Catalysis Database

Hydrogen Storage Possibilities in Carbon Materials

B, Viswanathan and A, Ariharan (2014) Hydrogen Storage Possibilities in Carbon Materials. SMC Bulletin .

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Reported results on hydrogen storage in carbon materials have been a subject of controversy. The central point of this controversy is the storage capacity and also the activation centres in equipotential carbon surfaces. Incorporation of hetero atoms like B, N, P, and S in carbon lattice can possibly provide the necessary centres for the activation of hydrogen in either dissociated or quasi molecular form with increased bond length. The proposed model may account for the predicted storage capacity and can possibly direct towards the design materials for this purpose.

Item Type:Article
ID Code:2433
Deposited By: Prof Balasubramanian Viswanathan
Deposited On:01 Feb 2015 06:05
Last Modified:09 Feb 2015 07:54

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