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A comprehensive evaluation of energy storage options for better sustainability
International Journal of Energy Research , 2018
Canan Acar
A comprehensive evaluation of energy storage options forbetter sustainability 
Canan Acar
Faculty of Engineering and NaturalSciences, Bahcesehir University, Ç
anCaddesi No: 4
6 34353 Be
, Istanbul,Turkey 
Canan Acar, Faculty of Engineering andNatural Sciences, Bahcesehir University,Ç
an Caddesi No: 4
6 34353 Be
,Istanbul, Turkey.Email:
Due to ever increasing global energy demand and the limited nature of fossilfuel reserves, there has been tremendous research and development studiesin the literature, focusing on alternative and clean energy resources and sys-tems. Renewables are the promising choice when it comes to addressing somecritical energy issues such as climate change and energy security. However,renewables have intermittent and discontinuous supplies; hence, they needto be stored in ways that are affordable, reliable, flexible, clean, safe, and effi-cient. As a result, energy storage is becoming a crucial step to build innovativeenergy systems for a sustainable future. Energy can be stored in many forms,from electrical to chemical (eg, hydrogen), or electrochemical, thermal, electro-magnetic, etc. Each form consists of different technologies, some of which arealready commercially mature while others are at early research and develop-ment stages. Each of these options can be tailored to meet different end users
needs at different scales. Therefore, this study aims to conduct a comprehen-sive review on the most recent status of energy storage options, along withthe requirements of various end users, and characteristics of smart energy stor-age systems. The main objective is to summarize the performance evaluationstatuses of mechanical, electrochemical, chemical, thermal, and electromag-netic energy storage technologies. The selected performance measures arecapacity flexibility, energy arbitrage, system balancing, congestion manage-ment, environmental impact, and power quality. In the end, some key recom-mendations and future directions for energy storage systems are provided.
batteries, electricity, energy storage, hydrogen, renewables, sustainability 
Increasing world population and rise in standards of liv-ing have been the 2 reasons behind ever growing globalenergy demand. So far, this demand has heavily beenmet by burning fossil fuels. However, their limited andnonhomogeneous reserves, climate change concerns,and energy security concerns have shifted the attentiontowards alternative energy sources and systems, such asrenewables. Although they have tremendous advantagesin terms of energy security and environmental impact,renewables are not continuous supplies of energy,
 CAES, Compressed air energy storage; CTES,Cold thermal energy storage; SMES, Superconducting magnetic energy storage; UPS, Uninterrupted power supply 
Received: 12 March 2018 Revised: 18 April 2018 Accepted: 18 April 2018DOI: 10.1002/er.4102
 Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
 Int J Energy Res
. 2018;
therefore, they need to be stored in reliable, safe, effec-tive, and environmentally benign ways for a sustainablefuture.
In the literature, there are many studies focusing onsmart energy systems for a sustainable future, and it is widely accepted that these systems require a variety of energy storage options designed to meet different enduse requirements. In traditional electricity generationand distribution systems, the challenge is to precisely adjust the supply to meet the fluctuating demand. Theexcess energy is usually converted to different forms otherthan electricity such as potential, kinetic, and chemical.The aim of this approach is to bridge the gap betweensupply and demand when there is a mismatch betweenthem.
In the literature, there is an increasing amount of studies on energy storage systems. For instance, Sugimotoand Mochizuki
have provided detailed information oninorganic nanomaterials and their utilization as energy storage systems. Zakeri and Syri
have conducted lifecycle cost analysis of electrical energy storage systems.Luo et al
have overviewed the most recent status andfuture research directions of electrical energy storage sys-tems and their potential applications in power systems
operation. Sternberg and Bardow 
have performed envi-ronmental assessment of energy storage systems with anaim of finding the
most green
 energy storage alterna-tive. Balali et al
have reviewed the environmental, eco-nomic, and material developments of several energy storage systems for the wide deployment of solar and wind energy.Energy storage systems can be classified based on various criteria. One classification method is based onthe type of stored energy: such as mechanical, electro-chemical, chemical, thermal, and electromagnetic. Inmechanical energy storage systems, energy is usuallstored in potential or kinetic energy form. Rodriguezet al
have investigated heat generation from mechanicalenergy storage metal
organic frameworks and how toeliminate the potential problems related to theoverheating of the storage medium. Hameer andNiekerk
have reviewed mechanical energy storagesystems for large
scale electrical energy storage.Steinmann
has provided an overview of thermo
mechanical concepts for bulk energy storage. Amiranteet al
have overviewed recent developments in energy storage with a focus on mechanical, electrochemical,and hydrogen technologies.Electrochemical energy storage is one of the mosthighly studied methods in the literature due to growingattention on batteries. Kundu et al
have focused onthe emerging chemistry of sodium ion batteries for elec-trochemical energy storage. Lin et al
have studiednitrogen
doped mesoporous carbon of extraordinarcapacitance for electrochemical energy storage with anaim to develop highly efficient batteries. Augustynet al
have investigated pseudocapacitive oxide materialsfor high
rate electrochemical energy storage. Xia et al
have examined metal
organic frameworks and theirderived nanostructures for sustainable electrochemicalenergy storage and conversion. Mao et al
have reviewedgraphene
based materials for flexible electrochemicalenergy storage.Chemical energy storage systems contain a broadrange of materials and methods. In general, chemicalenergy storage medium is referred as a
 Hydrogen,ammonia, and methane are some of the most commonchemical energy storage materials. In the literature, thereis growing attention on hydrogen, especially with evolv-ing technologies related to fuel cells and novel hydrogenproduction methods. Hydrogen has a broad range of applications from stationary to mobile and transporta-tion. As a matter of fact, hydrogen has been consideredfor aviation applications and be the key to sustainableaviation.
Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of energy and material sources in a sustainable manner. Inthe literature, there are various studies on efficient solarhydrogen generation
and hydrogen production from wastewaters.
Together with hydrogen, ammonia is seenas an efficient storage medium for renewable energy resources.
Despite its carbon content, methane alsohas a potential to be a part of sustainable chemical energy storage systems.
Thermal energy storage systems can be grouped into 2based on latent or sensible heat storage. Pielichowska andPielichowski
have reviewed phase
change materials forthermal energy storage. Ji et al
have enhanced thermalconductivity of phase
change materials with ultrathin
graphite foams for efficient thermal energy storage.Zhang et al
have provided an overview of the recentdevelopments and practical aspects of thermal energstorage systems. Sharma et al
have investigated devel-opments in organic phase
change materials and theirapplications in sustainable thermal energy storage sys-tems. Joseph et al
have conducted characterizationand real
time testing of phase
change materials for solarthermal energy storage.Compared with some conventional energy storagesystems such as mechanical energy storage, electromag-netic energy storage is relatively new, but there is increas-ing attention in the literature on these systems. Zhao andZhang
have studied electromagnetic energy storage andpower dissipation in nanostructures. Vulusala et al
havereviewed application of superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) in electrical power and energy systems.Saadatnia et al
have conducted modeling and
performance analysis of duck
shaped triboelectric andelectromagnetic generators for water wave energy harvesting.In the literature, there are several studies reviewingenergy storage technologies for specific applications (suchas for power networks) or scales (such as grid
scale), aspecific type of energy (such as wind), or only for thermalor electrical energy storage. In this study, it is aimed tocomparatively assess performances of a wide variety of energy storage systems (including chemical and thermalenergy storage to electrical energy storage systems) by taking 11 different criteria into account. The ultimategoal of this study is to provide a comprehensive resourcefor researchers, industry, and policy makers on potentialimprovement potentials of each energy storage method.The main motivation behind this study is the need toprovide a comprehensive review and investigation onenergy storage systems, which could potentially guideresearchers, policy makers, different industries, andenergy market customers. In the literature, there is a lackof studies focusing on a complete technical, environmen-tal, energetic, and economic evaluation of energy storagesystems. Therefore, in this study, the primary goal is toconduct a performance investigation of some key energy storage technologies, which are mechanical, electrochem-ical, chemical, thermal, and electromagnetic energy stor-age technologies. Specific energy, energy density, specificpower, power density, efficiency, lifespan, self 
dischargerate, energy capital cost, power capital cost, and environ-mental impact are the performance measures to evaluatethe current status of the energy storage systems. In theend, several recommendations and future directions areprovided for the quality and end use enhancement of energy storage technologies.
There are many different energy storage systems in theliterature, including mechanical, chemical, electrochemi-cal, thermal, and electromagnetic energy storage. Each of these systems are capable of meeting different end users
energy demands, which make them have different char-acteristics. Figure 1 shows the general expectations fromenergy storage systems.In Figure 1, high storage capacities mean high volu-metric (eg, kWh/L) and gravimetric (eg, kWh/kg) densi-ties. Cost of an energy storage system includes capital,fuel, and operations and maintenance costs, therefore,all of these items should be as low as possible in a desir-able energy storage system. Adaptability indicates effec-tive operation under situations where input and outputdemand rates are varying. High efficiency also meanslow heat generation and/or heat loss in energy storagesystems. And finally, better environmental performancerequires less (or zero) negative impact on the environ-ment (ie, benign to land, water, and air).In reality, energy storage systems have diverse charac-teristics, and there are additional expectations from eachone of them, depending on different end user require-ments. However, they all are employed together to pro- vide reliable, affordable, safe, efficient, and clean energy  when the supply and demand do not meet each other.Many of the characteristics of energy storage systemsare similar to traditional energy generation systems. Onthe other hand, they have some additional attributes, which make energy systems more complex. The mostnoticeable example to this is that energy storage systemsare considered to be a part of both production (system)and end use (service) part of overall energy systems.Therefore, they might be treated as generators and systemload at the same time.Unlike energy production systems (except hydro-power plants), energy generation from the storage systemis for a limited period. This means that in energy storagesystems, the highest (peak) generation can be sustainedfor a defined period depending on the amount of energy formerly stored in the systems. In addition, most of theenergy storage systems have cycling limits on top of thelimited power generation capacities. However, despitetheir challenges, energy storage systems have the signifi-cant advantage of meeting energy demands when thereis no or limited supply. Along with this major benefit,their additional environmental, economic, and technicalbenefits make them necessary and fundamental in energy systems. Figure 2 shows the criteria to evaluate whendesigning (or choosing) an appropriate energy storagesystem.Figure 2 shows some very important criteria to con-sider when designing (or choosing) an appropriate energy storage system. For instance, if a system has high charg-ing and discharging power ratings but a low storagecapacity (eg, can be an energy supply for couple of hours),it might be a good choice for quick and short emergency 
 General expectations from energy storage systems[Colour figure can be viewed at]
situations, power banks, etc, but not for seasonal energy storage. Another example is that a system with low capi-tal cost and high operating cost would be a better fit forshort
term energy storage (eg, peak demand and emer-gency situations) needs. On the other hand, a system withhigh capital and low operating costs is better suited forlong
term energy needs such as seasonal storage. There-fore, it can be said that the criteria listed in Figure 2 isused for determining what kind of a task an energy stor-age system would be the most appropriate choice.In addition to the criteria presented in Figure 2, thereare some other important elements, for instance,response speed, black start capability, flexible capacity,congestion management, and power quality. When anenergy storage system is being selected and/or designedfor a specific need, these additional criteria are alsoimportant to take into account. For instance, duringemergencies (eg, earthquakes and disease outbreaks),emergency response and congestion management couldbecome more important than the flexible capacity.Figure 3 shows critical distinctive aspects to take intoaccount when selecting an appropriate energy storagetechnology.The critical aspects shown in Figure 3 are also impor-tant when selecting an energy storage technology for atraditional power plant. For instance, energy storage sys-tems with rapid response times and short dischargeperiods could be useful in applications related to powersystem stability.Energy arbitrage is one of the tremendous advantagesof energy storage systems compared with using energy generation systems alone. Energy storage systems can beused to store electrical (or thermal) energy when the mar-ket prices are low, and this stored energy can be usedand/or sold when the prices are higher (eg, pumpedhydro storage). Cold thermal storage, for instance, takesadvantage of low electricity prices at night to store the
 which automatically reduces the system load (ie,compressor and cooler) during peak times. Anotheradvantage of using storage systems along with energy generation technologies is the nature of renewable energy supplies. With energy storage systems, the mismatchbetween fluctuating renewable supplies and demandcan be eliminated, which provides stability to both gener-ation and load.Benefits of energy storage systems are shown inFigure 4. It should be noted that most of the energy stor-age systems are not capable of providing all these benefitstogether. For instance, flywheels and supercapacitors areresponding very fast to changes in supply and demand.However, currently, they are not as affordable as other
 Criteria to evaluate the performance of an energy storage system [Colour figure can be viewed at]
 Critical distinctive aspects to take into account whenselecting an appropriate energy storage technology [Colour figurecan be viewed at]
storage options in terms of energy arbitrage. These sys-tems are also not capable of meeting the multihour peakenergy requirements.One of the challenges of energy systems is the fluctu-ations on the demand side. End users require reliableenergy supply at all times, including the peak demand, which forces energy suppliers to find additional energy resources. In some cases, peak demand happens verrarely such as couple of hours per year, and it is very costly to meet this demand via additional power genera-tion capacity. In such cases, energy storage offers theadvantage of flexible capacity and meet the peak demand without being an extra load on the generation side.Energy storage systems do not only have the advantageof meeting the peak demand. Its flexible capacity allowsthe generation side work on a steady (optimum perfor-mance) state while the storage system bridges the gapbetween supply and demand instantaneously. Flexiblecapacity is also key to renewable energy systems sincerenewable supplies are not continuous (eg, wind andsunny/cloudy days), and the peak demand and supply times generally do not happen at the same time (eg, peakdemand occurs in the evening when there is no sun).Therefore, efficient, reliable, affordable, safe, and cleantechnologies are needed to store renewable energy sources.Energy storage systems have additional advantages onthe end users
 side. For instance, with energy storage sys-tems, the end users are less affected by the peak demandcharges, and they have access to high quality backuppower at all times, which are significant economic advan-tages from customers
 perspective. In addition, withenergy storage systems, the peak demand pressure andtransmission and distribution losses are minimized andmight be eliminated. Therefore, flexible capacity can beconsidered as a main advantage of energy systems andthis benefit could accelerate the development and deploy-ment of novel energy storage systems in the entire energy supply 
demand chain.Currently, energy arbitrage benefits of storage systemsis mostly accomplished via pumped storage. In pumpedstorage, bulk quantities of energy is shifted from low tohigh price hours and vice versa. Together with flexiblecapacity, energy arbitrage have been seen as the key eco-nomic advantages of energy storage systems.Reliable operation of the entire energy supply chain(including 3S: source
service) requires effectivesystem balancing. System balancing can be accomplished via a variety of ancillary services to ensure:
 Effective energy transmission from source to service(load)
 Reliable and safe operation
 Uninterrupted service to end users (customers)
 Balanced supply and demand
 Adequate contingency (or emergency) reserves
 Stability of the entire network
 Black start capability Stability of the entire energy supply 
demand chain isessential, and it means the ability to quickly restoresteady (optimum) operation after a disruption (such asan outage) without damaging the system any further.Energy storage systems could provide reliable supply insuch times when the conventional energy generation sys-tems are slow to respond to system disturbances. This isespecially critical in isolated locations where the central,large, and traditional facilities might not effectively respond to disturbances and bring back to stable opera-tion quickly. Therefore, energy storage systems are essen-tial to ensure stability of the entire energy supply anddemand networks. Another critical requirement for sys-tem stability is black start capability, which is importantduring recovery from any disturbances or disruptions.Black start capability means that an energy generator(or supply) can start its operation without any stationary power requirements. Currently, most of the energy gener-ators need stationary power to start up. However, energy storage systems could ensure the black start capability ina reliable and effective manner.Most of the power plants are placed far away fromhigh population, heavy demand points. As a result, high
 Important benefits of energy storage systems [Colourfigure can be viewed at]
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