sulfated catalysts, after vacuum filtration and drying
overnight, dried but uncalcined samples were suspended for 1 h under
vigorous stirring in a 0.1 M, 0.5 M or 1.0 M H2SO4 solution, such that
15 mL of H2SO4 was utilized per gram of powder. The resulting sample
was then filtered under vacuum with deionized water washing and
thereafter dried overnight at 110 C. The powder was then calcined at
Scheme 1. A generalized reaction network for the tert-butylation of phenol. The oligomerization to form C8 and C12, noted in red, was not observed under the
reaction conditions in this study.
A. Zuber and G. Tsilomelekis
Applied Catalysis A, General 652 (2023) 119040
3500 C for 6 h to produce either sulfated titania (SO4
2-/TiO2), sulfated
zirconia (SO4
2-/ZrO2), or sulfated tin oxide catalyst (SO4
2.4. Physicochemical characterization
2.4.1. X-ray diffraction
X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were collected with a PANalytical
Philips XPERT powder diffractometer to determine crystallinity and
phase composition changes. The XRD instrument was equipped with a
CuKα source at 40 kV and 40 mA and angular incidence 2θ between 10
and 90 with 0.03 step and 2.00 s/step. Phase composition was
analyzed by whole pattern fitting (WPF) refinement 2-phase analysis
with relative error R% targeted below 16%. Silicon was used as an
external standard reference to determine possible peak shifts.
2.4.2. DRIFTS
Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy
(DRIFTS) was employed for in situ characterization of the structure of
anchored species by utilization of a Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS50
FTIR Spectrometer equipped with a Harrick Scientific Praying Mantis
diffuse reflectance accessory. Samples were loaded into the high-
temperature reaction chamber equipped with a Praying Mantis
dome with two ZnSe windows and one glass observation window.
Temperature was ramped at 5 C/min in the presence of air flow (40
sccm), with spectra taken at 25 C and then in 100 C intervals between
100 and 500 C; spectra were likewise taken upon cooling in the same
intervals. Spectra presented herein are the average of 64 scans between
720 and 4000 cm-1 with a resolution of 8.0 cm-1 and optical velocity of
0.4747 using a DTGS KBr detector. To establish a background, KBr
powder (Alfa Aesar, FTIR grade) was loaded into the reaction cell and
heated from 25 to 100C at 2 C/min in the presence of inert flow
(either nitrogen or argon) (20 sccm); after dwelling at 100 C for 30 min,
the heating was shut off, and a background spectrum was taken at 25 C.
2.4.3. Pyridine adsorption via DRIFTS
Pyridine adsorption via DRIFTS was carried out with the same
experimental setup. Samples were loaded into the Harrick cell with
relevant accessories. The chamber was purged with inert (40 sccm of Ar)
for 1 h, and then pyridine was bubbled under inert flow (40 sccm of Ar)
for 1 h at 25 C. The chamber was then flushed with inert (40 sccm of
Ar) for 1 h, and spectra were taken at 25 C. Pyridine TPD-DRIFTS was
carried out by heating the reaction cell from 25 to 750C at 5 C/min
with 40 sccm Ar flow; in addition to the spectrum taken at 25 C, spectra
were taken every 50 C from 50 to 750C.
2.4.4. Pyridine and 2,6-dimethylpyridine TPD
Temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) was carried out in
home-made U-shaped quartz tube (Fig. S1), which was heated by an
insulated furnace (Carbolite Gero, Serial No. 21702721, MTF 12/38/
250 110120 V 1PH), with the reactor outlet analyzed by an online mass
spectrometer (Cirrus 3-XD Atmospheric Gas Analyzer, Quadrupole
MS). In a typical measurement, approximately 0.05 g of sample was
loaded into the quartz tube, which was subsequently purged with inert
gas (Ar, 30 sccm). Afterwards, adsorbate (pyridine or 2,6-dimethylpyr-
idine) was bubbled into the quartz tube at 25 C until reaching
maximum capacity of adsorbate, as monitored by MS. The system was
then purged once more with inert to remove physisorbed species, as
monitored by MS. Thereafter, desorption was monitored while heating
the chamber at 5 C/min from 25 to 1000C under inert flow (Ar, 30
2.4.5. BET
BET surface area measurements were conducted with a Micro-
meritics TriStar 3000 system. Typically, around 30 mg of catalyst was
loaded into a BET tube and degassed at 150 C for 3 h prior to BET
analysis in order to remove chemisorbed water from the sample surface.
79 points were collected within 0.011.0 P/P0 with a 0.02 increment.
Silica-alumina (Micromeritics, 0041682100, 99.799.9% aluminum
oxide, 0.10.2% silicon dioxide, 0.1% ferric oxide) was used as the
2.5. Phenol alkylation with tert-Butyl Alcohol
15 mL pressure vessels from Ace Glass Incorporated (Product #
8648164), equipped with a thermowell to accommodate a thermo-
couple for precise control of reaction temperature, were used for tert-
butylation of phenol in batch mode. Reactant and liquid product con-
centrations were determined by gas chromatography (Agilent Technol-
ogies 7890B GC System) equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID)
and capillary column (HP-5, 30 m × 0.320 mm × 0.25 μm). Toluene
(Sigma-Aldrich, 99.5%) was used as a dilution solvent for the GC
In a typical reaction, a 10 mL mixture of tert-butyl alcohol (TBA)
(Sigma-Aldrich, ACS reagent, 99.0%) and phenol (Sigma-Aldrich,
96.0%) in a 1:10 molar ratio was added to the reaction vessel with an
appropriate stir bar. 0.313 g of catalyst, corresponding to 3 wt% catalyst
loading (with respect to the total reactant mixture), was carefully added
to the vessel, which was subsequently sealed tightly with the provided
bushing and O-ring. A thermocouple was placed in the thermowell with
silicon oil; the vessel was submerged into an oil bath on top of a heating
plate. The reaction was then carried out with 1050 rpm mixing at the
desired temperature. Time was recorded from the point at which the
reaction mixture reached the set temperature. Initial samples were taken
prior to addition of catalyst and analyzed by GC to confirm initial con-
centration. After reaction, the mixture underwent centrifugation to
separate the liquid products from solid catalyst particles; final samples
were subsequently taken to confirm concentration and product distri-
bution by GC. Product distribution in the liquid fraction was attributed
to generation of alkylated products, i.e. TBPE (Sigma-Aldrich, 96%), 2-
TBP (Sigma-Aldrich, 99%), 4-TBP (Sigma-Aldrich, 99%), 2,4-TBP
(Sigma-Aldrich, 99%), 2,6-TBP (Sigma-Aldrich, 99%), and 2,4,6-TBP
(Sigma-Aldrich, 98%). Generation of IBE was not analyzed via GC, but
given the lack of observation of oligomerization products, the remaining
carbon balance from the conversion of TBA was attributed to IBE. TBA
conversion and product selectivity, respectively, were calculated as
XTBA = CTBA,converted
Si = Ci
Selectivity relative to the alkylated products was calculated in the
following manner:
Si = Ci
CTBPE + C2 TBP + C4 TBP + C2,4 TBP + C2,6 TBP + C2,4,6 TBP
The rate of the reaction for catalyst i was calculated as follows:
Ratei = (molesconvertedTBA)i
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Physicochemical characterization
Fig. 1 displays the XRD patterns for the selected sulfated metal oxide
catalysts and their supports. Analysis of the crystalline phases and
relevant crystallite sizes is summarized in Table 1; amorphous domains
were also observed. Smaller crystallite size with increasing sulfation was
generally observed across all samples, consistent with other literature
reports [4750]. Sulfation has been reported to hinder particle sintering,
A. Zuber and G. Tsilomelekis
Applied Catalysis A, General 652 (2023) 119040
4thus resulting in reduced particle size [33,50,51]. Tin oxide samples
retained tetragonal morphology even upon sulfation [47,52], while all
titania samples maintained an approximate 4:1 ratio of anatase to
brookite [34,53]. Zirconia samples however showed a transition from
primarily monoclinic phase in the support to mainly tetragonal
conformation upon sulfation, as has been shown elsewhere [6,31,33,47,
54]. The relative conformity of unit cell sizes between the analyzed
crystalline phases and those of standard crystalline materials is indica-
tive of the lack of heteroatom substitution, denoting the presence of
surface anchored sulfate species.
Relevant measurements of the specific surface area, pore volume,
and pore diameter are also summarized in Table 1. While all sulfated
catalysts were synthesized under similar conditions, their properties
vary significantly. Sulfated metal oxides are generally reported to
exhibit higher surface area than their non-sulfated analogues. It is
believed that loading sulfate species hinders sintering of metal oxide
particles, thereby reducing particle size and increasing surface area [33,
3.2. Spectroscopic characterization of select sulfated metal oxide catalysts
Plausible molecular structures of bidentate (chelating and bridging),
tridentate, and polymeric sulfate species that may be present on the
surface of the various oxides [51,5565] are presented in Fig. S2. It is
expected that the electron-withdrawing effect of the sulfate group can
enhance the Lewis acidity at the connected metal site [61,62,64], which
can alter the adsorption properties of local sites and in turn affect
catalyst activity; moreover, while the sulfate groups may not directly
participate in the reaction, they may enhance Brønsted acidity. As sug-
gested in the literature, several structures for acidic centers on sulfated
metal oxides are shown in Fig. 2 [51,60,6266]. The metal oxide support
itself could exhibit both Brønsted and Lewis acidity due to surface hy-
droxyl groups (M-OH) and the coordinatively unsaturated cations
(Mn+), respectively. In sulfated materials, depending on the sulfation
content, different local sulfate structures may be present that can induce
different Lewis/Brønsted acidities; besides, enhanced Lewis acid sites
could foment Brønsted acidity by binding to a water molecule. Likewise,
the neighboring oxygen could be protonated. Alternatively, protonation
could occur on the sulfate group itself.
DRIFTS is used as a mean to investigate the possible molecular
configurations of sulfate species on the various oxides, which, in turn,
could affect the acid centers that promote tert-butylation of phenol.
Since the catalysts have not been dehydrated prior to reaction, spec-
troscopic studies are compared herein for both ambient (25 C) and
dehydrated (500 C) conditions.
3.2.1. In-situ DRIFTS: evolution of anchored species with temperature
Figs. 35 show the in-situ DRIFTS results for the 1.0 M sulfated metal
oxides, providing information on sulfate configurations. The complete
set of DRIFTS data for the remaining materials are presented in the SI
(Figs. S3-S11). Both physisorbed and chemisorbed water was observed
at room temperature as is noted by the broad peak in the 30003800 cm-
Fig. 1. XRD patterns for the sulfated metal oxide catalysts and their supports: (a) ZrO2, (b) TiO2, and (c) SnO2.
Table 1
Analysis of BET and XRD results. The following nomenclature is used: A = anatase; B = brookite; M = monoclinic; T = tetragonal. Crystallite sizes are listed in order as
per their respective phase.
Catalyst Sulfation (M) Surface Area (m2/g) Pore volume (cc/g) Pore diameter (nm) Crystalline Phase (s) Crystallite Size (Å)
ZrO2 63.8 0.181 9.5 M (95.9%)
T (4.1%)
2-/ZrO2 0.1 121.7 0.081 3.4 M (8.4%)
T (91.6%)
2-/ZrO2 0.5 130.1 0.089 3.2 M (0.9%)
T (99.1%)
> 1000
2-/ZrO2 1.0 117.5 0.072 3.4 M (1.2%)
T (98.8%)
TiO2 100.4 0.175 5.7 A (78.2%)
B (21.8%)
2-/TiO2 0.1 100.1 0.192 6.5 A (81.3%)
B (18.7%)
2-/TiO2 0.5 94.6 0.177 6.3 A (78.9%)
B (21.1%)
2-/TiO2 1.0 99.9 0.197 6.8 A (81.1%)
B (18.9%)
SnO2 48.3 0.077 5.5 T 91
2-/SnO2 0.1 56.3 0.105 6.5 T 91
2-/SnO2 0.5 56.1 0.094 5.8 T 85
2-/SnO2 1.0 75.2 0.060 3.7 T 77
A. Zuber and G. Tsilomelekis
Applied Catalysis A, General 652 (2023) 119040
51 spectral range [59,67,68] as well as by the band at 1600 cm-1 that
corresponds to the bending mode of water [56,61,6973]. Upon heating
of these materials a peak above 3600 cm-1 revealed that corresponds to
free hydroxyl species [67], which remain even at high temperature. In
the case of sulfated zirconia and tin oxides (Figs. 3(a) and 5(a),
respectively), this peak shifts to higher frequency upon heating, whereas
in the case of sulfated titania (Fig. 4(a)), this peak shifts to lower fre-
quency upon heating and then back to higher frequency upon cooling.
When comparing the sulfated catalysts with their unsulfated counter-
parts, it can be seen that upon sulfation the free hydroxyl group appear
at higher wavenumbers. As such, it can be said that there are hydroxyl
species that are strongly bound to the catalytic support, while sulfation
induces new OH groups that can account for the improved Brønsted
acidity noted in these materials. Given that the frequency of the hy-
droxyl stretching is observed at lower wavenumbers in sulfated tin oxide
and sulfated zirconia, it is expected that these materials may show
stronger Brønsted acidity as compared to sulfated titania.
While similar trends are noted across the materials in the hydroxyl
stretching region, significant differences could be seen in the sulfate
region of the spectra. In the case of sulfated zirconia (Fig. 3(b)) at room
temperature, the two broad peaks at approximately 1100 and 1250 cm-1
are ascribed to the asymmetric S-O-H stretch in hydrated bidentate
species [51,56,59,73] and the symmetric OSO stretch in bidentate
species [59], respectively. The latter shifts to 1295 cm-1 upon dehy-
dration. Some [33,74,75] have attributed the 1295 cm-1 peak to poly-
meric species (S2O7
2-), though there are no further peaks to directly
Fig. 2. Potential acidic sites on sulfated metal oxides, where M represents a metal site. Note that anchored sulfate structures are not necessarily limited to bidentate
Fig. 3. In situ DRIFTS for SO4
2-/ZrO2 (1.0 M) in two regions of interest: (a) hydroxyl region and (b) the sulfate region.
A. Zuber and G. Tsilomelekis
Applied Catalysis A, General 652 (2023) 119040
6support the presence of polymeric species. The peak at ~1400 cm-1 has
been associated with the SO stretch of polymeric species [51,55], but
the development of this peak upon heating is incongruent with that of
the 1295 band, which decreases with temperature. Similar can be said
regarding the 1295 cm-1 band in the case of sulfated titania and tin
oxides (Figs. 4(b) and 5(b), respectively).
In the case of sulfated zirconia, two peaks at 1364 and 1383 cm-1
were seen to develop upon heating, evidence of the symmetric and
asymmetric SO stretches of bidentate di-oxo species, respectively [51,
74,76]. These two peaks shift to even higher wavenumbers due to
dehydration, followed by the development of an asymmetric peak at
approximately 1400 cm-1, indicative of the SO stretch of tridentate
mono-oxo sulfate species [51,74,76]. The asymmetric character of this
band is indicative of the possible presence of both bidentate and
Fig. 4. In situ DRIFTS for SO4
2-/TiO2 (1.0 M) in two regions of interest: (a) hydroxyl region and (b) the sulfate region.
Fig. 5. In situ DRIFTS for SO4
2-/SnO2 (1.0 M) in two regions of interest: (a) hydroxyl region and (b) the sulfate region.
A. Zuber and G. Tsilomelekis
Applied Catalysis A, General 652 (2023) 119040
7tridentate configurations, with the latter to be the dominant. Appear-
ance of a peak at 1040 cm-1, corresponding to the asymmetric S-O
stretch of tridentate species [51,55], was further evidence of this
development of mono-oxo tridentate; the peak at 1217 cm-1, however,
pointed to the presence of some bidentate species [51,58], even at
elevated temperature. An analogous trend was further observed in the
case of sulfated titania (Fig. 4(b)), though to a lesser extent, indicating
that mono-oxo tridentate species are more probable to develop in
sulfated zirconia than in sulfated titania upon dehydration; no devel-
opment of tridentate species was noted in sulfated tin oxide (Fig. 5(b)).
The tendency of these materials to develop mono-oxo tridentate con-
figurations is expected to affect acidity, and thereby their activity for
tert-butylation of phenol.
Contrary to sulfated zirconia, sulfated titania displayed both hy-
drated bidentate and tridentate configurations at room temperature,
with the former evidenced by a peak at 1215 cm-1 [51,58] as well as an
asymmetric S-OH stretch of bidentate species at 1129 cm-1 [51]; a broad
peak at 928 cm-1 was indicative of tridentate species [51,55]. Sulfated
tin oxide, likewise, exhibited tridentate configurations at room tem-
perature via a peak at 956 cm-1 [51,55], with bidentate moieties indi-
cated by peaks at 1020, 1148, and 1285 cm-1, corresponding to the S-O
stretch of protonated bidentate [51,56,59], the asymmetric S-O stretch
of protonated bidentate [51,58], and the symmetric OSO stretch of
bidentate [33,47,59,74,77], respectively. As discussed previously, the
presence of protonated sulfate configurations on these materials at room
temperature are expected to contribute to an apparent enhancement of
Brønsted acidity.
3.2.2. DRIFTS: pyridine adsorption
Pyridine adsorption via DRIFTS is a complementary technique to
identify the nature of acidic sites on these materials and was thus carried
out for the sulfated metal oxides and their supports (Fig. 6). For these
experiments, the region between 1400 and 1700 wavenumbers provides
information regarding the νCC(N) modes of chemisorbed pyridine. In
titania and zirconia samples, the peaks observed at approximately 1445
and 1580 cm-1 correspond to the combined C-C stretching and in-plane
CH bending modes at a Lewis acid site [61,66,7880]. The former mode
was observed in tin oxide at 1451 cm-1, which may be attributed to the
weaker Lewis acidity in tin oxide samples. The 1490 cm-1 peak, shared
across all materials, corresponds to adsorbed pyridine on both Brønsted
and Lewis acid sites [61,66,80]. Peaks at ~1540 and 1640 cm-1 appear
in most of the materials, which is ascribed to the C-C stretching and
in-plane CH and NH bending modes of the pyridinium ion, corre-
sponding to Brønsted acid sites [34,61,66,7880]. Weak shoulders were
observed at approximately 1597 and 1610 cm-1 in titania and zirconia
samples, corresponding to hydrogen bonding with surface hydroxyl
groups (i.e. Brønsted acidity) [78] and the stretching characteristic of
pyridine bonded at a Lewis acid site, respectively [61,66,79,80]. In
general, the relative intensities of these peaks (Fig. S12) indicate that the
overall Lewis and Brønsted acidities in SO4
2-/ZrO2 and SO4
2-/TiO2 should
be greater than that of SO4
2-/SnO2. This observation is also consistent
with the TPD measurements presented in the next section.
3.3. Acid loading
Quantitative analysis of acid sites was conducted via temperature-
programmed desorption (TPD) of pyridine and 2,6-dimethylpyridine;
as seen in the previous section, pyridine serves as a probe molecule
for Brønsted and Lewis acid sites, while 2,6-dimethylpyridine selectively
probes for only Brønsted acid sites [81]. Figs. S13-S15 of the supporting
information show the full desorption profiles. All acidity measurements
are summarized in Table 2.
In reference to the distribution of acid sites, sulfated zirconia exhibits
augmented overall (Lewis & Brønsted) acidity and total Brønsted acidity
as compared to the other two sulfated metal oxides at any given level of
sulfation. Generally, in accordance with the pyridine adsorption study
via DRIFTS, the quantity of Lewis and Brønsted acid sites in sulfated
titania and sulfated zirconia exceeds that of sulfated tin oxide.
Furthermore, while sulfation was generally observed to enhance overall
Brønsted acidity in both sulfated zirconia and sulfated tin oxide, sulfa-
tion of titania resulted in less overall Brønsted acidity as compared to the
bare titania support.
Comparing the 2,6-dimethylpyridine TPD of titania and that of the
varying sulfated titania samples (Fig. S14(b),(d),(f), and (h)), sulfation
of the support was seen to afford a significant increase in moderate to
strong Brønsted acidity. However, strong Brønsted acidity was observed
to decrease with increasing sulfation, until there were few, if any, strong
Brønsted acid sites at 1.0 M sulfation; similar trends have been reported
elsewhere [66]. In the case of zirconia (Fig. S13(b),(d),(f), and (h)),
sulfation resulted in significant augmentation of moderate Brønsted
acidity between 250 and 450 C, as well as enhanced strong Brønsted
acidity. However, strong Brønsted acidity was observed to decrease with
Fig. 6. DRIFTS spectra of (a) ZrO2, (b) TiO2, and (c) SnO2 supports along with their respective sulfated counterparts after pyridine adsorption at 25 C.
A. Zuber and G. Tsilomelekis
Applied Catalysis A, General 652 (2023) 119040
8increasing sulfation, until two distinct peaks were seen at ~510 and
590 C for sulfated zirconia at 1.0 M sulfation (Fig. S13(h)). For tin
oxide and its sulfated conjugates (Fig. S15(b),(d),(f), and (h)), no
development of moderate Brønsted acidity was noticed, but a strong
Brønsted acid peak evolved between 520 and 560 C; as before, this peak
decreased in strength with increasing sulfation, though strong Brønsted
acidity was still distinguishable at approximately 520 C at 1.0 M sul-
fation (Fig. S15(h)). The observation of strong Brønsted acidity in 1.0 M
sulfated tin oxide and sulfated zirconia as compared to sulfated titania
correlates well with the findings of the DRIFTS study. Next, we discuss
the catalytic performance of all materials evaluated in this work in
response of their acidic properties that highlighted in the preceding
3.4. Catalytic evaluation of sulfated metal oxides for tert-butylation of
As has been reported in the literature, under the reaction conditions
evaluated in this study, tert-butylation of phenol will compete with the
dehydration of tert-butyl alcohol that produces isobutylene. The latter
reaction can directly be influenced by the amount as well as strength of
Brønsted acids, while the former, as mentioned above, can be affected by
both Brønsted and Lewis acidity. In addition, phenol alkylation can
proceed with isobutylene as the alkylating agent under the same reac-
tion conditions, thus highlighting the complex nature of the reaction
network. Consequently, controlling the selectivity of alkylated products
remains a challenge.
The catalytic evaluation of the bare and sulfated metal oxides was
conducted to investigate the effect of sulfation on activity and relevant
results are shown in Fig. 7. The temperature was set to 120 C and
comparison is made at fixed reaction time of 4 h. Significant differences
in TBA conversion and product selectivity were noted between SO4
ZrO2 (Fig. 7a), SO4
2-/TiO2 (Fig. 7b) and SO4
2-/SnO2 (Fig. 7c). In the case of
zirconia samples, upon sulfation at 0.1 M and 0.5 M, a 30% increase in
the conversion of TBA was observed; a gradual improvement on the total
yield of mono-alkylated products was also observed at the expense of the
TBPE. Further increase of sulfation (1.0 M) resulted in a small increase
in conversion as compared to the bare support. The observed behavior in
the ZrO2 samples follows the overall trend of the total Brønsted acid
concentration reported in Table 2. However, it should be mentioned that
the dominant crystalline phase in bare ZrO2 was the monoclinic phase
while all of its sulfated counterparts were principally in the tetragonal
phase, and as such, catalytic changes due to crystallinity cannot be fully
Contrary to the ZrO2 samples, the effect of sulfation on the catalytic
performance was highly pronounced in sulfated titania as compared to
bare titania (Fig. 7b). The conversion of TBA on the TiO2 support was
30%, producing only the ether product. Although the total acidity of
TiO2 was found to be similar to some of the sulfated ZrO2 materials, the
strength of Brønsted acid sites in bare TiO2 is very weak, as was
remarked by the desorption peak between 150 and 250 C shown in
Fig. S14(b). Upon sulfation, an increase to 65% conversion was observed
followed by a significant increase of mono-alkylated products. It is
important to highlight that although the overall conversion and product
distribution of mono-alkylated products is similar among the SO4
samples, an increase ~20% in carbon yield was observed for the ma-
terial with highest sulfation, i.e. 1.0 M. This increase was accompanied
by curtailed TBPE production. Considering that the conversion of all
2-/TiO2 catalysts was similar, this increase in the carbon yield of
mono-alkylated products may arise from direct alkylation of phenol by
isobutylene (formed via TBA dehydration).
The bare SnO2 support showed high conversion (~70%) with good
selectivity to mono-alkylated products. TBPE was observed with a
selectivity of 10% over the alkylated products. This activity of the
unsulfated SnO2 may arise from the large amount of surface Sn-OH sites,
as shown earlier in the FTIR results. Upon sulfation with 0.1 M and
0.5 M, interestingly, the conversion dropped to 40% and the product
selectivity shifted primarily to the ether product. Further increase in the
sulfation to 1.0 M resulted in 90% TBA conversion with almost exclusive
formation of mono-alkylated products. Minor formation of 2,4-TBP was
observed, which is indicative of excessive alkylation. The highly sulfated
SnO2 catalyst showed the highest carbon yield to mono-alkylated
products. The changes in catalytic behavior between sulfated SnO2
samples can partially be attributed to the differences between the
observed strength of acid sites (see Fig. S15). It was observed that with
low to moderate sulfation, larger amount of stronger acid sites was
Table 2
Acid site concentrations for each sulfated material and their respective supports.
Catalyst Sulfation
Total Acid
Brønsted Acid
Sites (mmol/
Lewis Acid
ZrO2 0.204 0.119 0.085 0.714
0.1 0.592 0.305 0.287 0.941
0.5 0.720 0.349 0.371 1.06
1.0 0.432 0.233 0.199 0.854
TiO2 0.440 0.204 0.236 1.16
0.1 0.537 0.218 0.319 1.46
0.5 0.483 0.192 0.291 1.52
1.0 0.361 0.139 0.222 1.60
SnO2 0.284 0.101 0.183 1.81
0.1 0.165 0.109 0.056 0.514
0.5 0.201 0.124 0.077 0.621
1.0 0.239 0.158 0.081 0.513
Fig. 7. Initial screening of metal oxide and sulfated metal oxide catalysts for tert-butylation of phenol with product selectivity relative to only alkylated products for
(a) SO4
2-/ZrO2, (b) SO4
2-/TiO2 and (c) SO4
2-/SnO2. Reaction conditions: t = 4 h, T = 120 C, catalyst loading = 3.0 wt%, TBA:phenol molar ratio = 1:10.
A. Zuber and G. Tsilomelekis
Applied Catalysis A, General 652 (2023) 119040
9found by comparing the TPD area between 500 and 650 C. It has been
previously shown that large amount of strong Brønsted acid may cause
dealkylation, thus driving the reaction to the opposite direction. How-
ever, by comparing the FTIR spectra of the sulfated SnO2 samples in
Fig. 5, S10, and S11, a clear transition is observed between the
1357 cm 1 and 1388 cm 1 peaks (stretching vibration of SO) from
low (0.1 M) to high (1 M) sulfation, indicative of changes in the distri-
bution of bidentate and tridentate species, thereby influencing the na-
ture of acidic centers. Such changes in the local structure of active sites
can affect catalytic reactivity by altering the distribution of Lewis and
Brønsted acids as well as the adsorption and desorption behavior of the
It is, however, also important to mention that TBA does not only
convert to alkylated products. A mole balance on the consumed TBA
reveals that a significant portion of overall product selectivity is not
accounted for by alkylated products alone. This is attributed to the
production of undesired IBE gas from the dehydration of TBA, as illus-
trated in Fig. S16; high yields of IBE are expected due to thermodynamic
equilibrium from the dehydration of TBA [82].
Although tert-butylation of phenol with TBA is catalyzed by Brønsted
acidity, when comparing the TPD data with the reactivity trends above,
overall Brønsted acidity alone does not fully justify activity. In addition,
acid site density, as normalized by the surface area, cannot account for
the enhanced reactivity observed in some sulfated materials. The nature
as well as distribution of Lewis and Brønsted acidity has however been
reported to affect catalytic performance [6,34,66]. Fig. 8 illustrates the
rate of TBA.
consumption normalized by the total Brønsted acidity (from TPD
measurements) as a function of the Lewis-to-Brønsted acid (L/B) ratio. It
was found that an initial increase in the L/B ratio hinders alkylation at
Brønsted acid sites. However, further increase of Lewis acid sites relative
to overall Brønsted acidity results in an increase in activity. To the best
of our knowledge, this type of inverse volcano reactivity trend has not
been reported in the past for this reaction. Considering the excess of
phenol under the selected reaction conditions (solvent-free), one can
assume that the catalytic surface will be saturated by phenol. Phenol has
been previously shown to be adsorbed on both Brønsted and Lewis acids
[8385]. In addition, it has been suggested that Fe3+ Lewis acid centers
may strengthen adjacent Brønsted acid sites [86].
Characteristic desorption temperatures for each catalyst were
determined by temperature-programmed desorption of pyridine via
DRIFTS (Figs. S17-S19). The molecular structure of pyridine is similar to
phenol, and thus its adsorption behavior is expected to be akin to that of
phenol [8789]. Interpolation of the behavior of the band at approxi-
mately 1450 wavenumbers (corresponding to Lewis acidity) resulted in
an approximate desorption temperature representative for each mate-
rial. Thereafter, it was observed that correlation of pyridine desorption
temperature with the L/B ratio produced a volcano trend (Fig. 8(b)).
This highlights that optimal pyridine adsorption occurs at L/B of
approximately 1.2, whereas pyridine adsorption is weaker in catalysts at
low and high L/B ratios.
In general, phenol adsorption can occur via three types of bonding:
(1) hydrogen bonding at a Brønsted site, (2) interaction between the
phenolic hydroxyl and a Lewis site, and (3) interaction between the
catalyst and the aromatic ring electrons. In consideration of these re-
sults, it may be hypothesized that enhanced phenol adsorption occurs at
L/B of ~1.2 by way of these modes of adsorption, whereas some of these
interactions may not be possible at high and low L/B; the strength of
these adsorption modes may also be enhanced for L/B close to 1.
Regardless, given that the trend in Fig. 8(b) is inverse of that in Fig. 8(a),
Fig. 8. (a) Reaction rate (normalized by Brønsted acidity) as a function of the Lewis-to-Brønsted acid site ratio in each material. Rate = (total converted TBA) / [
(total Brønsted acidity) (time)]. (b) Pyridine desorption temperature (as determined by interpolation from pyridine TPD-DRIFTS) as a function of Lewis-to-Brønsted
acid site ratio in each material. Reaction rate as a function of pyridine desorption temperature in (c) tin oxide materials, (d) titania materials and, (e) zirco-
nia materials.
A. Zuber and G. Tsilomelekis
Applied Catalysis A, General 652 (2023) 119040
10it can be proposed that there is an inherent relationship between reac-
tion rate and desorption temperature (Fig. 8(c)-(e)). The evident
monotonic decrease of reaction rate with increasing desorption tem-
perature implies that weak phenol adsorption is necessary to achieve
high reaction rates for the tert-butylation of phenol under these condi-
tions. These analyses also suggest that Lewis acid sites have a significant
role in phenol adsorption, thus resolving the apparent correlation be-
tween reaction rate and L/B ratio. Of note, Zhang et al. [16] observed a
positive correlation between pyridine desorption temperature in highly
acidic zeolitic materials and phenol conversion in the tert-butylation of
phenol (though under significantly variant reaction conditions to those
of this study) to highlight that strong acid sites are necessary to achieve
high phenol conversion and 2,4-TBP selectivity.
We believe that the observed trends in Fig. 8 highlight a potential
synergistic effect of a) phenol adsorption on Lewis acids sites with b)
strength of Brønsted acid centers. However, to fully disentangle and
quantitate such effects requires future research endeavors that aim to
couple thorough kinetic analysis with adsorption studies via spectro-
scopic techniques. Such efforts can unravel possible competing reaction
pathways and ultimately shed light on the underlying mechanism of
phenol alkylation with TBA.
4. Conclusion
Several solid superacid metal oxide catalysts were used in the
solvent-free tert-butylation of phenol to determine their effectiveness in
industrially relevant conditions. The tert-butylation of phenol at 120 C
was carried out with these materials at varying levels of sulfation, with
significant production of the mono-alkylated isomers (2- and 4-TBP).
Amongst the catalysts used herein, sulfated TiO2 and SnO2 exhibited
enhanced reactivity. Spectroscopic analysis of the sulfate species bound
on the support surface revealed that both tridentate and protonated
bidentate configurations may be anchored while their relative distri-
bution is support specific. This distribution in the molecular structure of
the surface species is hypothesized that can alter the distribution of
Lewis and Brønsted acid centers. Analysis of the catalytic performance
data along with results from the TPD of pyridine and 2,6-dimethylpyri-
dine showed a correlation between overall activity and the relative ratio
of Lewis and Brønsted acids.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Adam Zuber: Conceptualization, Methodology, Experimentation,
Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing original draft,
Writing review & editing, Project administration. George Tsilome-
lekis: Conceptualization, Resources, Writing review & editing, Su-
pervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
Data Availability
Data will be made available on request.
This work was supported by funding provided by Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey and the American Chemical Society Petroleum
Research Fund (Doctoral New Investigator Award 58542-DNI5). The
authors would further like to thank Aditya Khandare for contributing to
development of the methodology for gas chromatography and initial
kinetic screening, as well as Thu Nguyen and Chenfeng Huang for aiding
in design and construct of the TPD system. Recognition is also due to Dr.
Tewodros Asefa and Maricely Ramírez-Hern ́andez for providing the BET
Appendix A. Supporting information
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
online version at doi:10.1016/j.apcata.2023.119040.
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