Book Details |

Heterogeneous Catalysis Chakrabarty,
D. K. , Formerly
Professor Emeritus, IIT, Mumbai. Viswanathan,
B. , HOD of National
Center for Catalysis Research, Deptt. of Chemistry,
Indian Instt. of Tech., Madras. |
978-81-224-2197-2 Publication Year : Sep, 2007 Edition : 1st Reprint
: Pages : 328 Price :
Rs. 295 Binding : Paperback |
About the
Book: |
Catalysis is a subject of great industrial importance.
Almost eighty per cent of the heavy chemicals are
produced by employing heterogeneous catalysts at some
stage or other. This is why it has become necessary to
introduce the subject in the Master?s programmes in
Chemistry and Chemical Technology. Excellent monographs
have been written by leading experts with great insight
and these are very useful to research workers in this
field. However, there are only a few that can serve as
textbook. It is hoped the present book will serve that
Adsorption phenomenon has been
considered in the chapters 1-3 and 5. They cover
adsorption isotherms and energetics of adsorption both
for homogeneous and heterogeneous surfaces. Both
physical adsorption and chemisorption have been
considered. Chapter 6 gives some general principles of
catalysis and Chapter 7-9 present catalysis by metals,
semiconductors and acidic solids including
zeolites and clays. Chapter 10 presents mechanism of
some selected reactions. Catalyst texture (surface area,
porosity) has been discussed in Chapter 4. Chapters
12-15 are dedicated to catalyst characterization that
include infrared and Raman spectroscopy, thermal
methods, ESCA and Auger methods as well as NMR, EPR and
Mössbauer spectroscopic methods. The last two chapters
of the book are dedicated to catalysts preparation and
the role of diffusion in heterogeneous
This book is for sale in India,
Maldives, Bhutan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal
and Myanmar Only
About the
Author: |
Dipak Kumar
Chakrabarty joined the Indian Institute of
Technology, Mumbai as early as 1967 where he has spent
his entire professional life to retire in 1997. In
recognition to his service, the Institute in 2002
conferred on him the title Professor Emeritus. His
research work was mostly in the areas of Solid State
Chemistry and Heterogeneous Catalysis. He is the author
of many research papers and several books in these
areas. He has also contributed to several monographs. He
has visited and lectured at many universities in India
and abroad. Now he spends his time teaching at different
B. Viswanathan, Head of
National Center for Catalysis Research, Department of
Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras is a
renowned scientist and a distinguished teacher. His
research contributions are enormous in the fields of
heterogeneous catalysis, materials science, theoretical
chemistry, energy, nanotechnology and information
science. He has published research papers and books, won
several awards and number of fellowships at both
national and international levels.
Contents: |
- What is Adsorption
- Adsorption Isotherm
- Adsorption Energetics
- Catalyst Texture
- Chemisorption
- Catalysis?General Principles
- Theory of Catalysis by Metals
- Catalysis by Semiconductors
- Catalysis by Acidic Solids
- Mechanism of Some Reactions
- Surface Structure
- Infrared, Raman and EELS
- Thermal Methods
- Electron Spectroscopy
- NMR, EPR and Nuclear Resonance
- Preparation of Catalysts
- Role of Diffusion
Audience: |
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