Catalysis Database

Survey of Global Warming Mitigation over Selective Catalytic Activities by Chemical and Biological aspects

Srinivasan Hariharan, Hariharan and Craig D, Williams and B, Viswanathan (2015) Survey of Global Warming Mitigation over Selective Catalytic Activities by Chemical and Biological aspects. NCCR internal Bulletin . (Unpublished)

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The CO2 and NOx emission have to be controlled within defined limits in the environment for the sake of health of living beings. These emissions are causing climate changes, especially, global warming and hence these gases are usually termed as greenhous gases (GHG). Modern technologies such as electro-, photo-, and metal supported porous catalysts are being employed to limit these emissions in the environment. These techniques have been commonly adopted to deplete CO2 and NOx emissions by physicochemical adsorbtion or absorption methods. These techniques effectively converted emissions into valuable and renewable products. In this perspective, carbon capture technology is promising to reduce CO2 into methane and ethylene. Electro- and photo- chemical methods have been adopted for the separation and sequestration of CO2 emissions. On the other hand, NOx reduction is somewhat more critical than COx emissions, but they are also effectively mitigated using selective catalytic reduction (SCR). Moreover, these technologies concentrate on reduction of emissions through cost and waste minimization, producing possibly recoverable and cleaner resources. In this presentation, the basic efforts on CO2 and NOx gas mitigation over selective technologies and their regeneration into lessening detrimental products are considered. The other possible chemical synthesis routes are also included.

Item Type:Article
ID Code:2446
Deposited By: Prof Balasubramanian Viswanathan
Deposited On:10 Feb 2015 05:46
Last Modified:21 Apr 2019 04:13

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