Catalysis Database

Degradation of P-Rosaniline hydrochloride using a novel nano-sized photo catalyst BaWO4 - An Aid to Environmental Remediation

Ankita vijay, Shamta Nihalani, Nupur Tripathi and Shipra Bhardwaj, Vijay and Shamta, Nihalani and Nupur , Tripathi and Shipra , Bhardway (2013) Degradation of P-Rosaniline hydrochloride using a novel nano-sized photo catalyst BaWO4 - An Aid to Environmental Remediation. Bulletin of the Catalysis Society of India . (In Press)

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this is a paper to be published in Bulletin of the catalysis society of India

Item Type:Article
Subjects:Q Science > QD Chemistry
ID Code:2256
Deposited By: Prof Balasubramanian Viswanathan
Deposited On:12 Mar 2013 06:28
Last Modified:18 Apr 2019 05:31

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