Catalysis Database

Critical Role of Tricyclic Bridges Including Neighboring Rings for Understanding Raman Spectra of Zeolites

Tongkun Wang,, Wang and Song, Luo and Geoffrey A., Tompsett and Michael T., Tinko and Wei ,, Fan and Scott M. Auerbach, Auerbach (2020) Critical Role of Tricyclic Bridges Including Neighboring Rings for Understanding Raman Spectra of Zeolites. [Teaching Resource]

[img] MS PowerPoint


this is a seminar presentation of a paper in JACS

Item Type:Teaching Resource
Subjects:Q Science > QD Chemistry
ID Code:3374
Deposited By: Prof Viswanathan B
Deposited On:07 Feb 2020 08:32
Last Modified:07 Feb 2020 08:32

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